
  • 网络Mentality Management
  1. 城市边缘人群子女的负面心态及教育管理对策

    Negative Mentality of Progeny of " Sub-urban Groups " and Educational / Administrative Remedy

  2. 在医院院长管理实践中,有一些心态和技巧对管理的结果有着不可忽视的影响,这种心态和技巧有规律地出现,称之为领导力的外延。

    Mentalities and management skills would affect the management results in hospital management practice . These were the leadership extension .

  3. 作为管理者素质的重要组成部分,个体心态是制约其管理绩效的根本性因素之一。

    As an important part of managers quality , individuals life position is one ofthe fundamental factors which influence his management performance .

  4. 结论为培养大学生健康的就业心态,高校学生管理人员必须把关注大学生就业信心、激发大学生学习动机、适应就业市场需求以及关心在校贫困大学生等因素作为工作的重点。

    Conclusion The management in university should focus on the factors for confidence in obtaining employment , stimulating interests in learning , adapting to the need of employment market and concerning the poverty graduates .

  5. 而作为项目管理的实施主体&项目经理,需要以积极而正确的心态和有效的管理行为促进项目成功的达成,并进而推进国有施工企业的良好发展。

    Project managers , the subject of implementation of project management , are required to accelerate the achievement of project success with positive attitude and effective behavior , and to boost the development of national construction enterprises .