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cháo xī diàn zhàn
  • Tidal power station;power station that uses tides to generate electricity
  1. 本论文首先介绍了世界潮汐电站的发展史及发展现状;

    This paper firstly introduces the phylogeny and actuality of tide-power stations ;

  2. 潮汐电站月周期优化调度模型及其应用

    Optimum model for month-term operation of tidal power station and its application

  3. 沙坝泻湖修建潮汐电站的综合治理

    Comprehensive treatment to tidal power station at lagoon with sand - bank

  4. 重视潮汐电站的开发与利用

    Pay Great Attention to Persistent Development for Tidal Power Station

  5. 潮汐电站优化调度计算及软件编制的研究

    Calculation of Tide Power Stations Management and Building of the Management Software

  6. 潮汐电站建库及运行方案分析

    Basin and Operational Modes of a Tidal Power Station

  7. 浏河潮汐电站自动化系统

    The automatic control system at Liuhe tide power station

  8. 潮汐电站厂房浮运结构的浮运稳定计算

    Floating stability calculation of floating-caisson of tidal power plants

  9. 潮汐电站能量计算

    The Energy Balance Computation of the Tide Power Station

  10. 潮汐电站浮运法施工技术综述

    Floating caisson Construction Method of Tidal Power Plant

  11. 本文叙述了八尺门潮汐电站的开发。

    In this paper , state of exploiting Bachimen Tidal Power Station is described .

  12. 然后建立潮汐电站厂内经济运行和短期优化调度的数学模型;

    And then , establishes the mathematics model of optimal regulation of tide-power stations ;

  13. 论文也探讨了潮汐电站优化调度中不同于常规水电站优化调度的特殊问题的处理方法。

    Discusses some particular problems of tide-power stations , differing from normal water power stations .

  14. 浅析潮汐电站的发展前景

    Analysed prospect of tidal power plant

  15. 潮汐电站的电气设计

    Electrical Design of Tidal Power Station

  16. 开发利用沿海火力电站尾水余能建造尾水潮汐电站

    Construction of a tail water tidal power plant by making use of residual energy of tail water from coastal thermal power station

  17. 国内外多座潮汐电站建成经验表明,潮汐发电技术上是可行的。

    The successful constructing and operating experiences from many Chinese and foreign tidal power stations have shown that tidal generation of electricity is feasible .

  18. 在潮汐电站建设中,浮运法施工起着降低造价,缩短工期,改善施工条件等重要作用。

    In the construction of tidal power plants , the floating caisson method may reduce the cost shorten the construction period , and improve construction conditions .

  19. 海上潮汐电站、波浪电站、温差电站等海洋能源开发利用工程;

    Projects of maritime tidal power stations , wave power stations , stations based on temperature difference , and other marine energy exploitation and utilization projects ;

  20. 潮汐电站电量的正确计算是进行潮汐电站经济财务评价的基础环节,并对电站的开发建设及运行调度提供理论依据。

    The electric-power output of tide power station is the foundation of financial evaluation , and may provide the theoretical according for power station development and operation .

  21. 针对潮汐电站的实际运行情况,在已知某个月的预报潮位及月初水位下,采用动态规划法求出该月的最优库水位过程线,使得该月的总发电量最大。

    Aim at the actual situation of tide power stations , under condition of tide level forcasted , dynamic programming is used to realize the optimal load dispatching among different time and units .

  22. 本论文还对江厦潮汐电站的实际运行资料进行了数值模拟计算,结果表明:采用优化调度可使潮汐电站提高年发电量9%以上。

    At last , this paper proceeds the calculation of Jiang Xia tide-power station . The result shows that optimal regulation of tide-power station s can improve above 9 % of the electricity .

  23. 本文简要介绍潮汐电站浮运法施工各阶段(预制,拖运,地基处理,沉放)的关键技术,包括选择预制场,控制拖运,开挖和地基加固,定位和安放沉箱等。

    This paper introduces briefly the crucial technology of the method including the selection of precasting yards , controlling of the towing , excavation and treatment of foundation , locating and placing of caissons .

  24. 但潮汐电站建成后,水库是否会淤积,其主要决定因素为何,直接关系到电站使用寿命,因而是必须首先解决的重要问题。

    It was neccessary to salve an important Problem whether the sand would deposit in the reservoir before the construction started , for it would directly relate to the service life of the tidal power station .

  25. 尾水潮汐电站的模式为开发利用海洋潮汐能和节约回收沿海火力电站的尾水余能提供了一条途径。

    This model offers a way for utilizing the tidal energy and saving and recovering the spare energy remaining in the tail water of the power station a short constructing period and a better economical result .

  26. 在此基础上,进一步使用等微增率法、动态规划法和基因遗传算法来求解潮汐电站优化调度问题,并对三种方法作了比较,指出各自的优缺点;

    Narrates how to use EQ , dynamic programming , genetic algorithm to solve the problem of optimal regulation of tide-power stations individually ; makes comparison of three kinds of methods , pointing out the excellence and weakness of each method ;

  27. 江厦潮汐试验电站6机的双向组合轴承混合式径向-轴式轴承

    The Bi-directional Combination Bearing for Jiang xia NO.6 Unit Tentative Tidal Power Station combined radial-axial bearing

  28. 我国目前最大的江厦潮汐试验电站于1985年冬建成,运行良好,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。

    The largest one of tidal power stations in China , Jiangxia Experimental Tidal Power Station with the installed capacity of3200kW was built up in winter , 1985 .

  29. 2min的周期是第三峰值周期,可能与该区域水流的紊动猝发有关。潮汐河道与核电站取水口区域水流特性的数值模拟

    And the third peak value 2 min perhaps is corresponding to turbulent burst . NUMERICAL MODELLING OF FLOW FIELD IN A TIDAL RIVER AND THE NEAR FIELD OF INTAKE FOR A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT

  30. 潮汐河道与核电站取水口区域水流特性的数值模拟

    Numerical modelling of flow field in a tidal river and the near field of intake for a nuclear power plant