
  • 网络reversal of fortune
  1. “命运的逆转”是根据哈佛法学教授阿兰·德绍维兹的所著书籍改编而成的,阿兰·德绍维兹曾在重审时为冯·比洛先生辩护,他还是辛普森案件的律师。

    Reversal Of Fortune was based on a book by Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz , who defended Mr von Bulow and also acted for OJ Simpson .

  2. 女:CucinTech命运的逆转是否完全归功于战略创新?

    W : Was the revival in their fortunes entirely due to strategic innovation ?

  3. 三星在中国命运的逆转很有可能会在其他亚洲市场重演。

    Samsung 's reversal of fortunes in China could well play out in other regional markets .

  4. 目前对于缺血半暗带区处于凋亡状态的神经元命运的逆转,成为脑保护剂作用的最终思路。

    Recently , reversing the neurons in apoptotic status in ischemic penumbra became a good idea for cerebral protection .