- 网络proposition formula

On the Boolean Value of the Modal Formulae 4 、 E and B
A 24-class partition of propositional formula set F ( S ) in Godel system
Truth degree and discussed the distribution in [ 0,1 ] .
Automatic Generation and Formal Output of Special Normal Forms of Propositional Formulae
It can judge if a proposition is valid .
On The Principal Norm Forms of Proposition Formulae
Discuss Prepositional Formula Based on Binary Field
Generating Algorithm of Truth Value Table and Type 's Mechanical Decision to a Propositional Formula
The binary tree of the propositional fomula
The minimum term and maximum term defined by the propositional variations , are the core problems of expressions and applications stemmed from the propositional formula .
With respect to the principal disjunctive normal form and the principal conjunctive normal form , we also approach the properties of the subscript sets derived from the minimum term and maximum term .
In fact , as we know , the time complexity is calculated based on the size of the instances , which depends not only on the number of variables , but also on the number of clauses .
Taking the valuation lattice to be the unit interval , this paper introduces the valuation density function and defines the probability truth degree . In addition it discusses some forms of valuation density and gains some rules to guide the probability truth degree inference .
" In determining whether a signature on a bill is that of the principal or that of the agent by whose hand it is written , the construction most favorable to the validity of the instrument shall be adopted . " It can judge if a proposition is valid .
Many of these formal methods can be translated to Boolean / Propositional Satisfiability Problems ( SAT ), which is used to decide whether a formula according to propositional logic is satisfied .
QBF Formulae is propositional logic formulae with existential or universal quantifiers to every variable in prefix .
D-Stochastic Truth Degree of Formulas Based on Standardized Representation in Propositional Logic
The uniform issue of two-valued propositional logic formulas and logical equivalent formulas is discussed .
Firstly , this paper abstracts and describes the component modeling structure by analyzing the composition of framework meta-model and applying the method of domain-oriented features model , and describes the logic relation and semantic constraint between components by applying the symbolic logic formula .
Theory of Reliable Truth Degree in ヒ ukasiewicz 3-valued Logic System
The Γ - rand Truth Degree of Fomulas and Approximate Reasoning in Classical Propositional Logic
Finally , the given symbolic logic formula can prove the rationality of component model and validity of framework extension .
The Further Study of Formula 's Truth Degree under n-value Proposition Logic System
Probability Truth Degree for Formula in the Continuous Value Propositions Logic System
( k , s ) - SAT is the propositional satisfiable problem restricted to instances where each clause has exactly k distinct literals and every variable occurs at most s times .
Propositional logic in the inference rule can be used to prove that a propositional formula has been expressed as the theorem , but it is not easy to implement mechanization .