
  • 网络Quality Marketing;Total Quality Marketing
  1. ISO9000是质量营销战略的根本保障

    Fundamental Safeguard of Quality Marketing Strategy Was ISO 9000

  2. 论企业营销战略转型&从数量营销到全面质量营销

    Enterprises ' Marketing Strategy Transformation : From Quantity Marketing to Overall Quality Marketing

  3. 市场营销中的全面质量营销战略

    The Comprehensive Quality Strategy on Marketing

  4. 本文从市场营销的各个方面对全面质量营销作了介绍。

    This paper gives a full introduction about the comprehensive quality marketing from all sides of marketing .

  5. 论全面质量营销

    On Total Quality Marketing

  6. 全面质量营销是现代市场营销的新视界,它赋予营销策略以新的理念。

    The comprehensive quality marketing method is a new view on modern marketing , which gives the marketing strategy a new idea .

  7. 通过对公司现状的研究,将威胜公司品牌营销战略定位在了服务营销、关系营销、质量营销和技术营销上。

    Writer starts from actual situations of Wasion , focuses Wasion 's brand marketing strategy on quality , relationship , technology and service .

  8. 介绍了企业实施质量营销的紧迫性和质量营销的概念、内容、要求及建立质量营销的方法、途径。

    The urgency of quality marketing for enterprise , as well as the concept , content , requirement , method and approach of quality marketing establishment were introduced .

  9. 建立高质量的营销信息体系;

    Secondly high-quality marketing information system should be established .

  10. 随着中国饭店市场和旅游者的成熟,饭店企业间的竞争手段正在由产品质量、营销网络向企业形象竞争转移。

    With the maturity of China 's hotel market and tourists , the competition among hotel enterprises is being shifted from product quality , sales network to corporate image system .

  11. 作者根据中石化产品的成本、质量以及营销能力等综合状况,提出以下竞争策略:低成本战略是石化产品的必经之路,加强非价格竞争手段是近期内迅速提升石化产品竞争力的有效措施。

    According to conditions of cost , quality and marketing ability of SINOPEC products , the author considers that SINOPEC should adopt low-price strategy constantly , strengthen the non-price competition that will enhance the competitive power in a short time .

  12. 质量差、营销弱、行业结构缺乏效率是中国自主品牌汽车陷入困境的根源。

    Poor quality , uninspiring marketing and an inefficient industry structure lie at the heart of Chinese auto makers ' woes .

  13. 本文从产品实体、服务质量、整合营销及设计全新体验业务等方面进行营销策略创新。

    Enterprises can make marketing tactics innovation by products entity , service quality , of combining marketing and designing new experience business .

  14. 这个观点已经刺激了直接营销、服务质量、关系营销、数据库营销等领域研究的快速发展。

    This particular view has triggered important research streams such as direct marketing , service quality , relationship marketing , and database marketing .

  15. 一旦质量竞争和营销术被容许进入理论圣地,价格变量便从其统治宝座上被赶了下来。

    As soon as quality competition and sales effort are admitted into the sacred precincts of theory , the price variable is ousted from its dominant position .

  16. 在接触层下层,服务产品通过服务质量管理、营销组合管理和内部员工管理等企业内部活动凝聚成符合一定文化和个性的品牌主体,形成本位品牌。

    In the lower floor of touch layer , service product condenses into a brand subject with certain culture and individual character , forming the standard brand , by service quality control , marketing make-up management and interior employee management .

  17. 论文提出了诊所目前的发展战略是提高服务质量,加强营销策略,以争取更多顾客实现利润增长,诊所的未来的发展战略是进入民营医院领域。

    Finally , this paper advanced two developing strategies for the clinic , the strategy one is to enchance the marketing management to achieve profits increase at present , the strategy two is to establish nongovernmental hospital in the near future .

  18. 在这个系统中,房地产开发企业的核心竞争力最直接体现在品牌、规划设计和工程质量、市场营销、物业管理、土地开发、资本运作等外围因素上。

    In this system , the core competence of the real estate enterprises is directly displayed on the external factors such as brand , design and quality of the engineering , marketing , real estate management , land development , operation of capital .

  19. 随着自助服务在各个领域的客户服务占据着重要的地位,传统电信业为提供客户服务质量,降低营销成本,已经开始了自助服务的研究,譬如网上营业厅、10086语音服务热线等等。

    With self-service in all areas of customer service holding an important position , traditional telecommunications industry for provision of customer service quality , reduce marketing costs , have begun to study self-service , such as online banking hall , voice service hotline 10086 and so on .

  20. 国内家电制造业先后经历了产量竞争、质量竞争、营销竞争和管理竞争阶段,现在进入了核心技术竞争阶段,核心技术成为关键,研发成为产业链中至关重要的一环。

    Domestic home appliance manufacturing industry has experienced production competition stage , quality competition stage , marketing competition stage and management competition stage , are now in the core technology competition stage , core technology becomes the key , R & D becomes an important factor in the industrial chain .

  21. 服务质量管理是服务营销的核心内容。

    The service quality management is core of service marketing .

  22. 加强和改进企业质量、成本、营销管理。

    Enterprises need to tighten and improve their management of quality , costs and marketing .

  23. 我们需要提升的不仅是产品质量,而且还有营销理念。

    We need to promote not only quality of the product but also our marketing concept .

  24. 公司将以过硬的产品质量,灵活的营销政策,一流的竭诚服务赢得广大客户的信赖、得国内外市场。

    It has got the trust of a lot of customers and enjoyed good reputation on both home and foreign market .

  25. 为此,本文从质量、创新、营销、服务和管理等五个方面提出了创国际名牌的五大方略。

    This paper discusses some strategies for the enterprises to make international name brands in five aspects & Quality , renovation , marketing , services and management .

  26. 我国从1998年开始接触顾客满意度理论及相关实践,到现在为止,尝试这方面研究的学者很多,特别是质量管理界和营销界的许多学者都提出了具有独到见解的测评方法。

    In China , the research on customer satisfaction began at 1998 , and now , a lot of scholars especially in quality management and marketing field have given their own methods .

  27. 建议经营型青少年商业性篮球赛事运作坚持做高质量赛事,增强营销的针对性,积极寻求赞助,重视人才引进与管理。

    The sponsors of payment type commercial youth basketball events should Insist to do high quality event services , Strengthen marketing targeted , seeking sponsorship actively , Attach importance to talent introduction and management .

  28. 水处理工程产品拥有质量管理能力、营销网络、服务保障力、产品研发能力的优势,但也面临着成本控制劣势。

    The water processing facility product has these advantages such as quality management competence , marketing network competence , service assurance competence , R & D competence , and has these disadvantages such as cost control .

  29. 本文首先综合介绍了服务营销的理论,包括服务质量管理、内部营销、服务价值链等,它们构成了整个研究的理论基础。

    At first , I introduce the theory of the Service Marketing which include Service Quality Management , Internal Marketing , The Value Chain of Service , they made up of the basis of the article .

  30. 这样就意味着兴业银行应当从重在数量的粗放式营销战略率先转型到重在质量的集约式营销战略来,集中力量在专业化、特色化的细分市场上,建立自身的竞争优势。

    This means that the bank should shift its former quantity-oriented extensive marketing mode to quality-oriented intensive one . So it can concentrate its power on the specially market segment and set up its own competitive advantage .