
  • 网络Fate Line;destiny;Destiny -Japanese Ver;Unmeisen
  1. 命运线始于接近手腕的地方。

    The fate line begins close to the wrist

  2. 第六步:看看命运线,也就是在手掌中间垂直的线。

    Step 6 : Check out the fate line , the vertical line in the center of the palm .

  3. 而一条模糊的命运线则暗示这个人对现在的工作不满意。

    a faint line suggests someone less happy with their job .

  4. 一条又粗又直的命运线表示这个人专注于他的职业;

    A strong , straight line indicates a person with a focused career ;

  5. 然后,她把手掌翻过来向上,用眼睛追寻着手掌上的命运线。

    She turned her palm up and followed the lines that traced her destiny .

  6. 一条又粗又直的命运线表示这个人专注于他的职业;而一条模糊的命运线则暗示这个人对现在的工作不满意。

    A strong , straight line indicates a person with a focused career ; a faint line suggests someone less happy with their job .

  7. 操纵命运之线的女神啊,倾听我的声音。

    Hear me , sisters who control the threads .

  8. 她们操控着命运之线。

    They control the threads of fate .

  9. 克洛索三命运神之一,命运之线的纺织者。

    One of the three fates , the spinner of the thread of destiny .