
  • 网络Acceptance;Access plate;splicetra;maker-taker
  1. 那么,对Snapchat的估价是否单单是根据它海量的使用量和飞速增长,以及相信会有雅虎那样的公司不顾一切地接盘?

    So is this valuation based solely on massive usage / growth , and the belief that someone like Yahoo ( yhoo ) will be desperate for it as a feature ?

  2. 佳兆业目前正努力重组国内外逾100亿美元的境内和境外债务,以获得其竞争对手融创(Sunac)的接盘。

    It is currently trying to restructure more than $ 10bn of onshore and offshore debts in order to secure a rescue by rival Sunac .

  3. 谁可以接盘呢?投资者已经不再入市了。

    Who are the buyers ? Investors aren 't any more .

  4. 半轴总成制动器及过渡接盘螺栓压装的浮动设计

    Floating Design of Arrester and Bolt in Axle Shaft Assembly

  5. 而接盘者不只是其他私人股本公司。

    These sales were not merely to other firms .

  6. 如果慈善机构出售所持化石燃料企业股份,那么其他投资者会接盘。

    If charities sell their holdings in fossil fuel companies , other investors will buy them .

  7. 寻找安德森的接盘�

    Searching for an Anderson taker

  8. 目前聚酯切片货源不多但下游高位接盘也谨慎,市场表现胶着。

    Polyester chip supply at present but high in the lower disk access is also cautious , markets agglutination .

  9. 美银昨日为自己提供的折扣进行了辩护,表示该折扣是在与接盘的投资团谈判后商定的。

    BofA yesterday defended the discount and said it had been agreed on after negotiations with the buying consortium .

  10. 四面强化玻璃,高效能发热系统,红外线保温灯拉出式屑末接盘,方便清理。

    Full toughened glasses , high efficient heating system , infrared warming light , drawer-type crumb tray for easy cleaning .

  11. 在拆三角接盘时,应在连接处打一记号,以便安装时按记号装复。

    Pick in the demolition of triangular plate , the junction should be a mark for installation by sign refitted .

  12. 他们将公司买下来……欠下一屁股债……把公司搜刮的干干净净……然后又让傻呼呼的投资者来接盘

    They buy them ... load them up with debt ... rape them ... then dump them on stupid investors ... once again

  13. 当然,如果国内投资者可以接盘,外国投资者抛售也不会对两国造成多大伤害。

    Of course , selling by foreign investors may not matter for the countries if domestic investors can take up the slack .

  14. 此次接盘的投资团,预计将于今天再将相当大部分股票出售给全球投资者,包括对冲基金。

    The buying consortium is today expected to sell on a large chunk of the shares to global investors , including hedge funds .

  15. 这导致华尔街不假思索地向任何愿意接盘的人出售抵押贷款,并通过将这些贷款证券化和交易获利。

    That led to a rush to sell mortgages to anyone willing to take them , and to profit by securitising and trading them .

  16. 同时,政府要营造良好的退出环境,健全保障体系,采取有力的措施提高市场的接盘能力。

    Meanwhile , government should build excellent environment for withdrawal , perfect security system , and take effective measures to improve market 's accepting ability .

  17. 如果你不想要它了,总是会有一个庞大市场愿意接盘。

    And if you want to get rid of it , there will always be a large , willing market to take it off your hands .

  18. 经过一些创造性的破坏之后,实力较弱的参与者将被迫离场(特别是杠杆水平很高的购房者),而资金状况较好的接盘者将推动定价过程和交易流。

    After some creative destruction , weaker players will be forced to leave ( especially highly-leveraged buyers ) and better-capitalised successors will drive pricing and deal flow .

  19. 撤资的经济影响很可能微乎其微。如果慈善机构出售所持化石燃料企业股份,那么其他投资者会接盘。

    The financial impact of divestment is likely to be negligible . If charities sell their holdings in fossil fuel companies , other investors will buy them .

  20. 为了降低这一风险,欧洲央行挺身而出,开始在二级市场上收购意大利国债,简而言之,即从容易受到惊吓的私人投资者手中接盘。

    To offset this risk , the ECB came out and started buying Italian bonds on the secondary market , essentially taking the place of skittish private investors .

  21. 这时就需要寻找接盘投资人,将项目以最小的损失或者以最大的利润转让出去。

    It is the time when finding a successor who could afford the funds for the projects are necessary to transfer the ownership at a minimum of losing or a maximum of profit .

  22. 在研究半轴总成制动器及过渡接盘螺栓结构的基础上,提出了一种可以在线体小车上直接压装元件的浮动支承结构。

    Based on the research of the structure of arrester and bolts in axle shaft assembly , the author gives a floating structure , with which we can directly press the components on the dolly .

  23. 传动滚筒是矿用带式输送机的重要部件,其接盘支点、轴径、筒壳厚度及辐板厚度一直都采用经验公式计算。

    The driving drum is a main part of a mine belt conveyor and its connecting disk supporting point , shaft diameter , drum shell thickness and radial plate thickness are always calculated with experiment formula .

  24. 吸入接盘固装在风机入口端面上,其下端利用卡箍与吸料管上端固接,吸料盘固配在吸料管下端上;

    A sucking-in reception disc whose lower end is fixedly connected with the upper end of a material sucking pipe is fixedly arranged on the inlet end face of the blower fan by using a clip ;

  25. 从减小滚筒体和滚筒轴弯矩的角度进行分析,得出接盘间距存在一个使滚筒重量最小的最佳值的重要结论,为合理确定滚筒体和滚筒轴的几何尺寸提供了依据。

    It is known that there is practical value of dimensions between the discs from point of view of decreasing the bending moment of drum and drum shaft and it makes the weight of the drum become minimum .

  26. 但要让纳税人完全接盘剩余的270亿美元股份,股价就必须达到平均每股约51美元,这将是目前股价的一倍还多。

    But to make taxpayers whole on the remaining $ 27 billion owed to the U.S. , the stock would have to be sold at an average of $ 51 A share , more than double its current price .

  27. 从满足传动滚筒强度条件的角度出发,采用优化设计的方法,设定重量最小为目标函数,对全部参数进行优化设计,改善了接盘的受力条件,提高了传动滚筒的使用寿命。

    To meet strength conditions of the driving drum , the optimized design with the optimized design method and rated minimum weight as a target function were conducted for all parameters to improve the stress condition of the connecting disk and the service life of the driving drum .

  28. 如客户需要接布盘,需另行订购。

    Cloth required client such as disk access , to be ordered separately .

  29. 接水盘落料-拉伸-切边复合模设计

    Design of Blanking-Drawing-Trimming Compound Die for the Water-Containing Plate

  30. 长城卷接机组盘纸控制系统的改造

    Improvement of Bobbin Control System in Great Wall Cigarette Making and Assembling Machines