
  • 网络conventional gas;conventional natural gas;LNG
  1. 与常规天然气相比,水溶气的组分具有甲烷含量高、干燥系数大的特点,水溶气中含有一定量的CO2和N2等非烃气体。

    The water-soluble gas has higher methane content and dry coefficient than the conventional gas , and has some non-hydrocarbon gases such as CO2 and N2 .

  2. 中国还拥有大量常规天然气资源。

    China also has large conventional gas resources .

  3. 煤层气与常规天然气地球化学控制因素比较

    Differences for geochemical controlling factors between coal-bed and conventional natural gases

  4. 煤层气作为一种非常规天然气,其运聚机制和成藏模式与常规天然气不同。

    The mechanism and pattern of reservoir are different between CBM and natural gas .

  5. 新模型适用于常规天然气和高含非烃气的非常规天然气。

    The new models are appropriate for conventional gas and unconventional gas rich in inorganic gas .

  6. 一名军官表示司机不小心加满了常规天然气而不是它所需要的。

    An officer said the driver accidently filled it up with regular gas instead of what it needs .

  7. 不同于常规天然气的开采特点决定了页岩气开发具有其独特的方式。

    Determined by its characteristics different from conventional natural gas production , shale gas development has its unique pattern .

  8. 致密砂岩气藏具有广阔的资源前景,可以有效地弥补常规天然气资源的不足。

    Tight sandstone gas reservoirs have a great potential of resource , which can make up the conventional natural gas .

  9. 常规天然气的可采资源量为6.69万亿立方米,主要分布于中部和西北部。

    China 's 6 . 69 Tcm of recoverable conventional natural gas are distributed primarily in central and northwestern China .

  10. 煤层气是一种压力封闭型气藏,其生产特征不同于常规天然气。

    Coalbed methane reservoir is a pressure seal reservoir and its production characteristic is different from that of conventional natural gas .

  11. 开采页岩气的碳排放量要高于开采常规天然气,欧洲数个小规模页岩气项目都因存在环境隐患而被叫停。

    Carbon emissions are higher than for conventional natural gas , and several small-scale projects in Europe are held up by environmental concerns .

  12. 煤制天然气可以作为液化石油气和常规天然气的替代和补充,缓解我国天然气供应缺口。

    Coal-derived natural gas can be used as a substitute for liquefied petroleum gas and conventional natural gas to ease natural gas supply shortfall .

  13. 煤层气藏与常规天然气藏相比,在成藏条件、高产富集规律、开采方式等方面都有其独特性。

    Comparing with conventional gas reservoirs , coal-bed gas reservoirs have special features on reservoir-forming conditions , enrichment law , and recovering way , etc.

  14. 煤层气独特的解吸/吸附机理决定了其储量计算方法和评价技术有别于常规天然气。

    The calculation methods and evaluation technologies of CBM reserves are different from those of conventional gas reserves because of its unique mechanism adsorption and desorption .

  15. 非常规天然气资源量比常规天然气的资源量多一个量级以上。

    The reserves of unconventional natural gas is up to ten times of that of conventional natural gas , supplying a large potential resource of natural gas .

  16. 中国尚未以商业规模开采页岩气,因为多数石油公司更加关注常规天然气(其开采成本低于页岩气)。

    China does not produce commercial shale gas because most oil companies are more focused on conventional natural gas , which is cheaper to produce than shale gas .

  17. 介绍了常规天然气再燃技术的原理、特点及缺点,列举了国外主要天然气再燃的应用项目。

    The principle , feature and shortcoming of traditional natural gas reburn technology were introduced . The major application projects of natural gas reburn in the world were listed .

  18. 另外,煤层气的赋存状态、煤层含气量的计算方法也与常规天然气的计算方法不同。

    In addition , the existing state of CBM and the way of calculating gas content in coal seam are different from the way of calculating normal gas resources .

