
  1. 著名心理学家伊万·伯尔曼解释说,这种问题叫作“决策疲劳”,是在经历了不停做决策的漫长一天后会出现的一种心理学现象,而它会影响你的决策质量。

    The problem is " decision fatigue , " a psychological phenomenon that takes a toll on the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making , says Evan Polman , a leading psychologist .

  2. 本课程概述了把心理学现象和经济学结合的研究。

    This course surveys research which incorporates psychological evidence into economics .

  3. 并不需要诸如欲望目标等概念,来解释人类的心理学现象。

    That you could explain human psychology without mental notions like desires and goals .

  4. 作为语言学领域的一种语言现象,语码转换也是一种心理学现象。

    As a kind of language phenomenon in linguistic field , code switching is also a king of psychological phenomenon .

  5. 曼荼罗如心理学现象本能地出现在梦中,出现在某一个冲突状态中和出现在精神分裂症病例中。

    The mandala as psychological phenomena appear spontaneously in dreams , in certain states of conflict , and in cases of schizophrenia .

  6. 在组织中经常存在着心理学现象和社会学现象,但是这些力量却并不易显现。

    There are many psychological and sociological phenomena that regularly occur in organizations , though many of these forces are difficult to see .

  7. 这些专家认为,早年与家人分离作为一种有文献记录的心理学现象,在成年后造成了情感问题,他们可能无法形成健康的家庭关系。

    They believe early separation , a documented psychological phenomenon , has led to emotional problems in adults who may fail to form healthy relationships .

  8. 自我表露的研究有助于我们把握许多重要的心理学现象,同时也可以帮助我们更好地解决现实生活中的问题。

    It is helpful for us to realize many major psychological phenomena by means of studying it and meanwhile to solve problems in realistic life .

  9. 本文拟对内心音乐听觉这一心理学现象进行剖析,在此基础上提高内心音乐听觉能力。

    This article tries to analyze the psychology about heart sense of hearing in the course of music performance and improve the ability of sense of hearing .

  10. 本文通过对切尔诺贝利事故所引发的一些环境心理学现象及其相关对策的研究,提出了环境心理学的发生环境灾害事故时具有一定的应用价值。

    The article introduced the research on certain ecopsychological phenomena and related countermeasures in the Chernobyl accident , and suggested the valuable application of ecopsychology whenever environmental accidents would occur .

  11. 旁观者现象是一种社会心理学现象,指在紧急情况由于有他人在场而没有对受害者提供帮助的情况。

    The bystander effect or Genovese syndrome is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases where individuals do not offer any means of help in an emergency situation to the victim when other people are present .

  12. 现象学心理学秉承现象学精神,关注生活世界,在具体研究中,形成了经验的和解释的两种取向。

    Phenomenological psychology concentrates on life-world with the spirit of phenomenology and has developed two dimensions of research : empirical and hermeneutical .

  13. 文章通过对心理学和现象学成果原理的读解与应用,探讨了音乐表演艺术中的个性与共性及其关系。

    The article discussed the individuality and commonness during the music performance as well as their relationship from the aspects of psychology and phenomenology .

  14. 随后,在美学、心理学、现象学哲学,有时是三者的交叉领域,移情概念被广泛地论述和频繁地使用。

    Then it was treated as a very important concept and was widely used in Aesthetics , psychology and phenomenology , sometimes the intersecting fields of them .

  15. 本文试图通过对传统认知范式的批判,结合相关的科学实验以及心理学、现象学方面的理论分析,展示出生成认知的基本主张、研究主题和研究方法。

    This paper tries to make a few critics of traditional cognitive paradigm and incorporate recent experimental results with theoretical analysis in order to show the basic viewpoints , theme and methods of the enactive cognition .

  16. 与理性经济学相比,心理学与这种现象的关系更大。

    This phenomenon has more to do with psychology than rational economics .

  17. 首先,我认为社会心理学中的现象学是关于对生活的体验。

    First and foremost I think phenomenological social psychology is about lived experience .

  18. 摘要现象学心理学与超越现象学的关系被胡塞尔看成既平行又重叠的。

    The relationship between phenomenological psychology and transcendental phenomenology is regarded by Husserl as parallel and overlapping .

  19. 目前心理学界将现象学和存在主义作为现代人本心理学的主要哲学基础,很少注意到新康德主义在其中所起的作用。

    This paper analyses the basic philosophical standpoints of the Neo-kantism and clarifies its influence no the methodology of humanist psychology .

  20. 这一章节运用了心理学中的现象意识和取用意识对主人公的心理进行分析。

    In this part , the psychological theory & phenomenal consciousness and access consciousness , is used to analyse the characters ' psychology .

  21. 后现代心理学强调心理现象的建构特性和心理学知识的文化相对性。

    From the point of view of postmodern psychology , psychological phenomena are social constructions and the knowledge of psychology is relative to cultures .

  22. 对于心理学而言,现象学心理学的两种研究取向提供了科学心理学之外的另一种研究途径,并且使得心理学更加真正地面向生活。

    For psychology , phenomenological psychology provides another way to studying mind in addition to scientific psychology influenced mainly by positivism takes , and prompts psychology to face the real life world .

  23. 设计心理学中的从众现象和行为研究

    The Phenomenon of Following Mainstream and Action Research in Design Psychology

  24. 生态认知心理学关注现实性的认知现象,强调心理学现象只能在“与境”中被理解;

    The cognitive phenomenon is paying close attention to the reality while according with ecological cognitive psychology .