
  • 网络Transportation marketing
  1. 通过研究市场营销的基本原理,探索了铁路运输市场营销的具体方法,提出了铁路货物运输营销的具体策略;

    Through studying the basic principle of the marketing and exploring the concrete method of railway transportation marketing , the paper proposes the marketing concrete tactics of railway freight transport ;

  2. 本文认为发展铁路运输代理业、完善铁路货物运输市场营销策略、大力实现由铁路传统的运输业向第三方物流企业的转变和发展都是铁路货运体制改革的重要内容。

    The text illustrates that developing railway transportation agency , improving the freight transportation marketing tactics , transforming the traditional transport service of the railway into third party 's logistics enterprise effectively is all important contents of the system reform of railway freights transport .

  3. 铁路行包运输市场营销策略的研究

    Research on the Marketing Strategy of Railway Baggage and Parcel Transportation

  4. 客货运输加强市场营销力度,增强竞争力;

    Strengthen market-sale capacity of passenger-cargo and competition ;

  5. 试论铁路运输企业市场营销策略

    Discussing the Marketing Tactics for Railway Transport Enterprises

  6. 铁路运输企业市场营销战略职能初探

    Marketing strategy of railway transport enterprises

  7. 铁路旅客运输市场分析及营销策略研究

    Analysis on the Railway Passenger Transportation Market and Research on the Marketing Strategy

  8. 运输市场企业定制营销模式浅析

    Customized Marketing Mode of Enterprises in Transport Market

  9. 本文在铁路客货运输中运用市场营销理论的研究,对于铁路各路局、基层站段的市场营销有一定的指导作用。

    This paper made use of the theoretical research in marketing of railway passenger and freight transportation , which is very important to the marketing of the railway bureau , basic station and segment of railway .

  10. 尽管铁路在推进运输改革,加强市场营销方面采取了许多措施,但铁路市场份额下滑局面仍未得到根本遏制。

    Despite the transport reform has advanced in the railway that to have taken many measures in strengthen the marketing , but the situation has not been fundamentally what the part of railway market come down every year .

  11. 针对铁路旅客运输,论述了产生市场营销的条件以及铁路旅客运输市场营销和营销环境的特殊性,探讨了铁路客运存在的问题及开展市场营销的必要性。

    For rail passenger transport , the paper discussed the conditions for marketing and railway passenger transportation marketing and the specificity of the marketing environment .

  12. 本文首先分析了铁路运输企业目前面临的形势,介绍了运输市场营销理论。

    Firstly , this paper analyzed the situation of the railroad transportation enterprises facing many difficulties now , introducing the marketing theories of railway transportation markets .

  13. 价格是市场营销组合的重要因素,铁路货物运价制度运用得当与否直接关系着吸引运量的多少和铁路运输企业利润的高低,并影响着运输市场营销组合的其它因素。

    Price is important factor of marketing combination . How to apply the price system of railway freight transport directly decides the attracted transport volume and the profit of the railway transport enterprise , also affects other factors of marketing combination .