
jì suàn yǔ yán xué
  • computational linguistics
  1. 学生可以就计算语言学的任何一个方面展开研究。

    Students may pursue research in any aspect of computational linguistics .

  2. 本系统结合了信息检索、计算语言学、数据挖掘等方面的知识与技术进行研究,实验结果表明,该方法更适宜改进Web上的信息检索,相对传统的问答系统可以大幅度提高系统智能性。

    Our research integrates the knowledge and technology of information retrieval computational linguistics data mining etc. Experiment result indicates that our method is feasible to ameliorate the information retrieval in web circumstance and improves the intelligence of system markedly .

  3. 中文概念词典(ChineseConceptDictionary,简称CCD)是北京大学计算语言学研究所开发的与WordNet兼容的汉语语义词典。

    Chinese Concept Dictionary ( CCD ) is a WordNet like semantic lexicon , developed by the Institute of Computational Linguistics , Peking University .

  4. 中文信息MMT模型是本文作者在80年代初期提出的一个计算语言学模型。

    The MMT Model of Chinese information is a model of computer linguistics suggested by the author of this paper in the begining of 1980s .

  5. 免费的百科全书Wikipedia提供了对计算语言学和上下文无关语法的概要介绍,并且给出了关于它们两者的资料的有用链接。

    Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia , offers an overview of Computational linguistics and context-free grammars with , as always , good links to more information about both .

  6. 之后我们在计算语言学和HL7信息标准的理论基础上定义了一套适用于电子病历的语法结构,并在该语法结构的基础上进行了电子病历系统的开发研究。

    Then we defined a grammar structure based on the Computational Linguistics and HL7 , and it was suitable for the CPR , and then developed a CPR system .

  7. 自20世纪50年代Chomsky创立形式语言与自动机理论以来,计算语言学研究已经历了近半个世纪的发展历程,取得了丰硕成果。

    Since N. Chomsky constructed the theory of Formal Language and Automaton in the fifties of the 20th century , a great progress has been made in the study of Computational Linguistics ( CL ) .

  8. 从计算语言学研究处理的角度,详细介绍HNC理论主辅变换的研究成果,以及如何形成处理规则并供计算机使用,以期提高名词团块分裂的机器识别及处理的准确率。

    The article introduces the research results of the main-auxiliary chunk transformation , and how does HNC form the processing rules and supplies them to computer , from computational linguistics angle , in order to enhance the accuracy rate of the machine translation system .

  9. HPSG是目前计算语言学领域最重要的语言理论之一,这一基于合一的语言形式不仅被成功地用于解释理论上的语言现象,而且也被用于实际的应用程序。

    HPSG is currently one of the most important formalisms used in computational linguistics . This unification-based formalism is successfully used in theoretical linguistics to explain many natural-language phenomena , and it is also used in practical applications .

  10. 语篇对比与计算语言学语篇分析模式的运用

    Contrastive Discourse Analysis and the Application of Computational Discourse Analysis Model

  11. 机器词典是计算语言学应用的前提。

    Application of machine dictionary is the premise of computational linguistics .

  12. 交叉熵&计算语言学消歧的一种工具

    Cross Entropy & A Tool of Disambiguation for Computer Linguistics

  13. 当前计算语言学研究的发展态势

    The Developmental Trends of the Study on Computational Linguistics

  14. 计算语言学中语义表达的基本问题

    The Basic Questions of Semantic Representations in Computational Linguistics

  15. 随着计算语言学和语音学的发展,文语转换技术取得了长足发展。

    Text-to-Speech has made great progress with the development of computing linguistics and phonetics .

  16. 中文信息处理、计算机自动分词与计算语言学;

    The Chinese language information process , the automatic word recognition and computational linguistics .

  17. 这是开始接触计算语言学的很好的起点。

    It is a good start for working your way up to computational linguistics .

  18. 短语结构语法在计算语言学中得到广泛的应用。

    PSG ( Phrase Structure Grammar ) has been extensively applied in computational linguistics .

  19. 计算语言学的应用研究与基础研究

    Applied Research and Foundational Research in Computational Linguistics Full Texts Retrieval Based on Computational Linguistics

  20. 实现对大规模真实文本的处理是计算语言学今后的一个时期的战略目标。

    The large scale authentic text processing becomes a strategic target of the computational linguistics .

  21. 当然这些课程对我的研究方向计算语言学是必不可少的。

    However , these courses are quite crucial for my research area , namely computational linguistics .

  22. 连接词是语言学、逻辑学和计算语言学共同关注的对象。

    The semantic study of connectors is the focus of Linguistics , Logic and Computational Linguistics .

  23. 信息时代计算语言学在英语教学中的应用文学与语言计算学会

    Usage of Computational Linguistics in English Teaching in Information Society ; Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing

  24. 计算语言学中的英语语言歧义现象分析英汉词歧义比较及其触发因素

    Analysis on Ambiguity of English Language in Computational Linguistics Ambiguity of English and Chinese Words and Its Causes

  25. 短语结构树与依存树之间的转换是计算语言学重要的研究内容之一。

    Converting between phrase-structure tree and dependency tree is one of the most important subjects in computational linguistics .

  26. 我们相信,复合词格关系研究对计算语言学中造词模式的研究具有重要的意义。

    The study of case relations in compound words should be of significance to the study of word-formation models .

  27. 文本分析的计算语言学研究方法大多运用基于统计方法的语料库语言学。

    Approaches of computational linguistics for text analysis are mostly evolved from statistical method based on different kinds of language corpus .

  28. 先对计算语言学方面的研究作了一个总体概括,然后指出了本领域研究的四大主要成就以及存在的三大问题。

    The study on computational linguistics is generalized . Then it points out the main achievements and problems in the study .

  29. 经过分词处理的大型汉语语料库是进行语言学和计算语言学研究的重要资源。

    Abstract The large scale word segmented corpus is an important resource for the study of both linguistics and computational linguistics .

  30. 介绍了北京大学计算语言学研究所在语言信息处理基础研究方面已经取得的成果以及语言资源情况;

    , achieved the results of these researches and actualities of the language resources at the foundational researches on language information processing .