
zhàn qǐ lái
  • stand up;get up;rise;rise up;get on sb.'s feet;get upon sb.'s feet;stand up on sb.'s own feet
  1. 他突然心血来潮,想站起来歌唱。

    He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing .

  2. 他猛然站起来,弄翻了椅子。

    He stood up quickly , overturning his chair .

  3. 她挪动庞大的躯体,费力地从椅子里站起来。

    She heaved her bulk out of the chair .

  4. 我扶着她让她站起来。

    I helped her to get to her feet .

  5. 他站起来表演了一段优美的《夏日时光》。

    He stood up and rendered a beautiful version of ' Summertime ' .

  6. 梅尔站起来拍掉了身上的尘土。

    Mel stood up and dusted herself down .

  7. 会众站起来唱圣歌。

    The congregation stood to sing the hymn .

  8. 他醉醺醺地摇晃着站起来。

    He staggered drunkenly to his feet .

  9. 当心站起来时头别撞了横梁。

    Be careful not to bump your head on the beam when you stand up .

  10. 演出期间请不要站起来。

    Please remain seated during the performance .

  11. 请不要站起来!

    Please don 't get up !

  12. 我在会议上出了个大洋相——站起来却忘了要问的问题。

    I made an ass of myself at the meeting ─ standing up and then forgetting the question .

  13. 我站起来讲话,可是——老天爷呀——我发现自己忘了带讲稿。

    I stood up to speak and ─ horror of horrors ─ realized I had left my notes behind .

  14. 他站起来把他的椅子拖向桌子。

    He got up and dragged his chair towards the table .

  15. 两人都站起来与她吻别道晚安。

    Both men rose to their feet and kissed her goodnight .

  16. 他慢慢地站起来,一瘸一拐地走到咖啡桌旁。

    He got up slowly and hobbled over to the coffee table

  17. 他站起来仔细打量整间屋子。

    He pushed himself to his feet and surveyed the room

  18. 他说完话站起来,直视着我。

    He finished his conversation and stood up , looking straight at me

  19. 我站起来,掸掉裤子上的碎屑。

    I stood up , brushing crumbs from my trousers .

  20. 他缓慢地活动了一下肌肉,想尽量站起来。

    He slowly flexed his muscles and tried to stand .

  21. 我允许她扶我站起来。

    I allowed her to help me to my feet

  22. 然后他站起来,拍了拍牛仔裤的臀部。

    Then he got up and brushed off the seat of his jeans .

  23. 宝宝开始只是爬,后来第一次站起来蹒跚着走了几步。

    The baby began to crawl , then managed her first tottering steps .

  24. 她从桌前站起来,面对着他。

    She stood up from the table and faced him

  25. 他站起来,面无表情地朝门口走去。

    He rose , his face void of emotion as he walked towards the door

  26. 他看着站起来跟他打招呼的莉薇和马克。

    He looked at Livy and Mark , who had risen to greet him .

  27. 他们不停地站起来拍照,还互相指点景物给对方看。

    They kept standing up to take pictures and point things out to each other

  28. 他怒气冲冲地站起来,却又无计可施,只能在公寓里走来走去。

    In impotent rage he got up and stalked up and down the flat .

  29. 我咒骂着一瘸一拐地站起来。

    I cursed and hobbled to my feet .

  30. 贝克尔站起来和本握手。

    Becker stood and shook hands with Ben .