
  • 网络bypass surgery;Heart bypass Surgery;bypass operation
  1. 每年世界上有超过80万的患者接受心脏搭桥手术。

    More than 800 thousand people around the world have this heart bypass surgery each year .

  2. 他有个历史悠久的健康问题,并进行了心脏搭桥手术的同时,仍然在办公室。

    He had a long history of health problems and underwent heart bypass surgery while still in office .

  3. 第二次心脏搭桥手术成功了,我很高兴。

    I was elated that my second heart bypass had been successful

  4. 我们会考虑心脏搭桥手术。

    We will have to consider an emergency bypass surgery .

  5. 在接受过心脏搭桥手术的病人中,乐观的病人再次入院的几率为悲观者的一半。

    Optimistic coronary bypass patients are half as likely as pessimists to require re-hospitalization .

  6. 美国最胖的一群人已经受益于心脏搭桥手术和降胆固醇药的他汀。

    Already , America 's most rotund citizens benefit from bypass surgery and cholesterol-lowering statins .

  7. 心脏搭桥手术白做了瓣膜撕裂

    Quadruple bypass . Blown a valve .

  8. 究竟如何套血糖的影响目前还不清楚,因为案件的心脏搭桥手术。

    Exactly how the sleeve affects glycemia is unclear , as the case for bypass surgery .

  9. 这位美国前总统在五年多的时间内在这家医院进行过四次的心脏搭桥手术。

    The former president , 63 , had quadruple bypass surgery at the same hospital more than five years ago .

  10. 有消息称,印度总理曼莫汉·辛格在成功接受心脏搭桥手术后正迅速恢复。

    India 's prime minister , Manmohan Singh , was said to be making a speedy recovery after undergoing heart-bypass surgery .

  11. 你知道吗?例如,乐观派的心脏搭桥手术者重返医院的是悲观状态的一半?

    Did you know , for example , that * optimistic heart-bypass patients are half as likely as pessimists to be re-hospitalized ?

  12. 很快,他被送去急救,做了心脏搭桥手术,以修复堵塞了的心脏动脉血管。这是他在10个月的时间里做的第二次心脏手术。

    Soon after , he underwent emergency bypass surgery to repair a blocked artery in his heart , his second heart surgery in 10 months .

  13. 吉普森说,人造血管在心脏搭桥手术上有很多优点,因为不需要从病人腿上取血管了。

    According to Kypson , the artificial blood vessel would have advantages in heart bypass surgery because it doesn 't require removal of a vein from a patient 's leg .

  14. 我们需要解释动物实验与祖母更换髋骨、父亲做心脏搭桥手术、婴儿免疫接种、甚至宠物防疫注射都密切相关。

    We need to make clear the connection between animal research and a grandmother 's hip replacement , a father 's bypass operation a baby 's vaccinations , and even a pet 's shots .

  15. 心肌梗死的治疗除了传统的药物、冠脉支架和心脏搭桥手术以恢复血供外,利用干细胞促进毛细血管新生是一个正在研究的新方法。

    In addition to the traditional drugs , coronary stent and bypass surgery to restore blood supply to therapy myocardial infarction , the use of stem cells in promoting angiogenesis is a new method being studied .

  16. 外科医生在心脏搭桥手术中的典型做法,是从病人的腿上取下一截静脉血管,来代替原来为心肌输送血液、但是被堵塞的动脉血管。

    Scientists say they have successfully tested artificial blood vessels grown in the laboratory . In a heart bypass operation , surgeons typically remove a vein from a patient 's leg and use it to replace blocked arteries that feed the muscles of the heart .

  17. 贝丽尔说:“私下里我会担心,我恐怕等不到他们决定要孩子的那一天了。”她的担忧去年更严重了,因为78岁的老伴威尔(Will)心脏病发作,做了心脏搭桥手术。

    Selfishly , I am worried that I am not going to see that baby when they decide to have it , ' Ms. Porter says of her son and his wife . Her concerns became exacerbated last year , when her husband Wil , 78 , had a heart attack and a quadruple bypass .

  18. 印度总理住进印度首都一家医院接受心脏手术。印度政府官员说,辛格总理被送往新德里的一家医院,定于星期六接受心脏动脉搭桥手术,以清理堵塞的心脏动脉。

    Indian government officials say prime minister Manmohan Singh was taken to a New Delhi hospital and is due to undergo coronary artery bypass graft surgery Saturday to clear blockages in his heart .