
  1. 这使人们进入前方和后方的每一内阁。

    This allows people access to the front and rear of each cabinet .

  2. 辊前方及后方带支撑式青铜刮刀。

    Bronze Scraping Knife with holders at front and rear part of the rolls .

  3. 该前方和后方,一武器是平等的长度为均衡的处理特性。

    The front and rear a-arms are equal in length for balanced handling characteristics .

  4. 两位雷诺运动底盘发行都采用更广泛的前方和后方的轨道。

    The two Renault Sport chassis on offer both feature wider front and rear track .

  5. 使贴纸与消息出现在前方或后方的任何纸牌!

    Make the sticker with message appear at the FRONT or BACK of ANY playing card !

  6. 为了更安全,研究人员建议驾驶人员要学会观察车子前方、后方以及周围的情况。

    To be safer , researchers suggest learning to look far ahead , behind , and around your car .

  7. 前方和后方部位具有连续的成釉细胞层,具备切牙颈环的形态和分子特征。

    The anterior and posterior aspects maintained the morphological and molecular characteristics of the cervical loop of a continuously growing incisor , with a continuous layer of ameloblasts .

  8. 所述的排水口(2)开设在所述的蹲便器主体(1)的前方、后方、左侧或右侧侧壁。

    The water discharge opening ( 2 ) is provided at the front , back , left or right side wall of the squatting pan body ( 1 ) .

  9. 这个制度是发现在新的小型巡洋舰上使用,以平衡的重量均匀地之间的前方和后方的车轮,以改善性能和处理。

    This system is found on the new Corvette and is used in order to balance the weight evenly between the front and rear wheels for improved performance and handling .

  10. 当进入椎体的速度快于脂肪和骨髓被挤出的速度时,椎体会突破前方和后方的皮质骨发生爆裂。

    When the nucleus material enters the vertebral body faster than fat and marrow being squeezed out , the vertebral body could burst through the anterior and posterior cortical shell .

  11. 或者,你可以站在汽车的每个角落,前方和后方,推动油罐车价格的保险杠上升和下降直到车反弹。

    Alternatively , you can stand at each corner of the car , front and rear , and push the car 's bumper up and down until the car bounces .

  12. 这些反过来流入前方和后方扰流来完成这个较低的身体结构,所有这一切都是完成在枪金属色彩为补充的视觉效果。

    These in turn flow into the front and rear spoilers to complete the lower body structure , all of which is finished in a gun metallic colour for added visual appeal .

  13. 本组4例5个病灶中,1个病灶与癫痫灶位置距离较远,其余4个病灶与癫痫灶紧邻(位于病灶前方或后方)。

    Of all the 5 lesions in 4 cases , 1 lesion located a little farther from the epileptic focus , 4 lesions showed abnormal spikes in front of the lesions or behind the lesions .

  14. 结果:股骨头受压后,中央区域表现为压应力,而前方和后方区域则表现为张力,符合球体受压后的膨胀趋势。

    Results : the central part of the femoral head displayed stress , however the anterior and posterior part of the femoral head displayed tension , which was in conformity with the principle of ball expansion after being compressed .

  15. 在前方和后方、主要和次要的等级秩序中,女性需要借助恋爱关系确认自己的身份,她们也需借助爱情表述曲折地表达想要进入主流社会的急切心情。

    In the classification of front and back , major and minor , women needed the aids of sex to confirm their identity . They also needed the aids of love to express their anxiousness to enter the main society tortuously .

  16. 采用FPGA设计了一种基于同步状态机的帧同步检测电路,具有帧同步的前方保护和后方保护以及接收端的定时功能。

    A frame synchronization detect circuit is designed based on the synchronization state machine using FPGA , and this circuit has functions of pre-protect , rear-protect and timing of the receiver .

  17. 椎管前方叩打后方减压内固定治疗胸腰椎骨折

    Knock , decompression and internal fixation for treating thoracolumbar fractures

  18. 纤维环前方压力、后方张力均升高;

    The front pressure and rear tension were enhanced in the fibrous rings ;

  19. 有些国家对集装箱堆场并不分前方堆场或后方堆场,统称为堆场。

    Front some countries do not divide the dump site to the container dump site or rear area the dump site , is called for the dump site .

  20. 基于图像处理方法的奶牛体型线性评定的前提是能够清晰、同步地采集奶牛正侧面、正前方、正后方三个方向的图像,能进行图像处理和识别。

    Cow body linear size can be assessed on the premise that the three-dimensional images be collected clearly and simultaneously so to carry out image processing and identification .

  21. 实验统计数据包括:颈椎椎间盘前方高度、后方高度、神经根管高度、神经根管内口、外口面积及周径。

    Data for statistics included anterior and posterior height of disc space , height of neuro foramen , area and circumference of internal and external os of neuro foramen .

  22. 不要站在马的正前方或正后方,即使你在帮它刷尾巴或者前额,因为它不一定看得见你。

    Never stand directly in front or directly behind a horse , even when you are brushing his tail or forelock , because he may not be able to see you well .

  23. 结果颅骨前方、侧后方和顶部的三维重建显像率分别为93.75%、84.34%和60.94%。

    Results The successful rate of fetal skull bone 's formation and structure in facial , lateral and back , vertex position with the 3D image was 93.75 % , 84.34 % and 60.94 % respectively in the total of 64 cases .

  24. 延安虽然还没有战争,但军队天天在前方打仗,后方也唤工作忙,文章太长了,有谁来看呢?

    Although there is as yet no fighting here in Yenan , our troops at the front are daily engaged in battle , and the people in the rear are busy at work . If articles are too long , who will read them ?

  25. 髓核前方压力降低,后方压力升高;

    The pressures increased in the front but decreased in rear of nucleus pulposus ;

  26. 每天早晨醒来,的前方是大海,后方是火山。

    We wake up every morning with the ocean in front of us and the volcano behind us .

  27. 他让一个在前方作战,在后方教育人民的军队给带走了。

    He had been swept up by an army that fought at the front and taught in the rear .

  28. 针对塔机弓形力矩限制器的灵敏度受安装位置影响的问题,对弓形力矩限制器两个常用安装位置(塔帽前方主肢或后方主肢)进行了受力和变形分析,以此确定力矩限制器最佳安装位置。

    To the problem that the sensitivity of bow shaped plate load moment limiter for tower crane is influenced by its installation position , In this paper , stress and strain of two installation positions of load moment limiter are analyzed to determine the best position of load moment limiter .