
  • 网络Unconventional Gas;Unconventional natural gas
  1. 中国非常规天然气资源基础与开发技术

    The unconventional natural gas resources and exploitation technologies in China

  2. 页岩气是潜力巨大的非常规天然气资源

    Shale gas : Enormous potential of unconventional natural gas resources

  3. 壳牌是全球液化天然气领域的领军企业,但在利用非常规天然气生产液化天然气的计划方面,它却落后于英国天然气集团(bggroup)等竞争对手。

    Shell is a world leader in liquefied natural gas , super-cooled so that it can be transported by tanker , but it has lagged behind its rivals , including BG Group , in plans to use unconventional gas to produce LNG .

  4. 开展非常规天然气资源勘探前期研究。

    And to carry out preliminary research of gas resource exploration .

  5. 盆地中心气为一类储量巨大的非常规天然气资源。

    Basin-centered gas accumulation ( BCGA ) is potentially a huge unconventional gas resource .

  6. 煤层气作为一种非常规天然气,其运聚机制和成藏模式与常规天然气不同。

    The mechanism and pattern of reservoir are different between CBM and natural gas .

  7. 煤层气已成为一种新兴的非常规天然气资源。

    Only recently has coalbed gas been recognized as a new nonconventional natural gas resource .

  8. 中国非常规天然气勘探雏议

    Remarks on unconventional gas exploration in China

  9. 新模型适用于常规天然气和高含非烃气的非常规天然气。

    The new models are appropriate for conventional gas and unconventional gas rich in inorganic gas .

  10. 不过,报告警告称,中国实现非常规天然气大规模生产至少还需要10年时间。

    However , it warns that unconventional gas in China is at least a decade away .

  11. 煤层周围的岩层中也可能存在非常规天然气水合物。

    Unconventional natural gas hydrate may be possible to exist in other rocks around the coal beds .

  12. 伊陕斜坡是进行石油、天然气、煤炭和非常规天然气勘探的理想地区;

    Yishan slope area is favorable for exploration of oil , gas , coal and unconventional gas ;

  13. 认为非常规天然气资源尤其是煤层气在中国有广阔的发展前景。

    It thought that unconventional gas resources especially coal gas in China has a vast development prospects .

  14. 水溶气是一种非常规天然气,国内尚未开展研究。

    Water-soluble gas is a non-conventional natural gas , which has not been studied yet at home .

  15. 报告表示,由于非常规天然气的发展,2020年以后,液化天然气进口将减少。

    Imports of LNG will fall after 2020 as a result of unconventional gas development , the report says .

  16. 煤层甲烷是一类由煤层自生自储的非常规天然气,在中国具有巨大的资源前景;

    Coal-bed methane is a type of unconventional natural gas with its source and reservoir in the same coal seam .

  17. 煤层气作为一种新兴的非常规天然气资源,正越来越受人们的重视。

    As a kind of new and developing unconventional resources , coalbed gas is attached by more and more importance .

  18. 对页岩气的较低期望导致对另一种非常规天然气的兴趣上升,那就是煤层甲烷气。

    Lower expectations for shale gas have resulted in greater interest in another category of unconventional gas , so-called coal bed methane .

  19. 煤成气是一种非常规天然气资源,在我国分布十分广泛,以山西为主。

    Coal-bed gas is a kind of unconventional natural gas resources , which is widespread in China , especially in Shanxi province .

  20. 深盆气作为非常规天然气资源,有其特殊的成因成藏机理。

    As a type of unconventional natural gas resource , the deep basin gas has its own unique origin and reservoir formation mechanism .

  21. 煤层气是成分以甲烷为主,含重烃气、非烃气的自储式非常规天然气藏。

    Coal gas is a kind of abnormal natural gas that contains not only methane but also heavy hydrocarbon , non - hydrocarbon .

  22. 中深致密气藏是非常规天然气储量的重要组成部分,也是未来能源开发的重点。

    Mid deep tight gas reservoir is the important part of non-conventional gas reserves , also is importance of future energy resource exploitation .

  23. 据中国媒体报道,现在包括的领域有非常规天然气、核能、智能电网,甚至电动车。

    It now includes areas such as unconventional gas , nuclear energy , the smart grid and even electric vehicles , Chinese media report .

  24. 非常规天然气存在于含有煤与页岩的岩层贮水层中,需要更先进的技术才能实现商业开发的可行性。

    Unconventional gas lies in reservoirs that can include coal and shale , where more advanced technology is needed to make it commercially viable .

  25. 煤层甲烷是一种非常规天然气资源,其赋存、运移规律的特殊性要求研究一种新的、适应煤层气藏的动态预测和评价方法,这将关系到煤层甲烷资源开发的成败。

    Coalbed methane is an unconventional gas resource , its special storage and migration laws need a set of special evaluation and prediction methods .

  26. 煤层气是与煤伴生、共生的非常规天然气资源,我国煤层气储量丰富。

    Coalbed methane is a kind of unconventional gas resources that has a symbiosis with coal . Our country is rich in coalbed methane reserves .

  27. 煤层气是一种非常规天然气,开发利用煤层气具有安全效益、环境效益及经济效益。

    Coal bed methane is a non-conventional natural gas . It is important to use coal bed methane for safe , environmental and economic benefits .

  28. 页岩气是指以吸附和(或)游离状态赋存于富有机质页岩地层中,具有商业价值的生物成因和(或)热成因的非常规天然气。

    Shale gas occurs in the organic-rich shale with adsorption and free phase , and has a commercial value of biogenic and thermogenic unconventional gas .

  29. 非常规天然气将是中石化的一个关键投资领域,也是我们(长期而言的)一个关键生产领域。

    Unconventional gas will be a key investment area for Sinopec and a critical area for us for production [ in the long term ] .

  30. 煤层气作为一种清洁能源,与煤矿资源密不可分,煤层气是煤层本身自生自储式非常规天然气。

    Coal-bed gas as a clean energy resource is closely related to coal resources and regarded as an unconventional natural gas with both source and reservoir .