
xīn lǐ yǔ yán xué
  • psycholinguistics
  1. 语音意识(phonologicalawareness)一直是西方心理语言学,教育心理学论一个研究热点。

    Phonological awareness ( PA ) has been a hot topic in western psycholinguistics and pedagogical linguistics for a long time .

  2. 该研究从心理语言学的角度,考察了约束C原则这种语言现象,并以生成语法的管辖约束理论为理论框架,讨论了考察结果;

    The present study examines the language phenomenon of Principle C from the perspective of psycholinguistics and discusses the findings in the theoretical framework of Government and Binding Theory of the generative grammar .

  3. 本研究运用Anderson的思维适应性控制理论和实验心理语言学研究方法,探讨输入、输出在课堂教学下的二语习得过程中的作用。

    The present study examined the effects of input and output on instructed second language acquisition in the framework of Anderson 's theory of Adaptive Control of Thought .

  4. Goodman(1971)指出阅读理解是一场心理语言学的游戏。

    Goodman ( 1971 ) points out that reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game and it Involves an interaction between thought and language .

  5. 随着应用语言学和心理语言学的发展,人们发现阅读并不是被动的解码过程,而是一种主动的猜测&证实的过程(Goodman,1971),即自上而下的阅读模式(Top-downmodel)。

    With the development of applicative linguistics and psychological linguistics , people find reading is not a process of passive decoding but an active process of " guessing-check " ( Goodman , 1967 ), i.e * Top-down Model .

  6. 句法加工的脑机制是心理语言学比较关注的问题,目前由于ERP技术和功能成像技术的进步,使对这一机制的探讨成为可能。

    The brain mechanism of syntactic processing is a very important issue in the study of psycholinguistics . With the development of technique of ERP and functional imaging , the possibility to study the brain mechanism of syntactic processing has emerged .

  7. 用心理语言学中关于心理词典的激活扩散原理,评论学习型词典《建宏e世代英汉辞典》利用字辨、字源、构词、联想及参考等专栏,有效帮助读者增强词汇记忆方面的特色。

    Based on the spreading activation theory with respect to psycholinguistics , some comments are made on the learning-enhancing dictionary 's functions in word distinction , word origin , word formation , word associations and references , etc , which can effectively enlarge readers ' vocabulary .

  8. 近日,一个由人类学家和心理学家构成的小组开始研究语言和文化对感官意识的影响。这些学者来自荷兰奈梅亨的两所院校:马克斯·普兰克心理语言学研究所(MaxPlanckInstituteforPsycholinguistics)和奈梅亨大学(RadboudUniversity)。

    Recently , a team of anthropologists and psychologists at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University , both in Nijmegen , the Netherlands , set out to discover how language and culture affected sensory awareness .

  9. 所以研究留学生的第二语言习得(SLA)过程也即汉语习得过程,是一个涉及到认知理论,认知心理学和心理语言学多门学科的复杂的过程。

    To research the students of the second language acquisition ( SLA ) process , it is also called the Chinese acquisition process , which is a complex process that can involve lots of fields , such as cognitive theory , cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics .

  10. 为了从心理语言学的角度更好地揭示背景信息的促进作用及途径,本文引入了一种更科学,更详细的文本加工理论&建构整合模型(Kintsch,19881998)。

    Therefore , a more scientific , explicit and detailed theory construction-integration model ( Kintsch , 1988 , 1998 ) is introduced to better reveal the way in which background information improves text memory from the perspective of psycholinguistics .

  11. 语码转换与民族身份建构的社会心理语言学研究

    Code-switching and the Construction of Ethnic Identity : A Socio-psycholinguistic Approach

  12. 外语学习的情感障碍&心理语言学在外语学习中的应用研究之一

    A Survey of the Obstacles on Emotions in foreign Language Learning

  13. 试论句子理解中几个主要的心理语言学模型

    A Brief Survey of the Major Psycholinguistic Models on Sentence Comprehension

  14. 心理语言学界传统上将图式做二分处理,即内容图式和形式图式。

    Schemata traditionally in psycholinguistics have two levels : content and formal .

  15. 英语多词素词教学的心理语言学方法探索

    The Teaching and Learning of Polymorphemic Words from the Viewpoint of Psychology

  16. 联结主义心理语言学&心理语言学研究的新方法

    Connectionist Psycholinguistic s : A New Approach to Psycholinguistic Research

  17. 其次,本文介绍了被心理语言学广泛接受的共同存储假设。

    It then introduces well - accepted common storage hypothesis .

  18. 运用心理语言学来分析儿童语言的发展

    Analysis of Child Language Development in the Application of Psycho-Linguistics

  19. 论文第一部分介绍了有关心理语言学视角。

    The first part of the dissertation relates to relevant psycholinguistic perspectives .

  20. 这一阐述从阅读的心理学理论、阅读的认知论和阅读的心理语言学三个方面展开。

    The discussion is from psychology theory , cognitive theory and psychological linguistics .

  21. 研究者们尝试用心理语言学的实验手段来验证其整体加工。

    Some researchers attempted to test the holistic processing hypothesis by experimental studies .

  22. 词语识别是当前心理语言学研究中最活跃的领域之一。

    Word recognition is the hot point of the research on language cognition .

  23. 从心理语言学看双语教育

    Reflections on Bilingual Language Teaching From a Psycholinguistic Perspective

  24. 论心理语言学的第二语言习得心理机理假设的意义

    On the Significance of Psychological Mechanism Hypotheses for Second Language Acquisition in Psycholinguistics

  25. 心理语言学的背景知识架构理论与阅读课教学(英文)

    The psycholinguistic schema theory and ESL reading methodology ;

  26. 计算心理语言学是一门介于心理语言学和计算机科学之间的跨学科的研究领域。

    Computational psycholinguistics is a joint study area of computational science and psycholinguistics .

  27. 语言接触与语言变化的社会&心理语言学研究

    A Socio-psycholinguistic Approach to Language Contact and Language Change

  28. 广告英语修辞格的心理语言学基础

    The study of Rhetorical devices in Advertising English on the basis of psycholinguistics

  29. 大学生英语交流障碍的心理语言学分析

    Psycholinguistic Analysis on College Students ' Obstacles to Their Oral Communication in English

  30. 多年来,语言学者们分别从不同角度诸如社会语言学,心理语言学,哲学等对这一语言现象进行分析研究。

    Many linguists and scholars have studied the linguistic phenomenon from different angles .