
  • 网络psychological maturity;a Emotional maturity
  1. 而有些男人,20几岁,就达到了40、50的心理成熟度,在某些方面,这使他们更有优势和魅力。

    And some men , age20,40,50 reached the psychological maturity , in certain areas , which makes them more advantages and charm .

  2. 该专业研究运动如何影响个人的社会和心理成熟度,以及社会和心理成熟度反过来如何影响运动员的成绩。

    This field considers how sports affect the social and psychological maturity of an individual , as well as how these factors influence an athlete 's performance .

  3. 儿童在心理成熟、行为控制等方面与成人有着很大区别。

    What are the differences between children 's learning and adult learning ?

  4. 社会需要心理成熟的人。

    Psychological adults are needed in this society .

  5. 人的成熟有生理成熟和心理成熟之分。

    The person 's maturity has physiology maturity and the branch with mature psychology .

  6. 哥伦比亚心理成熟量表

    Columbia Mental Maturity Scale

  7. 85后大学生心理成熟度、归因方式与人格的相关研究

    The Research on Mental Maturity , Attributional Style , and Personality Factor of " 1985ers " University Students

  8. 闭锁性:青春期心理成熟的外部表征成熟前期马铃薯茎叶挥发性成分研究

    Introverting : External Representation OF Psychological Mature ; Volatile Components of Potato Stalks and Leaf at Early Maturity Period

  9. 自我的发展标志着个体心理成熟的程度,是个性形成和发展的标志。

    The development of self is the sign of maturity of mentality , the sign of coming into being and development of personality .

  10. 青年大学生在生理上已基本成熟,但心理成熟往往落后于生理成熟,表现在认识问题上往往存在着矛盾的心理状态,很容易导致大学生出现偏差心理。

    Young college students are physically matured but their psychological maturity is often later than their physical maturity , which is shown in the contradiction of cognition and causes the psychological deviation .

  11. 旅游者的自主意识、个性特征、心理成熟度、旅游需求等方面的原因导致散客旅游迅速发展。旅游企业应转变传统旅游经营观念,摆正散客旅游促销的位置;

    The psychological reasons of the rapid development of individual tour are tourists ' self-determination consciousness , individual character , the maturity degree of their psychology and the demand of tourism , etc.

  12. 独生子女兵正处于心理成熟落后于生理成熟的问题年龄,他们除了承受一般人的心理压力以外,还要承受军人特有的心理压力。

    They are in the problem ages in which their psychological maturity lags behind their physical maturity . Besides the ordinary psychological pressure , they have to bear the distinctive pressure from being servicemen .

  13. 尽管他已经成年并成为了一个职业足球运动员,但到这之前,在他走向心理成熟的途中,他的不正当举止也标志了一些除了个人行为以外的其他东西。

    By the time you are a grown adult and a professional football player , though , athletic misbehaviour signals something else besides one 's presence at a way station on the path to moral maturity .

  14. 主要观点是,爱情是建基于博爱、自爱与合理信仰之上的一种体验,是自我内在力量的确认,是和人的心理成熟、和生命的终极价值追寻密切相关的一个范畴。

    The central point of view is , love is an taste bases on caritas , self-love and reason believes , is an affirm of inherent vigor , a category which has relation to ones mentality mature , has relation to ones ultimate importance of life .

  15. 初中生心理不成熟是通过逆反心理表现的。

    The heart of junior high school students isnot mature performance through reverse psychology .

  16. 大学生正处于生理和心理趋向成熟的时期。

    The university student is being placed in physiology and mental state to incline to a mature period .

  17. 胡明认为,通过古今演变与历史贯通的研究方法,可使研究对象吐露其隐蔽的、内在的和深层的信息,提供其生命史各个发展阶段生理、心理衍化成熟的关键秘密。

    Hu Ming thinks that some inner information can be uncovered by way of ancient and present evolvement and historical run-through .

  18. 国家政策的制约,市场上同类产品的泛滥,消费者消费心理的成熟都使得房地产行业的发展变得艰难。

    The constraints of national policy , the proliferation of similar products on the market and mature consumer psychology make the development difficult .

  19. 这些建议可能会帮助在种族不平等境遇下的美国少数民族青少年顺利实现自我社会心理的成熟,.从而有利于美国的稳定。

    Those suggestions might help American ethnic minority youth under racial inequality to reach their ego psychosocial maturity and establish stability in America .

  20. 目的:当代大学生正处于性生理成熟、性心理趋于成熟的阶段。

    Objective : College students today are the ones who have already been physically mature , and tend to be mature in sexual mentality .

  21. 随着旅游业竞争日益激烈和游客消费心理不断成熟,旅游企业的品牌效应越来越明显。

    With the increasing competitive of tourism industry and tourists consumer motivation are more and more mature , the brand of tourism enterprises become increasing evidently .

  22. 当代女大学生生理、心理向成熟发展,情绪上敏感含蓄但耐疲劳能力较差。

    Contemporary female college students are reaching their physical and mental maturity , who are sensitive , reserved and unable to resist diseases or stand hard labor .

  23. 运用调查法研究表明,当代电大女生生理、心理向成熟发展,情绪上敏感、含蓄,耐疲劳能力差。

    Investigation and research show that the physiology and psychology of the contemporary TVU schoolgirls are maturing , their feelings sensitive and veiled , and their endurance weak .

  24. 通信业市场竞争日趋激烈,数据业务逐步成为新的业务增长点,消费者选择消费的心理日趋成熟。

    Along with the fierce competition of communication market , data service has gradually become a new service growing point , and customers'mature consumption psychology has gradually formed .

  25. 中师女生的生理、心理正向成熟发展,但情绪上敏感、含蓄,耐疲劳能力差。

    An investigation shows that the secondary normal school students are becoming physically and mentally mature , but in the other hand , sensitive and reserved and weak .

  26. 导游薪金制度的不合理、旅行社恶性竞争、旅游购物商店管理混乱、旅游者消费心理不成熟等,是高额回扣未能根治的主要原因。

    The illogical salary system , hostile competition between travel agencies , disorderly management of tourist shopping and consumers ' immature mentality are the major causes of this problem .

  27. 哈克在出逃寻找自由的路上,通过和他者打交道而逐渐展开自我,认识世界,心理逐渐成熟起来。

    On the escaping way to seek for freedom , Huck gradually develops himself by communicating with " the other ", learns about the world and matures in mind .

  28. 积极的方面就是社会的变革把传统的政治观引向了现代政治观,必然会加快大学生政治心理的成熟速度。

    On the positive side is that social change leads to the traditional political outlook of modern political outlook , political psychology students is bound to accelerate the maturity of speed .

  29. 大学生受挫主要表现在:理想与现实冲突、压力大、心理不成熟、非智力素质低下等几个方面。

    Thus , the main representations of college students ' are foiled are the conflict between ideal and reality , highly pressured , unripe psychology , the lower quality of non-intellectual factor , etc.

  30. 部分女大学生宿舍中存在着小团体、冷战、漠视交往等问题。笔者认为,女大学生自身的独特性与心理不成熟加剧了宿舍人际矛盾。

    Problems of the small groups , cold war , ignoring association and so on exist in some female dormitories . I believes that the uniqueness and psychological immaturity of female students are exacerbated interpersonal contradictions and conflicts of roommates .