
jué qǐ
  • rise abruptly;rise sharply;suddenly appear on the horizon;(of mountain,etc.)rise abruptly;spring
崛起 [jué qǐ]
  • (1) [(of mountain,etc.)riseabruptly]∶山峰等突起、高起

  • 群山崛起

  • (2) [spring]∶兴起

  • 东方巨人在崛起

崛起[jué qǐ]
  1. 群山崛起。

    Mountains rise abruptly ( over the plain ) .

  2. 韩国造纸工业的崛起

    The South Korea 's Paper Industry Rise Abruptly

  3. 中国被称为“崛起中的经济强国”。

    China has been described as an ' emerging economic powerhouse ' .

  4. 该党像长生鸟一样,从选举惨败的灰烬中重新崛起。

    The party had risen , like a phoenix , from the ashes of electoral disaster .

  5. 中国又一次以世界强国的姿态崛起。

    China has once again emerged as a world power

  6. 一个大国的崛起究其实质包括经济和军事两个方面。

    The rise of a major power is both economic and military in nature .

  7. 美国会再度崛起。

    America can be great again .

  8. 英国民族并非在一代时期崛起。

    The British nation has not risen up in a generation .

  9. 伦敦正在崛起,开始取代阿姆斯特丹成为世界贸易的中心。

    London was on the rise , starting to replace Amsterdam as the hub of world trade .

  10. 这些18小时城市正在迅速崛起,并为置业投资提供了巨大商机。

    These 18-hour cities are rapidly on the rise and offer great opportunities for homeowner investment .

  11. 尽管柯达公司预料到数码摄影终将崛起,但它的企业文化过度沉溺于过去的辉煌,以至于它无法塑底脱离过去,也就无法全力迎接未来。

    Although Kodak anticipated the inevitable rise of digital photography , its corporateculture was too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future .

  12. 阅读直接影响着国民素质与中国的文明崛起。

    Reading plays a critical role in shaping of national literacy1 and improving people 's cultivation2 .

  13. 一些报告指出,“她经济”正在崛起。

    The ' She-conomy ' is on the rise , as pointed out by more than a few reports .

  14. 首席考古学家札希·哈瓦斯在一份声明中称,他们在卢克索西岸的沙滩下发现了这座名为“太阳神崛起”的城市。

    The city , named " The Rise of Aten , " was discovered under the sand on the western bank of Luxor , lead archaeologist Zahi Hawass said in a statement .

  15. 这类作品正在韩国形成一股逐渐崛起的文化力量,有超快速的网络和智能手机痴迷族做后盾,再有一小群年轻、有创意、懂技术的插画作家搞创作。

    The genre1 is a growing cultural force in South Korea , supported by an ultrafast Internet and smartphone-crazy populace , and fueled by a small army of young , creative , tech-savvy graphic2 artists .

  16. 随着打车软件愈发智能,专家预测,今后的打车软件将可与社交网站和用户日历实现同步,以为乘客提供更加便捷且个人化的定制服务。智能出租车将崛起。

    As taxi apps become smarter , experts predict they will sync with social networks and calendars to provide an even more efficient and tailored service to their passengers . Here comes the rise of the smart taxi .

  17. 不论网络公开课的崛起是否真的会达到如此夸张的阶段,有一点可以肯定的是全球体系内正在发生一些重要的事情,并引发了对高等教育本质和将来的一些疑问。

    Whether or not the rise of MOOCs will prove to warrant such hyperbole , there is no doubt that something very important is happening in the global system , raising profound questions about the very nature and future of higher education .

  18. 大众传媒和酒店服务相关专业也在崛起,因为印度的娱乐产业正在飞速发展,而印度不断壮大的旅游业为酒店服务专业的学生提供了许多在大型连锁酒店就业的机会。

    Mass Communication and Hospitality-related majors are also emerging because the entertainment industry in India is developing rapidly , while there is a huge chance of getting jobs after hospitality courses with large hotel chains to take advantage of the growing tourism business in India .

  19. 《秦时明月》的故事背景设定在了秦朝,讲述了从秦始皇嬴政统一六国到西楚霸王项羽崛起,攻占都城咸阳的故事。

    The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin , Ying Zheng , conquered the other six kingdoms , to the rise of the king of Western Chu , Xiang Yu , who captured the capital city , Xianyang .

  20. 进一步分析还发现中部崛起战略提出前FDI技术溢出明显,战略提出后溢出效应不明显。

    Further analysis also finds that spillover effect of FDI was obvious before " the Rise of Central China " strategy is put forward .

  21. IBM的重新崛起主要得益于其向服务和软件开发的成功转型,本文从战略管理的角度,对IBM的战略转型及对我国企业的启示进行了深入的研究和分析。

    IBM 's regaining of success is mainly owed to its strategy transformation towards service and software development . From a strategic perspective , this thesis conducts in-depth research and analysis on IBM 's strategy transformation and its enlightenment to Chinese enterprises .

  22. 一个世纪以前,德国在威廉一世(KaiserWilhelmI)领导下的崛起让世界感到不安;如今,中国的崛起让东亚感到不安。

    A century ago it was the ascent of Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm I that unsettled the world ; today a rising China is roiling east Asia .

  23. 《猩球崛起:黎明之战》被标记为PG-13级(强烈建议家长指导观看)。

    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is rated PG-13 ( Parents strongly cautioned ) .

  24. 该趋势的关键推动因素是新兴市场科技公司崛起,Ticks所有经济体的科技股板块均表现出色,而巴西和俄罗斯的科技公司表现欠佳。

    A key driver of the trend was the rise of technology companies in emerging markets , a sector in which each of the Ticks excels but Brazil and Russia do not .

  25. 随着我国金融市场的改革开放,国内中小股份制商业银行纷纷崛起,特别是加入WTO后外资银行通过多种渠道进入我国金融市场,致使原四大国有商业银行一统天下的局面不复存在。

    With the reform and opening of Chinese financial market , the small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial bank are rising in China , the foreign-funded banks enter into Chinese financial market via many channels , which leading the stated-owned commercial bank cannot control Chinese banking industry anymore .

  26. 面对移动互联网和3G手机媒体崛起的大势,无论是媒体界,还是3G应用开发业、通信运营商、政府机构、以及使用主体的手机客户都已经显现出不同程度的响应和参与。

    In face of the booming mobile internet and 3G cell phone media , the news media , 3G application development industry , communication operators , government agencies and the main users-cell phone clients-have all manifested certain levels of responses and involvement .

  27. 亚马逊及其竞争对手Netflix的崛起,突显出越来越多的观众正转向流媒体服务,以便随时点播收看节目,而无需缴纳昂贵的有线或卫星费用。

    The rise of Amazon and its rival , Netflix , highlights how viewers are increasingly turning to streaming so they can watch shows on demand without the need for expensive cable or satellite subscriptions .

  28. 2l世纪伊始,单一股票期货交易的崛起,已经成为国际金融期货市场的最新发展特点,有最终衍生品之称。

    At the beginning of 21 century , the growing up of Single Stock Futures ( SSF ) has been the newest development characteristic of international financial futures markets , and it 's labeled as " the ultimate derivatives " .

  29. 兽医生物制品产业是一个迅速崛起的新兴产业。

    Veterinary biological products industry is a rapidly emerging new industry .

  30. 农民工是一个正在崛起的新产业工人阶层

    Peasant Worker-A new Kind of Industrial Worker Stratum Grow up Abruptly