
chǎn pǐn zhì liànɡ
  • product quality
  1. 一降低成本,产品质量就会受到影响。

    When costs are cut product quality suffers .

  2. 1/10的购买者会将回收用纸制造的厕纸作为首选,这表明对于消费者而言,对环保方面的考虑远不及产品质量。

    One in 10 buyers rand toilet rolls made from recycled paper among their top considerations , highlighting how overall the environment is much less of a consideration for shoppers than product quality .

  3. 你可以一周7天、一天16小时地拼命劳作,但是如果产品质量低劣,你就白费时间了。

    You can bust a gut sixteen hours a day , seven days a week , but if your product is lousy , you 've wasted your time .

  4. 我们要使产品质量更上一层楼。

    We should make the quality of our products even better .

  5. 经检查,产品质量[品质]合格。

    Examination confirmed that the quality of the products was up to specification .

  6. 如何提高产品质量对他来说可是个难题。

    How to improve the quality of products was a difficult problem to him .

  7. 这些产品质量很好,在国际市场上有竞争能力。

    These products are of high quality and able to compete internationally .

  8. 这种产品质量好价格也不贵。

    The product is of high quality and is not expensive either .

  9. 这项技术革新有助于改善我们的产品质量。

    This technical innovation is instrumental in improving the qualities of our products .

  10. 这些青年工人为提高产品质量,提出了顶呱呱的新建议。

    The young workers brought forth some sparkling new suggestions for improving our product .

  11. 企业应当依法落实产品质量责任,采取有力措施保护消费者安全权益。

    Enterprises should be legally accountable for product quality and take effective measures to protect the safety of consumers .

  12. 第四十四条违反本法的规定,生产、销售未经依照产品质量法的规定确定检验机构检验合格的消防产品的,责令停止违法行为,没收产品和违法所得,依照产品质量法的规定从重处罚。

    Article 44 Those who , in violation the rules of this law , produce and sell fire control products that have not passed qualification check by inspection punished in accordance with the rules of the Product Quality Law .

  13. 铝产品质量数据多维分析与SPC系统设计和实现

    Design and Realization of Aluminum Product Quality Data Multiple Analysis and SPC System

  14. STD工业控制机在常压塔产品质量控制中的应用

    The Application of STD Industrial Computer in the Product Quality Control of the Atmospheric Crude Distillation Tower

  15. 小型轮式拖拉机产品质量3C检测结果分析

    Analysis on 3C Test Results for Small Wheeled Tractor Quality

  16. 用正交试验法探索以乙酸乙酯提取生姜油树脂的最佳工艺条件,并对产品质量进行考核,用FTIR光谱仪鉴别成分。

    The paper studies the best technological conditions of extracting ginger oleoresin with the acetate ester , inspects the quality of a product and appraises the composition with FTIR .

  17. 我国也开发了多种固定床渣油加氢处理催化剂,实践表明这种催化剂具有良好的活性和稳定性,产品质量良好,收率高,可为RFCC提供优质的原料。

    The results showed that the catalysts had good activity , high stability and high yields .

  18. 通过QS9000质量体系认证,产品质量稳定。

    Through QS9000 quality system certification , product quality and stability .

  19. 就具体设备的工作原理着重介绍了GageMaster/StatMaster软件在生产实际应用中的使用方法及测量机理,并对提高产品质量从检验测量工具的改进方面提出了自己的观点,并展望了其应用前景

    It introduces the use and measuring mechanism of Gage Master / StatMaster in real production application Concept is proposed for improving product 's quality by improving measuring tools Prospect of it application is foreseen

  20. 可靠的产品质量和丰富的存货使DPV?公司成为您选择API铸铁门阀,球阀,止回阀的一家理想生厂商。

    Consistent product quality and availability of substantial stock makes DPV ? a dependable choice for API cast steel gate , globe , check , and ball valves where total reliability is of the utmost concern .

  21. 在编写处理OOT检测结果的SOP过程中,在确定公司对OOT测试结果的评估时,要谨慎考虑产品质量的风险。

    When preparing an SOP for handling OOT test results , it is prudent to consider risks to product quality when determining the company 's assessment of OOT test results .

  22. 天威加工中心拥有先进的微型环形绕线机,专业的检测仪器,采用ISO9002质量管理体系,保证产品质量稳定。

    Tianwei machining center with advanced micro-ring Coiling Machine , professional instrumentation , the use of ISO9002 quality management system to ensure product quality stability .

  23. 对于在线检测药品单个重量合格与否的设备,该技术是提高制药企业产品质量的主要手段之一,也是对我国制药企业顺利通过国际药品规范化管理体系GMP认证的前提保证。

    For equipment to check the medicine online , the technology is one of main methods to improve the quality of product of pharmaceutical enterprises and the guarantee for our pharmaceutical enterprises to be qualified with GMP successfully .

  24. SPC数据采集与处理系统实现了SPC数据的计算机采集与处理,大大提高了SPC分析的效率与准确性,对推动目前国内SPC应用,提高产品质量管理水平具有重要的现实意义。

    SPC data acquisition and processing system achieves SPC data acquisition and processing by computer and improves greatly SPC analysis ′ efficiency and accuracy , which is an important realistic impact in accelerating the present SPC application and boosting product quality management level .

  25. 拥有国内先进的硅溶胶精密铸造生产线、FSQ光谱分析仪、数控机床等先进的进口专用设备,使产品质量得到了充分的保障。

    We utilize CAD technology and advanced national carbon-steel casting , FSQ spectrum analyzing , numerically controlled lathes in the design and development of products to assure the product quality .

  26. JIAQRUNF是一家专业从事手绘丝绸墙纸和墙纸底色的自主创业型工作室,我们以“产品质量和客户要求第一”来完成好每一个订单。

    JIAQRUNF is one specialized is engaged in the hand-painted silk wallpaper and wall paper on their own type of the studio we have to " product quality and customer request first " to finish each order .

  27. 南阳石蜡精细化工厂小本体聚丙烯装置先后应用了CS-1、DQ-2和N-Ⅲ型等几种高效催化剂,文章从聚合反应特性、催化剂活性、产品质量、经济效益等几方面进行了比较分析。

    Some high efficient catalysts , CS-1 , DQ-2 , N - ⅲ are applied in small essence polypropylene device in Nanyang Wax Fine Chemical Plant . The aspects such as reaction characters , catalyst activity , product quality , economic benefit are also compared and analyzed .

  28. 产品质量和自动化控制水平有较大的提高。

    Both product quantity and automation in control have greatly increase .

  29. 质量认证分质量体系认证和产品质量认证。

    Quality certification includes quality system certification and product quality certification .

  30. 产品质量在线检测与管理系统及若干实际问题

    Product Quality Online Testing & Managing System and Some Practical Issues