
  • 网络SITE;station address
  1. 在I、II级污秽等级的站址环境下,瓷质外绝缘单个支柱绝缘子、套管以及其他瓷质类设备难以满足户外要求;

    Under I or II class contamination conditions of station site , ceramic post insulator , sleeve and other ceramic devices are difficult to meet outdoor usage requirements .

  2. GNSS地面测试环境中关于影响站址选择因素的考虑

    The consideration of the influence to site selection of pseudolites in GNSS ground test system

  3. 利用小灵通站址及室外系统提高3G覆盖的研究

    The Research of Improving 3G Coverage With Sites and Outdoor Systems of PHS

  4. 对铁路集装箱中心站的站址选择,提出基于变权法的多因素Fuzzy决策。

    For location-choosing of railway container center station , this paper puts forward the fuzzy decision-making among multi-factors that is based on variable weight method .

  5. 本文从3G网络规划的覆盖要求分析了3G/2G基站共站址的可行性;

    In this paper , we first analyze the availability of sharing station address according to the requirement of networks coverage .

  6. 卫星地球站站址电磁环境测试干扰分析软件的OOP设计及应用

    The OPP Design and Application for the EMC Test Interference Analysis of Satellite Earth Station

  7. 比较结果表明“C”站址(中站址)为最优。预测可能存在的气泡位置及锁模力的大小,确定最佳浇口位置。

    The station " C "( the middle station location ) is the best . In order to obtain the best gate location addition , the position of air bubble and the clamp force were forecasted .

  8. 从设计角度,就LPG加气站的站址选择与建站规模、站区平面布置、主要设备选型以及安全保障措施等进行了阐述。

    The site-selection , scale of the project , plan layout , main equipment selection , safety measures , etc. of LPG-car refueling stations in Shanghai are expounded .

  9. 本文简述了在云南天文台本部和附近对VLBI观测站址的初选。

    The preliminary site selection for a VLBI station at and near the Yunnan Observatory is briefly described in this present article .

  10. 站址靠近负荷的中心,110kv进线及10kv电缆出线较为方便。

    The station site is near the load center , which is convenient for110kv incoming and10kv cable outgoing .

  11. 由于变电站的选址模型及算法是基于GIS配电网规划智能决策支持系统的重要环节,因此,作者建立了基于GIS的变电站空间布局模型,并采用多源交替迭代选址法进行求解,得到变电站的备选站址;

    As substation addressing model and algorithm is a crucial link to IDSS for DNP based on GIS , the substation spatial layout model is set up and computed by multi-sources alternate iteration addressing method , and the standby address of substation is obtained .

  12. 为得到适用于当地的TD频段无线传播模型,我们选取了市区和郊县两个场景,共计六个站址进行了CW测试,并对测试数据进行处理。

    To obtain apply to the local TD-band radio propagation model , we selected two urban and suburban scenes , a total of six stations were conducting a CW test , and test data for processing .

  13. 针对变电站优化规划这一城市电网规划工作中的重要环节,提出了一种基于加权Voronoi图的变电站规划方法,可以最终完成对变电站数量、容量、站址及供电范围的优化。

    Substation optimization planning plays an important role in urban network planning . This paper presents a novel method for substation planning based on the weighted Voronoi diagram , which can optimize the number , capacity , location , size and power supply area of substations .

  14. 覆盖方面,本文将武汉地区分为四种不同的覆盖环境,采用Okumura-Hata模型进行链路分析,我们得到四种覆盖场景下的小区半径,结合现网得到规划站址。

    In the aspect of coverage , Wuhan was divided into four different covering environment , and we got four kinds of cell radius coverage scenarios , by link analysis with Okumura-Hata model .

  15. 三峡至广东500kV直流输电线路的设备外绝缘水平是工程建设的基本问题之一,因此对广东侧直流换流站站址所在区域的污秽状况进行了调查。

    The equipment external insulation level of 500 kV DC transmission line from the Three Gorges to Guangdong is a basic consideration in the project , and an investigation was made into the pollution condition on the location for its Guangdong-side converter station .

  16. 大口径地面光学和红外望远镜必须安装在具有良好大气条件的观测台站才能充分发挥其效率,因此仔细地选择天文观测站址是非常重要的。

    Selecting a good site for ground-based astronomy is very important .

  17. 河畔泵站站址的防护措施

    Measures for protection of location site of river bank pumping station

  18. 天然气泄漏和气站站址选择

    Natural Gas Leakage and the Choice of Natural Gas Station

  19. 经过技术论证,选择新微波站站址。

    A new site was selected for the station after technical argumentation .

  20. 多站址空间法无线电监控系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Radio Monitoring System with Multi-stational Space Method

  21. 糯扎渡水电站高压配电装置选型及开关站站址选择

    The type selection for HV distribution equipment and site selection for switchyard

  22. 多普勒天气雷达站址视程的客观分析技术

    An objective method for analyzing the horizon of Doppler weather radar stations

  23. 浅谈邯钢新区工厂联合编组站站址选择

    Selecting location for unite marshalling station of new region of Han steel

  24. 风廓线仪站址电磁环境的分析与测量

    The Analysis and Measure of Electromagnetic Environment in the Location of Wind Profiler

  25. 配电网优化规划中变电站站址及站间连接的选择

    Selection of substation position and substations connection scheme in distribution net optimum projection

  26. 考虑抗毁性及业务需求的站址规划算法

    An algorithm for designing communication station to meet service requirement and destroy-resistance target

  27. 云南省域内夜间光学人卫观测站址初选

    The Preliminary Survey for the Satellite Observation Stations in the Region of Yunnan Province

  28. 变电站站址两阶段优化规划的实用改进方法

    Improved Two-phase Optimization Planning Approach to Substation Locating

  29. 多传感器极大似然定位中站址误差的影响

    Effects of Stations ' Position Errors on the ML Position Estimation in Multisensor System

  30. 京沪高速铁路客运站站址选择有关问题探讨

    Discussion on the Issue Related to Selection of Station Site of Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway