
  • 网络wilder;Wild;wilde;Wyld;earl wild
  1. 怀尔德最初是想把《日落大道》拍成一部对好莱坞的辛辣讽刺片。

    Sunset Boulevard was originally conceived by Wilder as an astringent satire on Hollywood .

  2. 怀尔德是制作这类影片的首批导演之一。

    Wilder was one of the first directors to do this .

  3. 怀尔德摔倒了,头撞在石头地上。

    Wilde fell and struck his head on the stone floor

  4. 你是否结过婚,这一点对我来说很值得怀疑(b奥斯卡怀尔德)

    If you ever get married , which seems to me extremely problematic ( bOscar Wilde )

  5. 泽维尔•迪佩塔(XavierDiPetta)和克里斯•怀尔德(ChrisWild)以不同的方式找到了自己的事业——历史图片数字策展人。

    Xavier Di Petta and Chris Wild arrived at their vocation - as digital curators of historical pictures - in very different ways .

  6. 过去5年怀尔德获得了种子投资者的资金,投资者包括FriendsReunited的联合创始人史蒂夫•潘克赫斯特(StevePankhurst)。

    Over the past five years he has received money from seed investors , including Steve Pankhurst , the co-founder of Friends Reunited .

  7. 怀尔德视纳特•西尔弗(NateSilver)的FiveThirtyEight.com数据统计博客为榜样,该网站在授权给《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)后,被体育频道ESPN收购。

    Mr Wild sees Nate Silver 's FiveThirtyEight.com statistics blog as a model - after it was licensed to the New York Times , it was bought by ESPN , the sports channel .

  8. 新片《万物理论》着重刻画了霍金与简•怀尔德(JaneWilde)的婚姻,后者为照顾霍金和他们的3个孩子做出了超过25年的非凡奉献。

    The Theory of Everything focuses on Prof Hawking 's marriage to Jane Wilde , who looked after him and their three children with extraordinary devotion for more than 25 years .

  9. 克里斯托弗•怀尔德博士是IARC的主任,他说:将室外空气污染归类为致癌物对人类来说是一个重要的步骤。

    Dr Christopher Wild , director of the IARC , said : Classifying outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to humans is an important step .

  10. Mashable与几家图片机构拥有协议,这意味着怀尔德能获取丰富的素材。

    Mashable 's arrangement with picture agencies means that Mr Wild has access to a wealth of material .

  11. 怀尔德说他很少见到刻意伪造的照片。

    Mr Wild says he sees very few deliberately falsified photos .

  12. 法官们说,怀尔德的一些评论既粗野又有诬蔑性,但并不违法。

    Judges called some of Wilders'comments crude and denigrating-but not illegal .

  13. 触动到我深层的本性(奥斯卡怀尔德)

    Stirred the deeper fibers of my nature ( Oscar Wilde )

  14. 1990年,怀尔德和霍金分开,之后便离婚了。

    She separated from Professor Hawking in 1990 and they later divorced .

  15. 怀尔德,梅洛,布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷。

    Wilde , Merlo , Buenos Aires Province , Argentina Landscape Pictures .

  16. 从20世纪60年代到70年代,比利?怀尔德一直在制作风趣电影。

    Billy Wilder continued to make interesting movies through the nineteen-sixties and nineteen-seventies .

  17. 凯瑟琳怀尔德事先没告诉任何人就结婚了。

    Kathleen wild got married without telling anyone beforehand .

  18. 我是出于好奇,库尔特,怀尔德是你的真姓吗?

    Out of curiosity , Kurt , is Wild your real last name ?

  19. 怀尔德和布雷克特写了几部很成功的电影剧本。

    Wilder and Brackett wrote several successful movies .

  20. 而对于44岁的怀尔德来说,他的路线比较传统,他曾在博物馆和照片档案机构工作多年。

    He had worked for a number of years in museum and photographic archives .

  21. 这也为怀尔德控制他的手下人提供了有效手段。

    It also provided Wild with a very effective means of controlling his men .

  22. 怀尔德接下来的一部电影是不朽的喜剧《热情如火》。

    Wilder 's next film was the immortal comedy , some like it hot .

  23. 怀尔德被提名为最佳导演。

    Wilder was nominated for best director .

  24. 在2010年的起步阶段,怀尔德的观众只有他自己和他母亲。

    At first - in 2010 - his audience was just himself and his mother .

  25. 于是比利?怀尔德离开欧洲前往美国。

    Billy Wilder left Europe for america .

  26. 第二章介绍了京剧的特点和其对怀尔德创作的影响。

    Chapter Two studies the characteristics of Beijing Opera and its possible influence on Wilder .

  27. 这种大众化很对怀尔德的胃口,他坚持文化机构不应故作清高。

    This democratisation suits Mr Wild , who insists cultural institutions should not be precious .

  28. 他们帮怀尔德找到了工作。

    They helped Wilder get jobs .

  29. 到了20世纪80年代,怀尔德已不再被认为是好莱坞最不寻常的,富有创意的电影制作者。

    By the nineteen-eighties Wilder no longer was considered the most unusual creative moviemaker in Hollywood .

  30. 本月怀尔德和霍金共同出席了《万物理论》的首映式。

    This month the pair were pictured together at the premiere of The Theory Of Everything .