
  1. 避免的方法是给出一个短列表上面列出所有必须具有特性,接下来启动一个beta版本实现那些特性,即所谓的最小可行性产品〔TODO〕。

    A good way to avoid this is to make your short list of must have features , and then launch a beta when you have those features . A so called minimum viable product .

  2. 他们更多的选择必须的特性,而不是可拥有的特性。

    Feature selection tended to favor necessary improvements over desirable improvements .

  3. 然后,打字机要想工作,还有一个必须的特性,那就是它的打印头可以在纸上移动。

    However , the typewriter had a further feature which was essential to its function . Its typing point could move , relative to the page .

  4. 调节阀在使用中,其流量特性总会发生畸变,严重影响调节品质,必须进行特性补偿。本文提出了一种基于坐标变换的调节阀畸变特性补偿算法。

    Regulation valve always encounters distorted flow characteristics during operation , seriously reduces the regulation quality To compensate the distorted flow characteristic , this paper puts forward a calculation method based on a coordinate conversion .

  5. IBMWebSphereApplicationServerV6介绍了新的消息传递引擎,它包括许多构建企业服务总线必须的功能特性。

    IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 introduces a new messaging engine that includes many of the functional features needed to construct an Enterprise Service Bus .

  6. 同时,必须确保Dogear特性能够访问可以添加书签的目标站点。

    Also , you must ensure that the Dogear feature has the ability to access target sites that could be bookmarked .

  7. 您还必须为每个特性指定一个数据类型。

    You also must specify a data type for each feature .

  8. 当然,数据库引擎必须支持这些特性。

    Of course , your database engine has to support this feature .

  9. 说明用于调速变流器必须具有的特性和实施办法,及国外应用实例。

    It also explaines the way of implementation and the example of application abroad .

  10. 企业要实施知识管理和共享战略,必须根据知识特性和有利共享的组织内部环境要求来不断调整和变革企业组织结构。

    Enterprise should exert knowledge management and sharing knowledge strategy in order to adjust enterprise organization structure .

  11. 其中上游载体的构建首要条件,实现外源基因在家鸡输卵管组织中的特异性表达必须有组织特性启动子的参与。

    The expression of exogenous gene in oviduct of chick must have the participating of tissue-special promoter .

  12. 由于杂讯干扰是通讯过程中无法避免的现象,我们必须了解其特性与描述方法。

    Since noise always interferes with the communication process , we have to understand how to characterize it .

  13. 大迎角过失速机动是下一代高性能战斗机必须具备的特性之一。

    Post-stall maneuverability at high angles of attack is one of the main features for the next-generation air superiority fighters .

  14. 在数据中心内部,光纤用于必须具备如下特性的场合:高带宽、抗干扰、远距离传输。

    In data centers , fiber is used where high bandwidth , interference resistance , and long distance are required characteristics .

  15. 因此在高空低速区航空发动机性能数值模拟必须考虑部件特性雷诺数的影响。

    It means that the effects of Reynolds number must be taken into account in turbofan engine performance simulation at high altitude with low flight speed .

  16. 数字基带传输系统中,信号的高频部分衰减严重,必须根据信道特性针对信号做出矫正。

    The signal 's high frequency part attenuates seriously on the digital baseband transmission systems , so that the signal rectification is necessary according to the characteristic of the channel .

  17. 客户保持在企业价值创造中起着十分重要的作用,为了成功实施客户保持策略,厂商必须根据客户特性对其识别分类。

    Customer retention plays an important role in creating value for an enterprise . In order to practise the strategy of Customer retention successfully , manufacturers must classify customers by their property or characteristic .

  18. 进一步改革和完善高等体育院校的办学,必须重视办学特性和模式问题的研究。

    In order to reform and consummate the sport universities and institutes , we have to attach importance to the research on the characteristic and model of running the sport universities and institutes in China .

  19. 更新触发器比较复杂:如果更新导致异常,那么必须删除现有的特性行,就像处理null坐标一样。

    The update trigger is more complicated : if the update causes an exception , you have to delete the existing feature row , just as for null coordinates .

  20. 由于DDS固有杂散较大,要使DDS在频率合成技术中有效地发挥作用,就必须对其杂散特性充分了解。

    Since the inherent spur performance of DDS is not in perfect condition , so , in order to make DDS work effectually , it is very necessary to understand the spur performance of DDS fully .

  21. 为了实现Cobot与人直接合作,Cobot的关节机构必须具有被动约束特性。

    To implement cobots ′ direct collaboration with humans , their joint mechanisms have to possess passivity and constraint characteristics .

  22. 手持终端是CX-1低轨小卫星双向短数据通信系统的重要组成部分,扩频解调器的低功耗、快速捕获和自适应干扰抑制是手持终端必须具备的关键特性。

    Portable terminal is an important part of CX-1 LEO micro-satellite communications systems , in which the low-power , rapid signal-acquisition and adaptive interference - canceling are the must .

  23. 具有V.24通信接口的数据终端设备要接入ISDN,必须将其电气特性、数据格式和传输速率按照ISDN用户/网络接口的标准作相应的转换,这一工作是由终端适配器(TA)来完成的。

    Before accessing into ISDN , the electrical characteristics , the frame format and the data signalling rate of DTEs with V.24 interface must be transformed into that of ISDN user / network interface ( S / T ) . This work is done by terminal adapter ( TA ) .

  24. 公路线形必须符合汽车行驶特性的要求。

    Highway alignment must accord with the properties of automobile driving .

  25. 要对振动环境中的人体进行保护,必须研究人体振动特性。

    Dynamic characters of human body must be researched for human vibration protection .

  26. 为了定量地评价软件的质量,必须对软件质量特性进行度量。

    For the quantitative evaluation of software quality , software quality attributes must be measured .

  27. 必须弄清卡车的特性和容量不要过载。

    You must thoroughly understand the characteristics and capacity of the truck and never overload it .

  28. 第五十条收集、贮存危险废物,必须按照危险废物特性分类进行。

    Article 50 Hazardous wastes must be collected and stored separately according to their different characteristics .

  29. 未来的自动变速箱的润滑液必须以其摩擦特性来说明它的改进程度。

    Future ATFs ( automatic transmission fluids ) must therefore demonstrate improvements in terms of their friction properties .

  30. 网络安全审计是实现安全管理的最重要的因素,它是一个安全的网络必须支持的功能特性。

    Network Security Audit is an important factor of security management , it record the action of user in this system .