
  • 网络Product decisions;product strategy
  1. 从历史上看,谷歌促进了一种开放的文化,鼓励员工挑战和讨论产品决策。

    Historically , Google has promoted an open culture that encourages employees to challenge and debate product decisions .

  2. 与其他汽车厂商一样,贵公司在中国的业务多于在世界其他任何地区。因此,中国消费者的需求和中国市场的要求对日产产品决策的影响将日益增加。

    Like other automakers , you do more business in China than anywhere else , and the demands of Chinese consumers and the requirements of the Chinese market will increasingly drive your product decisions .

  3. 位置不确定性在GIS产品决策中的影响

    The Effect of Positional Uncertainty in GIS Products Maked Decision

  4. 基于TOPSIS法的产品决策模型

    Product Decision Model Based on TOPSIS

  5. 基于客户支付意愿的住宅产品决策研究

    Decision Making on Housing Products Development Based on Clients ' Willingness-to-pay

  6. 系统层次灰关联分析模型在机械产品决策中的应用

    Application of system level gray correlation analysis model in machine products decision

  7. 其中:第四章从产品决策的角度出发阐述了加强产品信息调研,减少决策失误的风险防范对策,重点探讨了信息调研的内容以及决策的程序。

    Chapter 4 expounds the risk-preventing countermeasure based on information investigation and reducing decision fault .

  8. 基于市场评价的产品决策方法

    Product decision-making method based on marketing evaluation

  9. 定量研究在于使这张图景更加清晰而理性的指导产品决策,定义,设计和评估。

    Quantitative research is helpful to legibly and rationally guide the interaction definition , design and assessment .

  10. 作业成本法相对于传统的成本计算方法,由于成本信息的准确性较高,因此,它在企业产品决策中得到了积极的运用。

    Comparing with the conditional cost management method , the Activity-based Cost has accurate cost information , so it puts to use in our decision-making product .

  11. 上述研究表明:由于原产地效应的存在,国家品牌和产业品牌在很多情况下对消费者购买外国产品决策的影响作用比企业品牌显著。

    The results show that : in many cases of buying foreign products , the national brand and industry brand factors are more significance than the company brand factors .

  12. 随着消费者决策的日趋理性化,消费者在品牌决策、产品决策以及每一购买环节过程中的介入程度正逐渐提高。

    As they are becoming increasingly rational in decision-making , consumers are more and more involved in their decisions about brand and products , as well as every step of their purchasing processes .

  13. 本文为产品决策提供新的方法,旨在为制定和实施明确的发展战略、产品创新战略、市场营销战略提供科学的依据。

    This paper gave a new method for the product decision-making , which would provide scientific basis for lying down and implementing the development strategy , the product innovation strategy and the marketing strategy .

  14. 由公司专家、专业人员以及外聘专家团队一系列专业委员会,对产品决策、市场定位、规划设计等重要环节进行研究。

    A series of special committee made from company expert , professional person and foreign group is studing at the important tache such as the decision-making of the products , market orientation , layout design and so on .

  15. 适时的会计信息,是管理者进行决策的必要依据。作为占投资40%的存货,直接影响着企业的资金占用、产品决策、市场的敏感程度、财务决策等。

    Just-in-time accounting information is the essential basis , inventory Which is the 40 % of investment , affect the use of the capital , product decision , the degree of sensitivity , financial decision and so on .

  16. 以市场为导向的产品决策权是经营权的核心,通过它实现结构调整及森林经营的动态决策,以在满足各种约束条件下提高土地收益率。

    The right of product decision - making is the core of management right , which is good for the structure adjustment and the dynamic decision - making of forest management and maximizing the land benefit rate under the restrictions .

  17. 在战略营销和战术营销中,营销公关的作用不仅仅局限于促销领域,它在营销环境、市场定位、产品决策、定价决策和分销决策等方面同样可发挥巨大作用。

    : In tactical and strategic marketing , the marketing public relation play a part not only in sales promotion , but also in such aspects as marketing environment , market orientation , product decision , price-making decision , distribution decision and so on .

  18. 我不久前开始意识到,由于公司的组织结构所致,每天我都得处理大量产品决策的问题,而他可以在其中帮上很大忙,这可以把我解放出来,我就能做更多事情了。

    And I just started to realize that a lot of the stuff that came to me because of our organizational structure around some of the product decision-making that happens day-to-day , he could do a tremendous job of , and that would free me up then to do more things .

  19. 本文也包含了应用HEART指标,同时从数据驱动以及从用户为中心的角度出发,帮助产品团队决策的实例。

    We include practical examples of how HEART metrics have helped product teams make decisions that are both data-driven and user-centered .

  20. AHP在制造业信息化产品选型决策中的应用

    Application of AHP in the Product Selections Decision-Making of Manufacturing Informationization

  21. 本文给出了将FUZZY数学用于新产品开发决策的新方法。

    In this paper , a new method is given for the application of the fuzzy mathematics to the new product development decision .

  22. 基于SPA的产品方案决策方法研究

    Research on Production Project Design Method Based on Set Pair Analysis

  23. 产品方案决策是一个复杂的多目标决策问题,层次分析法(AHP)是解决这个问题的有效方法。

    Product scheme decision making is a complicated multi target decision making problem , analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) is an effective method to solve it .

  24. 基于MTO的制造商产品运输决策模型

    Product transport decision-making model based on MTO

  25. 介绍了一种以扩展质量功能配置(QFD)为核心方法的产品开发决策支持系统。

    A kind of decision support system based on an extended QFD ( Quality Function Deployment ) is described in this paper .

  26. 讨论了摩托车产品群决策与异地协作设计系统的概念和特点,提出了一套基于WEB的摩托车产品的群决策与异地协作设计系统,并给出了系统实现的方法。

    This paper discusses the concept and characteristics of the group decision and intercity coordination design system for motorcycle products , puts forward based on WEB a set of group decision and intercity coordination design system for motorcycle products and provides a method for realizing the system .

  27. 从价值链角度探讨OML公司产品定价决策与管理

    Study on Product Pricing Decision & Management of OML Company from Perspective of Value Chain

  28. 利用QFD(Qualityfunctiondeployment)进行产品规划决策时,根据已建立的质量屋中的信息,帮助设计人员确定满足顾客需求的技术特征目标值,用于指导新产品开发,是质量屋决策的最终目标。

    During using QFD ( Quality Function Deployment ) to make decision on product planning , it is the ultimate aim to make technical features of product maximally satisfying customer requirements to guide the product development based on the information offered by HoQ ( House of Quality ) .

  29. 我厂铸造产品计划决策初探

    Probing into Making Decision on Planning Foundry Products in Our Factory

  30. 模糊数学在新产品开发决策中的应用

    The application of fuzzy mathematics to the new product development decision