
  • 网络Tidal Theory;TidalTheory
  1. 以固体潮汐理论为基础,讨论了提取各种潮汐、非潮汐参量的计算方法,并依据新疆地区数字化形变观测资料分析了石河子、巴楚震前的短临异常信息。

    Based on the tidal theory , this paper discussed the method to calculate the tidal and non-tidal parameters , and analyzed the short-term anomaly characteristics before the Shihezi and Bachu earthquakes using the observed digital deformation data in Xinjiang region .

  2. 其效果比用潮汐理论值校正的方法消去潮汐影响更好。

    The effect of this method is better than that of eliminating tidal influence by the adjustment method of tidal theory value .

  3. 固体潮汐理论值算法在VB6.0中的应用与实现

    Use VB to apply and realize the arithmetic of the tide theory values

  4. 本文在前人引潮位计算基础上,使用了面向对象的程序设计方法,编制了界面友好的固体潮汐理论值计算软件。

    In this study , we use the object-oriented method to design the software with friendly interface that can calculate the tide theory values conveniently .

  5. 本文还依据滞弹模型和Topex/Poseidon卫星测高资料确定的海潮模型,给出顾及地幔滞弹性和非平衡海潮效应的Mf和Mm频率的潮汐响应理论值。

    Based on anelastic model and ocean tide model determined by Topex / Poseidon satellite altimetry data , the authors also present the theoretical values of the tidal response at M f and M m frequencies in consideration of mantle anelasticity and non equilibrium ocean tide effects .

  6. 概要综述了确定卫星重力场恢复中的海洋负荷潮汐改正理论和精度估算问题。

    The theory and error estimation of the influence of ocean tide on the determination of satellite gravity recovery are described briefly .

  7. 基于潮汐静力学理论,分析了潮汐调和,讨论了潮汐的性质,对一年潮位资料的最小二乘法进行了分析和验证。

    Based on the equilibrium tidal theory , this paper does some research on the method of tidal harmonic analysis and discusses the qualities of tide , then analyses the least square method grounded on long time serial data .

  8. 本文从潮汐静力学理论出发系统的阐述了潮汐信号提取的调和分析法模型和响应分析法模型,然后对用卫星测高数据提取潮汐信号的沿轨分析法和交叉点分析法进行讨论。

    Based on tidal static theories , this paper deduces the harmonic method model and response method model for tidal signals ' expression . This paper also discusses the along track analysis and crossover analysis , for tidal signals ' extraction from satellite altimetry datum .

  9. 弹性地球负荷潮汐应变的理论及计算

    Theory and computation of tidal loading strain of an elastic earth

  10. 地表潮汐应变的理论模型

    Theoretical model of tidal strain on the earth 's surface

  11. 潮汐的平衡理论知识产权法利益平衡原理论纲

    EGUILIBRIUM THEORY OF THE TIDES Outline of the Doctrine of Balancing of Interests in Intellectual Property Law

  12. 潮汐的平衡理论

    Eguilibrium theory of the tides

  13. 采用简洁的数学转换提出求解相应的轴向各向异性含水层地下水潮汐运动的理论与方法。

    Put forward a theory and method to solve the tidal movement of anisotropic aquifer using a concise mathematical manipulation .

  14. 根据潮汐的平衡理论,得出高、低潮涨落公式并对引潮力作了计算。

    Based on the eguilibrium theory of the tides , a formula showing the elevation at high tide and the depression at low tide from mean sea level is obtained . Tidal force is calculated .

  15. 本文根据实测资料和潮汐学基本理论,分析了福建海区潮波结构和特征、潮汐和潮流主要特征值的分布规律。

    Tides and tidal currents in Fujian waters are discussed as below on the basis of data analysis : The structure properties of tidal waves in the area ; The distribution of major characteristic values of tides and tidal currents are regular ;

  16. 考虑地幔滞弹性和非平衡海洋潮汐效应后,理论预测的18.6a潮汐参数与SLR潮汐解基本相符。

    After taking into account the effects of mantle anelasticity and non_equilibrium ocean tide , the theoretical predicted parameters for the 18.6 a tide are in general agreement with the SLR tide solution .

  17. 他用来自太阳、亮和地球的重力的牵引力下的潮汐来解释数学理论。

    He explained the mathematical theory on tides under gravitational pull from the sun , moon and earth .

  18. 它是固体潮汐研究的基本理论问题,也是潮汐观测分析与研究工作的基础。

    It is not only a basic theoretical problem of the study of solid tides , but also the foundation of observation and analysis of tides .

  19. 随着地球模型越来越接近真实地球,对潮汐的数值模拟理论也不断深化,潮汐解算过程中随之将出现新的问题。

    Numerical modeling theory of earth tide is more complicated as the earth model is nearer to the real earth , and so new problems appear in solving of tide .

  20. 基于河口区域二维潮汐运动问题的控制方程和特点,采用简洁的数学转换提出求解相应的轴向各向异性含水层地下水潮汐运动的理论与方法。

    Result shows its more extensive application than recent studies . ( 4 ) Based on the property of governing equations for problem of two-dimensional estuarine tidal groundwater fluctuations , this paper adopted method of coordinate transformation to derive the analytical solutions of tidal groundwater fluctuations in anisotropic media .