
  • Operation Management;Operational Management
  1. 经验丰富,科学,专业的马场规划建设咨询,马场运营管理咨询,马场推广营销咨询。

    Rich experience , scientific , professional consultative of planning and construction of the horse racecourse , horse field operations management , market 's developing .

  2. 《运营管理》是管理专业及MBA的核心课程之一。

    Operations Management is one key course of administration specialty and MBA .

  3. 宽带IP城域网和社区网规划建设普遍面临着从网络技术的选择、业务提供、设备选择到运营管理等方面的问题.阻碍了市场的正常发展。

    The construction and planning of broadband IP MAN and community network in China has confronted some problems .

  4. 第一层包括GIS应用系统、交通管理与规划系统、电子收费系统、出行者信息系统、紧急事件和安全系统、综合运输运营管理系统。

    The first layer include GIS application system , Traffic Management And Planning System , Electronic Charge System , Tourist Information System , Emergency And Security System , Integrated Transportation And Operation System .

  5. 具有商业价值的P2P模式流媒体系统,包括用户界面服务、P2P流媒体传输、后台运营管理三个子系统。

    The P2P streaming media system , which is valuable in business , includes three sub systems : user 's portable service , P2P streaming distribution , backend operation and management system .

  6. 对W团购企业主要存在的团购运营管理问题进行分析,而后并对团购企业组织网络团购提出相应的建议。

    The W group purchase group purchase enterprise mainly exist in the operation and management problems are analyzed , and then the group purchase group purchase of organizational network put forward the corresponding suggestion .

  7. 研究结果表明,数字化管道建设要基于网络技术、GIS技术和数据库技术,是集网络化、数字化、真实三维可视化为一体的管道设计、施工和运营管理系统建设。

    The result shows that the digital pipeline construction should be based on the network technique , geographic information system and database techniques . The digital design of pipeline is a systematic construction scheme by taking network , digitization and true 3D visualization as a system .

  8. 以ZARA为代表的快速时尚服饰提供商,通过加强运营管理,优化供应链体系,在时尚服饰行业里取得巨大成功。

    The fast-fashion apparel , represented by ZARA , has been gaining a great success by optimize the supply chain system and operation management .

  9. 经过7年的高速发展,虽已经取得较满意的业绩,但是面对竞争逐步加剧的市场环境,AB公司在运营管理中开始面临着诸多的挑战。

    After 7 years of rapid development , although satisfactory results have been achieved , in the face of gradually increased competition in the market environment , the operations management of AB began to exhibit many challenges .

  10. 通过改变原有政府对污水处理设施单独投资的模式,引进公私合营PPP(Public-Private-Partenership)模式可以解决污水处理基础设施投资不足和运营管理效率低下的问题。

    By changing the government separate investment model in sewage disposal facilities in the past , the introduction of public-private partnership PPP ( Public-Private-Partnerships ) mode could solve the lack of sewage disposal infrastructure investment and inefficiencies of operational management .

  11. 研究目的:结合地铁综合监控系统集成技术的特点和地铁综合监控系统的运营管理要求,验证KVM远程监控技术在综合监控系统中应用的可能。

    Research purposes : The possibility of application of KVM remote monitored control technology in integrated monitored control system is verified in combination with the characteristics of the integrated technology of integrated monitored control system for subway and its operational requirements .

  12. 运营管理也可以定义为对生产、销售、设备等系统进行设计、运行、评价和改进,即PDCA循环过程,同时ERP系统的推广过程也是严格按照项目管理原理来实施的。

    Operations management can also be defined on the production and sales , equipment , system design , operation , evaluation and improvement , the PDCA cycle , at the same time the extension process of ERP system is also implemented in strict accordance with the principles of project management .

  13. 铁路运营管理系统总体结构的研究

    Study of the Overall Architectures for the Railway Operating Control System

  14. 河南高速公路公司运营管理信息系统开发

    The Exploiture of Operation Management Information System in Henan Highway Company

  15. 社会保障结余资金投资低效运营管理。

    Investment of the Fund of Social Security is low effectively .

  16. 所研究的理论和方法为铁路运营管理提供了科学依据和有益的参考。

    The result provides reliable theoretical criteria for railway operation management .

  17. 高科技企业终端市场化运营管理模式研究

    A Research on Management Mode for High-tech Enterprises , End Marketing

  18. 牵引供电运营管理信息系统分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of the Power Supply Section Management Information System

  19. 关于对容量饱和机场运营管理工作的思考

    Thoughts on Operation and Management of Airports Reaching Capacity Limit

  20. 美国《运营管理》教材特色研究

    A Research on Characteristics of the Teaching Material of American Operations Management

  21. 基础设施供给包括规划决策、生产建设、运营管理一系列过程。

    Infrastructure provision comprises three processes : decision-making , constructing and management .

  22. 合资铁路运营管理体制研究与探讨

    Research and Discussion of Joint-Venture Railway 's Operation Management System

  23. 追求技术创新创世界一流水平&记大亚湾核电运营管理有限公司18个月换料项目工作

    Pursues the technique innovation , create top-grade level in world

  24. 下一代无线业务对运营管理及计费模式的影响

    Impact of Next Generation Wireless Services on Operating Management and Billing Model

  25. 公共部门战略管理和绩效评价的新方法&平衡记分卡法在公共体育场馆运营管理中的应用

    A new approach to assess the performance of public sectors

  26. 隧道技术在未来电力通信运营管理网中的应用

    Application of Tunneling Technology to Electric Power Communication Management Network

  27. 时间轴/里程碑模式&一个宝贵的运营管理工具

    The timeline-milestone pattern – a valuable operational management tool

  28. 香港公共交通运营管理模式

    The Management and Operation Model of Hongkong Public Transportation

  29. 可应用于智能公交运营管理系统的集群通信平台&IDEN

    Integrated Communication Platform ( IDEN ) Used in Intelligent Public Transport Management System

  30. 编组站运营管理指标体系研究

    Study on operation management indexes system for marshalling yards