
  1. 主观幸福感(subjectivewell-being,SWB)是积极心理学研究领域的重要组成部分之一,是个体显著的积极主观体验。

    Subjective well-being is an important part research field for positive psychology , it is a positive subjective experience for individual .

  2. 纵向研究方法是心理学研究领域的一种重要方法。

    Longitudinal method is one of the central topics in psychology .

  3. 心理理论是发展心理学研究领域中的一个新兴领域。

    Theory of mind is a new field in developmental Psychology .

  4. 现代学习型社会凸显学习主题,如何有效促进学生学习、帮助学生确立终身学习理念,是教育理论界和实践界关注的焦点,也是教育心理学研究领域的热点。

    Theme of learning is the protruding characteristic in modern learning society .

  5. 心理健康评估是健康心理学研究领域的重要课题。

    The appraisal of mental health is an important project in Health Psychology .

  6. 组织文化与工作满意度都是当前管理心理学研究领域中的热点问题。

    Organizational culture and job satisfaction are the hotspots in management psychology research area .

  7. 儿童科学思维是发展心理学研究领域的重要的研究课题。

    Children 's scientific thinking is one of the important topics in development psychology .

  8. 将人文与社会科学的一些研究方法引入心理学研究领域,重视文化、历史与社会环境因素在心理学研究中的重要意义;

    Emphasis on the role of culture , history and social environment in psychological research ;

  9. 健康人格是人本主义心理学研究领域的一个重要课题。

    Health personality is one of the most important topics in the field of humanistic psychology .

  10. 体育锻炼与心理健康是运动心理学研究领域中的一个新课题。

    PE exercise and psychological health is a new subject in the field of sport psychology study .

  11. 近年来,对工作记忆的探究已经成为语言心理学研究领域的热点之一。

    Recently , study on working memory has become one of the focus in the psycholinguistic field .

  12. 身体活动与心理健康目前是运动心理学研究领域中的一个新课题.本文回顾了有关身体活动心理治疗效应的一些重要研究成果;

    The research on physical activity and mental health is now a new topic in sport psychology .

  13. 在教育心理学研究领域,影响学习成绩的因素问题研究一直是热点问题。

    On education psychology study field , the factors influencing learning achievement are hot point question all along .

  14. 运动依赖是近年来运动心理学研究领域中备受关注的议题。

    Exercise dependence is a topic gotten more attention in research field of sport psychology in recent years .

  15. 内隐学习是当前认知心理学研究领域中最受关注的前沿学科。

    Implicit learning is a front subject that attracts the most attention in the field of cognitive psychology research .

  16. 自我调节学习是近30年来教育心理学研究领域的重要课题。

    Self-Regulated Learning ( SRL ) has been as an important new construct in educational psychology for almost 30 years .

  17. 教育心理学研究领域经历了从只关注学到关注教与学的转化。

    The research domain of educational psychology has shifted from focusing on learning to on the conversion of teaching and learning .

  18. 信号检测论引入心理学研究领域是对传统心理物理学方法的一个发展。

    It was a development for traditional psychophysics method that signal detection theory was led into the field of psychological research .

  19. 性格优势是积极心理学研究领域中的一项重要课题,被认为是个体的一种积极的人格特质。

    Strengths is one of important hot topics in the field of positive psychology , it is a kind of positive personality traits .

  20. 而感戴作为人类重要的美德和积极品质,也成为积极心理学研究领域中的重要部分。

    As the most important virtues and positive trait of human beings , gratitude became the most important part in the field of positive psychology .

  21. 在当今教育学和心理学研究领域,自主学习已经成为一个热点问题,受到越来越多的研究者的关注。

    In the study field of pedagogy and psychology , autonomous learning has become a hot issue , which has attracted more and more researchers ' attention .

  22. 团队已成为国内外应用心理学研究领域的热点,而国内对于团队效能影响因素方面的实证研究较少。

    Team has become a new area of applied psychology in the west and China . However , there are few empirical researches on team effectiveness in China .

  23. 心理弹性是积极心理学研究领域中的热点问题,它对个体维持身心健康有着非常重要的作用。

    Resilience is a hot issue in the research field of positive psychology , and it has a very important role for the individual to maintain physical and mental health .

  24. 在人格、社会与文化心理学研究领域,自我提升动机的跨文化普适性是众多心理学家颇为关注的热点问题。

    In personality , social psychology and cultural psychology research field , the universality of self-enhancement has become a hot topic , which has attracted great concern of the psychologists .

  25. 有效地促进学生学习策略的迁移,是我国新课程标准下基础教育的目标和归宿,也是目前教育心理学研究领域中的一个重要主题。

    Availably facilitating the students ' transfer of learning strategies is the purpose of fundamental education under the New Course Criterion . It is also an important theme in the present applied study field of educational psychology .

  26. 研究主观幸福感,不仅能够体现积极心理学研究领域的进展,而且也有利于显示心理学对于构建以人为本和谐社会的支撑作用。

    To study on the subjective well-being , not only to reflect the progress in the field of positive psychology , but also to show psychology for the supporting role of building ' people-oriented ' harmonious society .

  27. 感戴作为个体对他人、社会和自然给予的恩惠在内心的认可,并意欲回报的一种认识、情怀和行为,是积极心理学研究领域中的一个重要的研究课题。

    Gratitude , as individuals to others , social and natural give grace in the heart recognition , and wish to return a kind of knowledge , feelings and behavior , is active in the field of psychology research is an important research topic .

  28. 视空间能力是人类智能结构中的重要组成部分。近年来,在数学学习心理学研究领域内,国内外的学者几乎从未忽视过空间因素在数学学习中的作用。

    Renowned scholars of both home and abroad have never neglected the function of visual-spatial ability , which is an important component of human intellectual structure , in mathematics study and never neglected the value of spatial factors in mathematics study and psychological research in recent years .

  29. 自1974年美国心理学家Freudenberger将倦怠引入临床心理学的研究领域以来,在其三十多年的研究历史中,已经取得了丰硕的成果。

    Since Freudenberger , one American psychologist , imported ' burnout ' into clinic psychological fields in 1974 , in the past thirty years of research histories , have made plentiful fruits .

  30. 为了把生物学与哲学联系起来,皮亚杰又进入到心理学研究的领域。

    Piaget studies psychology in order to connect philosophy with sociobiology .