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huāng zhèng
  • Famine relief policy;neglect affairs of the state;steps taken by government to relieve famine;neglect government affairs
荒政 [huāng zhèng]
  • (1) [steps taken by government to relieve famine]∶为应付灾荒而采取的赈灾对策

  • (2) [neglect government affairs]∶政事荒疏

荒政[huāng zhèng]
  1. th文摘:以问答形式,探讨灾荒史研究的几个理论问题:地方政府与中央政府的关系;关于湖南改赈为贷的问题;传统社会与近代社会荒政的差异;

    In the form of interlocution , this article discusses a few theoretic questions on disaster and famine history : the relationship between the local government and the central government ;

  2. 明代地方监察体系与荒政

    Local Monitoring System and Famine Relief Measures of the Ming Dynasty

  3. 林则徐的荒政实践及其思想

    The Practice and Ideas of Lin Zexu 's Relieving Famine Policy

  4. 传统社会与近代社会荒政的差异;

    The difference of relieving policies between traditional and modern society ;

  5. 宋代荒政的历史考察和经济分析

    History Investigation and Economic Analysis of Famine Policy in Song Dynasty

  6. 古代湖南荒政之赈源研究

    Investigation on Relief Sources of Famine Policy in Ancient Hunan

  7. 十六国北朝荒政研究

    A Study on Famine Policy during the Sixteen States and North Dynasty

  8. 我国荒政中的市场性救荒措施研究&以禁遏籴为例

    A Research on the Market-oriented Measures for the Disaster Relief in China

  9. 《周礼》荒政思想试论

    Anti-calamity Thought in the Book of Zhou Rites

  10. 生员与荒政的关系问题,前人少有讨论。

    The relationship between licentiates and the famine policy is scarcely discussed by the predecessors .

  11. 第四部分具体描述荒政措施的社会效果及矛盾。

    The fourth part analyses the social problems and conflicts in the activities of arakawa-saving .

  12. 这一时期的钞法与荒政处于一种动态的变化关系之中。

    The Famine and note law in this period is in a changing dynamic relationship .

  13. 荒政思想是经济思想的重要组成部分。

    The thoughts of famine relief policies are the important constituent of the economic thoughts .

  14. 第六部分介绍了南宋的荒政思想。

    In part six , I introduced the thoughts of famine relief of the Nan Song Dynasty .

  15. 徐光启力图用垦荒和开发水利的方法来发展北方的农业生产,主张实行备荒、救荒等荒政。

    He strived to develop agricultural production in the north by reclaiming wasteland and developing water conservancy .

  16. 从1934年湖南赈务看民国时期荒政近代化的趋向

    Seeing the Developing Trend of Modernized Famine Administration during the Republic of China from Hunan Relief Work in 1934

  17. 1931年洞庭湖区水灾原因及荒政特色

    Reasons for the Flood in the Area of the Dongting Lake in 1931 and Features of the Disaster-relief Policy

  18. 而粥厂制度自身存在的种种弊端,其实正折射出明代荒政乃至经济、吏治的实际情形。

    In fact , the porridge factories management reflected the reality of administration , economy and offical system in the Ming Dynasty .

  19. 荒政的狭义概念是指我国古代政府救济饥荒的政策、法令与制度。

    " Famine Relief policies " is the narrow concept of government in ancient China famine relief policy , laws and systems .

  20. 任何一个对中国历史、现状有着清醒意识的帝王都不会忽视荒政。

    Any king who has the sober consciousness to the Chinese history or the present situation will not neglect the famine relief .

  21. 但是,随着清廷的日益腐败,荒政所起的作用越来越小,甚至形同虚设。

    However , with the growing corruption Qing Dynasty , the famine relief measures played the role getting smaller , even useless .

  22. 学术界以往对于明代荒政思想的研究大多是从水利、河道治理以及灾荒发展史等角度来总结的。

    The former research of academic circles mostly was summarized from the angles of water conservation , river course government and famine history .

  23. 清末民初的灾荒与荒政研究(1840&1927)

    Research on the Natural Disaster and Relieving Famine Policy from Late Qing Dynasty to Early People s Republic of China ( 1840-1927 );

  24. 本次救灾虽然取得了一定的成绩,但也暴露了失治腐败对晚清荒政的消极影响。

    Despite the flood relief yielded limited results , the negative influence which the official corrupt exerted on the famine relief was exposed also .

  25. 今天研究林则徐的荒政实践及其思想,不仅有一定的历史价值,而且有一定的现实意义。

    Today , it has not only certain historic significance , but also certain practical significance to study Lin Zexu 's relieving famine policy .

  26. 现代学者关于先秦防灾救灾思想的研究,大多是从灾害史、灾荒史的角度,主要是就荒政的内容谈荒政。

    Modern scholars about pre-qin disaster relief , mostly from the Angle of disaster history , and the main content of the famine is about famine .

  27. 另外,一系列近代科学技术在荒政中的应用则促进了湖南慈善事业的步伐开始向近代化的迈进。

    In addition , a series of modern science and technology applied in the famine relief promoted the Hunan charity started to remote the pace of modernization .

  28. 本文以被誉为“湖南百科全书”的光绪《湖南通志》为主要对象,辅以其他方志,研究清代湖南的灾荒与荒政。

    In this paper , the author studied the Hunan chorography as well as some other chorography to investigate the natural disaster and disaster control in Qing dynasty .

  29. 在中央政府高度重视下,乾隆时期荒政强力推行,但同时其矛盾亦不可调和。

    Because of the serious values by the Central authority , famine relief was carried out firmly during Qianlong reign , but its contradiction is also simultaneously irreconcilable .

  30. 通过对荒政在先秦各个时期演变轨迹的考察,可以帮助我们加深对周代社会形态及先秦社会经济结构形态与性质的认识,从一个侧面丰富先秦史的研究内容。

    Discussing the tracks of changes in every period could help us to deepen the thoughts and knowledges about society and economy structure , even its form and nature .