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qián yán fáng yù
  • frontier defense
  1. 制止侵略的措施还需要进行前沿防御。

    Deterrence of aggression also demands forward defense .

  2. 城寨是简易前沿防御基地,略强于哨塔和栅栏。

    Motte and Bailey is a simple , defensible outpost , little more than a watchtower and protective fence .

  3. 战后澳大利亚的国防安全战略经历了20世纪50-60年代的前沿防御向70-80年代的本土防御,再到新世纪初期的海外出击的转变。

    The post Australian defense policy has experienced the " forward defense " during 1950s and 1960s to the " continental defense " during 1970s and 1980s , and then the overseas attack in the new century .