  19. 并且,新技术无时不刻的在扩大天然气的生产基地,减弱了常规天然气储量的战略优势。同时也削弱了储量大户的势力。

    And the new technologies are widening the production base all the time , weakening the strategic importance of conventional reserves and the power of those who hold them .

  20. 煤层气储层物理结构以及煤层气的存储、运移等方面不同于常规天然气,评价煤质参数的测井等效体积模型难以较好地描述煤层这种复杂的物理结构。

    The usual method of the geophysical well logging to determine coal quality parameters is an equivalent volume model , which can not describe suitablely the complex physical structure .

  21. 煤层气藏的储量计算不同于常规天然气,其含气边界的确定是以煤层含气量等值线确定的。

    The reserve estimation method of coalbed methane reservoir is different from that of conventional gas reservoir and the boundary of coalbed methane reservoir was determined by methane content contours .

  22. 富县探区上古生界储层属于低孔低渗的致密含气砂岩储层,具有许多不同于常规天然气储层的测井响应特点。

    The Upper Paleozoic reservoirs in Fuxian exploration region belong to compacted gas-bearing sandstone reservoirs with low porosity and low permeability , has many characteristics different with conventional natural gas reservoirs .

  23. 沙特方面宣布拥有庞大的非常规天然气储备代表着一种潜在的机会,但同时也证明,沙特政府未能像其期望的那样发现大量常规天然气。

    The announcement of large unconventional natural gas reserves signal a potential opportunity for Saudi Arabia , but also confirms that Riyadh has not found as much conventional gas as it had hoped .

  24. 煤层气以呈吸附状态赋存在煤储集层中而有别于常规天然气,导致煤层气藏的形成机制和开发原理与常规天然气藏截然不同。

    Coal bed methane ( CBM ) is different from conventional natural gas as it exists in coal reservoir in adsorption status , which leads to the great difference in formation mechanism and development theory .

  25. 分析了常规天然气资源量及其分布和开采前景;阐述了非传统天然气资源评估量及开采前景。

    Analyses Russia 's volume of conventional natural gas resources and its distribution as well as exploration prospect and describes the evaluation volume and its exploration prospect of Russia 's non traditional natural gas resources .

  26. 煤层气是煤在变质和演化过程中的伴生产物,也是煤的伴生矿产资源,俗称瓦斯,其主要成分是甲烷,属非常规天然气。

    Coal bed gas is coal metamorphism and evolution process with production , but also coal mineral resources , commonly known as gas , whose main component is methane , which belongs to the unconventional natural gas .

  27. 其次,常规天然气资源,主要分布在中部、西北部和海域,其特点为:时代分布老、丰度低、探明程度低、潜力大;

    Second , the reserves of conventional gas are mainly distributed in sea basin of East , Middle , Northern-Western . The conventional gas resource in China is with features of old strata , low richness , and low proved rate .

  28. 按我国现有的油气储量分析,到2010年左右,我国的常规天然气高峰即将过去,必须有新的后备资源补充,因此非常规致密气资源将是主要的接替能源。

    Our current reserve analysis shows that the normal natural gas peak point will be dropped down by 2010 , it must have new takeover resource for supplement . So , abnormal tight natural gas resource shall be an important takeover energy .

  29. 在常规天然气成藏后,气藏内部任一点的地层压力等于气水界面之上的静水柱压力与气藏内该点至气水界面处的气柱压力之差。

    However , under formation of common gas pool , the formation pressure at any point in the gas reservoir is equal to the difference between the hydrostatic pressure above the gas_water interface and the gas column pressure from the point to the gas_water interface .

  30. 近年来非常规天然气受到各个国家和石油公司的高度重视,页岩气已成为全球非常规天然气勘探开发的热点领域,目前缺乏针对中国页岩气特点的选区评价方法。

    Recent years , unconventional gas attaches great concerns of various countries and oil companies . Shale gas has become a hotspot area in global unconventional natural gas exploration and development currently . But a suitable method to evaluate Chinese shale gas do not exist to select area .