
  • 网络Ground Loop;ground return
  1. 一般而言,在测量系统中应该只有一个点被连接到接地,以避免形成接地回路。

    In general , only one point in the measurement system should be connected to earth ground to avoid ground loops .

  2. 该文建立了分析接地回路的电磁干扰的部分元等效电路(PEEC)模型,并针对三种不同结构的电路模型计算出了相应的电感参数。

    In this paper , PEEC model for analyzing grounding circuit EMI problem was constructed and the inductance parameters corresponding to three different models were figured out .

  3. 实测和仿真的阻抗频率特性非常吻合,证明用PEEC方法分析研究大尺寸接地回路的高频阻抗特性是可行的,拓展了PEEC方法的应用领域。

    The high consistency between the measurement and the simulation was achieved and it shows that PEEC is also effective and feasible for modeling a grounding circuit of large size at high frequency .

  4. 文中利用所建立的接地回路PEEC模型,对接地网两点间的阻抗特性和干扰电流在其上引起的电压降进行了研究,分析了外部电路对其影响的规律。

    By means of constructing PEEC model for grounding circuit , the impedance characteristic across two grounding points and its voltage-drop caused by interference current are studied , and some aspects about the effect of external circuit on grounding circuit are also discussed in this paper .

  5. 接地回路的高频等效电路模型

    High Frequency Equivalent Circuit of Grounding Net Earthing Measurement

  6. 用于传导电磁干扰分析的接地回路模型与参数

    Grounding circuit model and parameters for conducted EMI analysis

  7. 这叫接地回路。

    This is called an earth return .

  8. 串联在消弧线圈接地回路中的非线性阻尼电阻&DFD型大功率非线性电阻器

    Arc Suppression Circuit Connected in Series with Non-linear Damping Resistors & Type DFD Large Capacity Non-linear Resistor

  9. 对工频而言,接地回路起主导作用的是电阻;

    As for the power frequency , the leading role of the grounding circuit is the resistance ;

  10. 地网以外的接地回路对地网两点间电路参数的影响程度随着其位置的变化有比较明显的变化,主要影响在于外部电路与地网之间的部分互感。

    The effect of grounding circuit on the circuit parameter between grounding net points varies with its place .

  11. 在短路接地回路上,人体接触电气设备带电外壳的点与站立点之间存在接触电压。

    There is touching voltage between body touch electric equipment case with electricity point and stand-up point in loop of short circuit ground .

  12. 介绍变压器铁芯和夹件接地回路及变压器铁心多点接地检测装置。

    The device to check if there are multi-grounding locations in transformer core and to check the grounding circuit of core and clamping pieces are introduced .

  13. 对由于铁芯与夹件接地引出回路接线错误由此因外界电磁场在寄生回路上产生的感应电流进行了分析,提出了工程施工中应注意闭合回路问题。

    What due to wrong connection of the grounding lead circuit of core and clamping pieces , and outside electromagnetic field caused an induced current in the autoeciousness circuit is analyzed , and the closed loop problem that should be adverted in engineering constructing is also presented .

  14. 接地电阻测量回路中辅助电极位置的变化规律

    The variation of auxiliary electrodes position in measuring circuits for grounded resistances

  15. 通过多重判据、软件滤波、排除差模干扰、合理地设计接地泄放回路等抗干扰措施,提高了设备投运和监控信号传输的可靠性。

    By applying the anti-interference measures , such as multiple criterions , software filter , elimination of differential mode interfere , rational design of the leak loop-circuit , the reliability of device operation and monitoring signal transmission is improved .

  16. 根据QFS602型双水内冷发电机特点,对其定子接地保护典型设计回路中存在的问题以及应采取的改进措施进行了分析和讨论。

    According to the characteristic of the QFS-60-2 generator with double inside water cooling system , it analyses the problems in the typical designed earthing protection loop of the stator and the measures of improvement .

  17. 快速接地开关用于接地和回路短接。

    Quick earthing switch is applied to earthing and loop shorting .