
jì suàn qì
  • calculator;counter;calculating machine;computing counter
计算器[jì suàn qì]
  1. 第一个cookie仅仅是一个计算器,每次有新的会话时就会增加。

    The first cookie is merely a counter , incremented once per new session .

  2. 您将构建一个Blackjack基本计算器。

    You 'll be building a rudimentary counter for Blackjack .

  3. 考试规则明确规定考试时不得使用计算器。

    The regulations specify that calculators may not be used in the examination .

  4. 用计算器核对一下你的答案。

    Cross-check your answers with a calculator .

  5. 我没法心算出来——我得用计算器。

    I can 't work it out in my head ─ I need a calculator .

  6. 我可以借用你的计算器吗?

    Can I borrow your calculator ?

  7. 她可以心算复杂的数字,而我们常人就需要计算器!

    She can deal with complicated numbers in her head , but we lesser mortals need calculators !

  8. 袖珍计算器只能计算到小数点后8位数。

    A pocket calculator only works to eight decimal places .

  9. 他不明白为什么他的计算器上面的数字向右倾斜。

    He wonders why the digits on his calculator slope to the right .

  10. 我的银行经理眉头紧锁,拨弄着计算器,最后终于“啊哈!”了一声。

    My bank manager furrowed his brow , fingered his calculator and finally pronounced ' Aha ! '

  11. 计算器是工具,不是拐杖,可是现在很多孩子越来越依赖它。

    The calculator is a tool , not a crutch ; yet it is increasingly being used as a crutch by many children

  12. 你有的是,一个简易的计算器和五根手指。

    What you have is a simple calculation and five significant figures .

  13. 这个计算器意外被弄坏了,我们需要买一个新的。

    The calculator was damaged accidentally , and we needed to buy a new one .

  14. 使用此脚本,您可以用集成的破坏力计算器创建基本武器图。

    Using this script , you can create a basic weapons chart with an integrated damage calculator .

  15. Bruyere研究院和加拿大渥太华大学研究员艾米·许博士称:“‘生命计算器’可以让家人和他们的挚爱有所准备”。

    Dr Amy Hsu , an investigator7 at the Bruyere Research Institute and at the University of Ottawa in Canada , said : " The RESPECT calculator allows families and their loved ones to plan .

  16. (许多人用计算器来减少枯燥繁琐的数字运算。)

    Many people use a calculator to cut down on tedious number-crunching .

  17. 那天你可别忘了带计算器。

    Don 't forget to bring your calculator that day .

  18. 不要靠袖珍计算器。

    Don 't rely on pocket calculators . "

  19. 科学家们已经研发出可以帮助预测老年人死亡时间的网络计算器。

    An online calculator that can help predict when older adults will die has been developed .

  20. 这一用语也可以被“雪克隆”,就是把土豆一词换成其他没法拍摄视频的东西,比如烤箱、计算器或微波炉。

    The phrase can be also used as a snowclone in which potato is replaced with another object that is ill-equipped for video recording3 , such as a toaster , calculator or microwave .

  21. “数字失忆症”指因为过度依赖手机和互联网储存信息而导致的基本记忆能力丧失,比如,连手机号码、约会日期等基本事项都记不住,没有导航就不知道怎么到达目的地,没有计算器就不会算术,等等。

    Digital amnesia refers to the inability to remember basic things , such as telephone numbers , dates , how to get somewhere without a GPS , or how to do math without using a calculator , etc. as a result of over-reliance on mobile phones and the Internet for storing information .

  22. 构建计算器Web服务共享对象库。

    Build the calculator web service shared object library .

  23. 将计算器状态表示成Web服务资源

    Representing the calculator state as a Web services resource

  24. 的学生们,All,right,,so,,we,have,13,divided,by,266。,有带计算器的吗?

    MIT All right , MIT students , who has a calculator on them ?

  25. 计算器与Windows操作系统教学&兼议教学入口的运用

    Calculator and Teaching of Windows OS Discusses the Application of Didactical Entrance

  26. 一个简单的计算器为LED视频显示器。

    A simple calculator for LED video displays .

  27. 本系列的第一部分指导您构建一个用于一个简单计算器应用程序的WebServices。

    This first part of the series walks you through building a Web service for a simple calculator application .

  28. 在前一部分中,您了解了如何将立即销毁支持添加到计算器Web服务资源。

    In the previous section , you saw how immediate destruction support can be added to the calculator WS-Resource .

  29. 这是包含计算器服务的WebSphereApplicationServerWeb服务运行时的端点地址。

    This is the endpoint address of the WebSphere Application Server Web services runtime containing the calculator service .

  30. 基于FPGA和DSP手持弹道计算器的设计

    Design of handheld ballistic computer based on FPGA and DSP