
  1. 《局外人》是加缪荒诞哲学的文学表现。

    The Stranger is Camus 's literary expression of preposterous philosophy .

  2. 加缪的荒诞哲学给了我们一个独特的思考方式。

    A special answer was given by Albert Camus from his thought of fantastic philosophy .

  3. 他们相互阐释,相辅相成,完美地体现了荒诞哲学的基本思想。

    They explain and complement each other , reflecting the basic idea of fantastic philosophy perfectly .

  4. 他的荒诞哲学对西方现当代的哲学影响很大。

    Camus ' thought of fantastic philosophy had influenced on the contemporary philosophy field in the west .

  5. 在此意义上,加缪的荒诞哲学构成了对他这部小说的潜在批判。

    In this sense , Camus ' philosophy of absurdity is an implicit criticism of his own fiction .

  6. 加缪的文学创作伴随其荒诞哲学的形成与发展,根据主题可大致分为三种。

    Camus ' literary writing , according to the founding and development of his Absurd Philosophy and according to the Themes , may be divided into three parts .

  7. 值得注意的是,贝娄在小说《雨王汉德森》中的探索在法国著名哲学家加缪的荒诞哲学中找到了理论支持。

    What merits our attention is that Bellow 's exploration in the novel Henderson the Rain King finds philosophical support in French philosopher Albert Camus ' philosophy of absurdity .

  8. 其荒诞哲学在他关于荒诞的持续性思考中不断深化发展,丰富和发展了荒诞理论,因而在整个荒诞哲学体系(或史)中占有重要位置。

    His Absurd Philosophy was constantly deepened and improved during his persistent thinking on absurdity , which enriched and developed absurd theory ( history ), therefore occupying an important position in the whole system of absurd philosophy .

  9. 首先,由定义出发,对荒诞从哲学观念层面和艺术形式层面加以区分,认为王蒙这类小说的荒诞是艺术形式层面的荒诞。

    First , the definition of the concept of the absurd level and from a philosophical level to distinguish between art forms that such novels Wang Meng is the absurd level of absurdity art form .

  10. 荒诞是加缪哲学的起始概念和核心概念。

    Absurdity is the main concept from which Camus started his philosophy .

  11. 因而,存在主义作为荒诞派戏剧的哲学基础对这一戏剧流派产生了很大的影响。

    Existentialism is the philosophical basis of the Theatre of the Absurd .