
kān běn
  • edition;block-printed edition
刊本 [kān běn]
  • [block-printed edition] 刻印的书本

  • 原刊本

  • 宋刊本

刊本[kān běn]
  1. 他收藏有这种杂志所有的旧刊本。

    He 's got all the back numbers of the magazine .

  2. 图书馆创建文学作品未刊本阅览室的可行性论证

    Argumentation to the Feasibility for the Library to Set Up Reading Room for Unpublished Literary Works

  3. 明刊本《琵琶记》版画插图风格研究

    Research on the Painting Style of Illustration of the Printworks in the Ming Version of Pipa

  4. 明刊本戏曲插图已不只是语言文本的附庸,而具有独立的艺术价值。

    Ming-Dynasty block-printed opera illustration is not only an appendage of linguistic text . It has its independent artistic value .

  5. 其初刊本政治意识占主导地位,历史意识和审美意识都处于从属地位;

    Through contrast , in the first version the political sense was dominating , and the senses of history and aesthetics subordinate ;

  6. 大量名家参与批点,插图版画无图不精成为《西厢记》刊本特别是万历至明末刊刻高潮时期的突出特点。

    A distinct characteristic from Wanli Period ( 1573-1620 ) to the end of Ming Dynasty was that many famous critics comment on the play and supplied nice illustrations .

  7. 《创业史》初刊本到初版本的主要修改动因是听党的话;

    The changes from the first edition and the original edition of " The history of Entrepreneurship " are mainly caused of the reason " listening to the Party ";

  8. 《游仙窟》古钞本、古刊本勘误与质疑本古玩店收藏的各种古钟,待价而沽。

    The Errors Correction and Questions of the Ancient Hand-Copied and Printed Books of You Xian Ku ; Various kinds of ancient clocks in our curio shop are waiting for the respective highest Bids .

  9. 考订谢肇氵制的生世、仕历、著作,着重研究了他的明末刻本《小草斋集》、《续集》,指出这个刊本的价值。

    This paper attempts to examine his life and works , particularly the block-printed editions of his Collections from the Grass Cottage and A Sequel that appeared at the end of the Ming Dynasty .

  10. 本文结合大量文献资料,对明成化刊本《白兔记》的发现经过、文本形态、文献价值以及整理、研究情况进行较为全面的回顾和总结。

    This text combines plenty of document materials , Copies of the white hare discover process , text forms , document value and as well as arrange , studying last overall retrospect and summaries comparatively at situation .

  11. 本文主要对较初刊本与初版本、初版本与再版本,以窥其版本流变轨迹,以及这些改动对剧情和人物形象塑造产生的影响。

    This paper mainly compare the first printing with first edition , first edition with second edition so as to find out the course of change and the influence of these alterations on the plot and the character image-building .

  12. 按照时间顺序,明清刊本《水浒传》中的语&图互文经历了这三种形态,不同形态背后蕴藏的文化意义昭示我们,图像作为文学批评的一种形态,应当引起足够重视。

    According to the time sequence , Ming Kan Ben " outlaws " in " language & Image " intertextual experiences these three forms , different forms of hidden behind the cultural significance that , the image as a form of literary criticism , should cause enough take seriously .