
  1. 综合单频C/A码、GPS接收机测量值的次优滤波算法

    Suboptimal Filtering for Single Frequency C / A Code GPS Measurements

  2. 并利用双GPS接收机测量方位角解决了组合系统的初始方位对准问题。

    Bi-GPS receivers are applied to measure the azimuth angle in terms of initial alignment of the integrated system .

  3. GPS接收机测量电离层TEC的数据处理方法

    The Processing Method of Ionospheric TEC Data from GPS Measurements

  4. 用LF接收机测量脉冲场强的一种方法

    A Method of Measurement of pulse Field Strength by Means of LF Receiver

  5. 论文首先对当前国际上几种星载SAR天线方向图在轨测试方法,包括反射器测量方法,均匀分布目标测量方法,地面接收机测量方法,地面发射机测量方法和外部特性因子测量方法,进行了分析研究。

    Above all , some methods of inflight antenna pattern measurements for spaceborne SAR are discussed in this paper .

  6. 对投影方式及比例参数设定后,再利用矿区不同的测量已知点与手持GPS接收机测量点坐标进行对比。

    Contract the coordinate between different known survey points in mining area and the survey points by GPS receiver after establish the projection mode and scale parameter .

  7. 该文提出了用两台GPS接收机测量同一颗卫星所得的伪距差求算舰船的航向角和姿态角的方法,推证了航向角和姿态角的计算公式。

    The method of ship 's heading and attitude measurement is proposed based on the delta-pseudorange using two GPS receivers to measure the same satellites , and the formula are deduced also in this paper .

  8. 通过秩亏自由网平差原理对手持式GPS接收机测量的坐标值进行平差,旨在提高手持式GPS测量地块面积的精度。

    Through adjusting the coordinate data surveyed by hand hold GPS receiver with the principle of rank defect free network adjustment , the aim of author 's study is to increase the precision of hand hold GPS when surveying the block area .

  9. 在HL-1托卡马克装置上,采用不同频率的微波外差接收机测量欧姆放电下和低混杂波驱动下的非热辐射。

    Microwave heterodyne receivers were used to measure the nonthermal emission during ohmic ( OH ) discharges and lower hybrid current driven ( LHCD ) on the HL-1 tokamak .

  10. GB/T6163-1985调频广播接收机测量方法

    Methods of measurement on radio receivers for FM broadcast transmissions

  11. GB/T9372-1988电视广播接收机测量方法

    Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions

  12. 在扭转座内可以安装传感器、发射机,通过接收机测量其扭矩。

    A sensor and a transmitter can be installed in the torsion seat , and the torque of the utility model can be measured by a receiver .

  13. 天线相位中心的变化和多径效应是影响卫星导航接收机测量精度的显著误差源,在高精度测量应用中不能忽视。

    Antenna phase center variations and multipath effect are two major error sources of Satellite Navigation receiver surveying accuracy , which can not be ignored in high precision surveying applications .

  14. 深入分析了大气掩星反演精度的影响因素,分别对卫星测量误差、掩星接收机测量误差和掩星反演算法误差等三大类影响大气掩星反演精度的误差源进行了较系统的总结。

    The factors that affect the precision of atmospheric inversion are discussed in-depth . There are three types of error source in atmospheric occultation included of satellite measurements errors , GPS receiver measurements errors and the errors from the method of inversion .

  15. 多通道GPS定时接收机的测量数据处理方法和结果比较

    Comparison of methods and it 's results of measurement and data processing on a multichannel GPS timing receiver

  16. 理论分析和数据处理结果表明:DGPS的定位误差主要由多径效应引起,而影响RTK定位误差的主要因素包括接收机的测量噪声和多径效应。

    Analysis in theory and Data processing show that the DGPS positioning error comes from the effect of multipath mostly , and RTK positioning error comes from the effect of multipath and the receiver noise .

  17. 本文着重介绍BM-5色度计应用IBM-PC微机控制来实现彩色电视接收机色度测量自动化,并分别介绍色度计的专用接口硬件与测量软件。

    This paper presents the method of realizing automatic measurement of chromaticity of color TV receiver by means of BM-5 Chromometer and IBM-PC microcomputer . Special hardware for interface with the chromometer and software for the measurement are also presented separately .

  18. 手机辐射功率和接收机特性测量技术

    The Testing Technology in Mobile Phone Radiating Power and the Receiver Property

  19. 电磁干扰测试接收机自动测量系统的设计

    An Auto - Measure System Design for EMI Test Receiver

  20. 数字接收机具有测量参数精度高、分辨力高、细微特征检测和识别能力强的优点。因此,雷达侦察设备的数字化成为接收机发展的重要趋势。

    The digital receiver has more advantages including high precision , high resolution , and strong capability of detection and identification .

  21. 实践表明,上述参数分析方法是正确有效的,并已应用于雷达接收机综合测量系统。

    The test results show that the methods introduced above are effective and correct , and have been applied in the radar receiver integrated measuring system .

  22. 用C/A码GPS接收机进行控制测量的实验

    An experiment on control survey by usingC / A code GPS receivers

  23. 干扰对GPS接收机伪距测量精度的影响

    Influence of Jamming to Pseudo-range Measurement Precision of GPS Receiver

  24. 改进的国产GPS定时接收机的性能测量与分析

    Measurement and analysis of the performance of a Chinese-built GPS timing receiver by improved

  25. GPS接收机原始观测量的模拟实现

    Simulation of GPS Receiver Raw Observations

  26. 利用GPS双频接收机,能测量电离层总电子含量(TEC)及其变化。

    The ionospheric total electron constent and its variation is observed by using GPS double-frequency receiver .

  27. 本文根据GPS接收机伪距测量的原理,以GPS接收机的载波噪声功率密度比(C/N0)为基础,分析压制干扰对GPS接收机伪距测量精度的影响。

    The influence of jamming to pseudo-range measurement precision of GPS receiver is analyzed on the basis of density ratio of carrier noise power of GPS receiver according to the theory of GPS receiver pseudo-range measurement .

  28. 为降低整体成本,本文设计的车载定位导航系统采用了单个GPS接收机来实时测量汽车的位置,致使定位精度不高。

    To reduce of the total cost , Vehicle Location and Navigation System designed in this paper chooses a single GPS receiver to position , as a result , the positioning precision of the system is affected .

  29. 通过对比可以看出,本文方法基本消除了接收机伪距测量多径误差,明显优于扼流圈天线及导航增强接收的确定性波束形成(DBF)方法。

    Through comparison , it is clear that the multipath error of the pseudorange measurements is almost eliminated by the method presented in the dissertation , and it is greatly better than the chock ring antenna which is operated in most systems and the deterministic beamforming ( DBF ) .

  30. 长波定时接收机的时延测量方法

    A method of measuring the time delay of the long wave timing receiver