
qián zòu
  • prelude;introduction;lead-up
前奏 [qián zòu]
  • (1) [prelude]

  • (2) 在一个主要或更重要的事情之前介绍性的表演、行动、事件或其他事情。比喻事情的先声

  • (3) 同前奏曲

前奏[qián zòu]
  1. 新奇固然轻易点燃火花,新奇也总是距离的前奏。

    Novelty ignites scintilla admittedly easily , novelty always also is the prelude of the distance .

  2. 研究人员介绍,新发现的G大调前奏曲比协奏曲略微更加“完善”。

    The researchers describe the newly-found Prelude in G major as slightly more " refined " than the Concerto .

  3. 对她来说,这是夏天来临的前奏。

    For her , it was the herald of summer .

  4. 婚礼的前奏非常有意思。

    The lead-up to the wedding was extremely interesting .

  5. 美国总统今晚于总统办公室发表的讲话是将于周三提交国会的经济政策的前奏。

    The President 's address tonight from the Oval Office is a curtain-raiser for the economic policy message set for delivery to Congress on Wednesday .

  6. 一些非线性电路中的V型阵发前奏锁相阶梯

    Prelude Phase-Locking Staircases to Type V Intermittency in Some Nonlinear Electronic Circuits

  7. 此项重组是颁发3张3g牌照的前奏。

    The restructuring is a prelude to the award of three 3G licences .

  8. 这是第一次在实际模型中发现非传统魔梯形式的V型阵发前奏锁相阶梯。

    This is the first time to observe a prelude phase-locking staircase to type V intermittency with other forms .

  9. 我闭上眼睛,沉浸在我们原创歌曲“北京布鲁斯”(BeijingBlues)的前奏旋律之中。

    I shut my eyes and laid into the opening riff of our original song , 'Beijing Blues .

  10. 谈肖邦《前奏曲》op·28号的音乐结构的共性与个性

    Commonality and Individuality on the Musical Structure of Chopin 's Prelude op · 28

  11. 这种经济放缓程度要低于经济学家的预期,但美联储(federalreserve)可能将其视为经济逐渐复苏的前奏。

    The slowdown was worse than economists expected but is likely to be viewed by the Federal Reserve as a prelude to a gradual recovery .

  12. 重组是推出3g移动服务的前奏,虽然尚不清楚3g服务将于何时推出。

    The restructuring is a prelude to the introduction of 3G mobile services , although it remains unclear when they would be launched .

  13. 我们的数值结果还说明在V型阵发前奏锁相阶梯之后出现的混沌吸引子就是映象函数的不连续边界的象集的归宿。

    Our numerical investigation also indicates that the chaotic attractor appeared after the prelude phase-locking staircase was end-result of the set of the images of the discontinuous border of the system function .

  14. (defense:抗辩prefaced:前奏,开端)但我之前说了“恕我直言”。

    Sheldon : In my defense , I prefaced that by saying , " with all due respect . " ► -

  15. 今年5月,作为引入3g移动服务的前奏,中国监管部门对移动业务进行了重组,形成3家同时拥有移动和固话业务的运营商。

    In May , regulators reorganised the sector into three operators with both mobile and fixed-line businesses as a prelude to the introduction of third-generation ( 3G ) mobile services .

  16. OS扫描是黑客进行OS漏洞攻击的前奏,实时检测OS扫描是防止系统遭受OS漏洞攻击的重要手段。

    OS scanning is the prelude of hacker 's attack by using OS vulnerability . Real-time detection of OS scanning is one main measure against hacker 's intrusion using OS vulnerabilities .

  17. 踏进餐厅,小甜甜布兰妮的“Everytime”这首歌正在偌大的正厅里播放着,我的耳朵立刻被这首歌前奏中竖琴的琴声给吸引了。

    Upon entering , my ears immediately latched onto the catchy harp introduction of Britney Spears 's " Everytime " pumping into the gargantuan main room .

  18. 美元近来的下跌,只是减少美国经常账户赤字所需更大幅度下跌的前奏。美国年度经常帐户赤字接近8000亿美元,约占美国国内生产总值(GDP)的6%。

    Its recent decline is just a prelude to the much more substantial fall needed to shrink the US current account deficit , running at a nearly $ 800bn ( 393bn ) annual rate , about 6 per cent of gross domestic product .

  19. 家鸽的单次自鸣声di·Gu&,包括前奏、高潮声和尾声,其主频率和相对幅值都呈明显的逐步递增、平稳和逐步下降过程。

    The principal frequency ( PF ) and relative amplitude ( RA ) of the single coo di · Gu & , including prelude , loud song and coda , were distinctly increased , calm and decreased gradually .

  20. 意大利品牌阿玛尼(Armani)是为名人设计服装的老手,不过它最终把一个活动变成了固定项目:去年开始的奥斯卡前奏鸡尾酒派对。

    The Italian label Armani is no stranger to dressing celebrities , but it has finally ritualized an event : a pre-Oscars cocktail party , which began last year .

  21. 这项投资是个前奏,大戏是竞购雅典方面出售的比雷埃夫斯港务局(OLP)67%的股份。OLP负责监管比雷埃夫斯港所有业务。

    It was intended as prelude to a bid for Athens " sale of a 67 per cent stake in OLP , which oversees all of the port 's operations .

  22. 当天早些时候,冯芙丝汀宝和巴里·迪勒(BarryDiller)在贝弗利山宅邸举办了年度奥斯卡前奏野餐会,出席者达400多人。

    Earlier that day , Ms. von Furstenberg and Barry Diller held their annual pre-Oscars picnic for a crowd of a little more than 400 at their estate in Beverly Hills .

  23. 一个联邦陪审团宣判,“齐柏林飞艇”(LedZeppelin)的摇滚名曲《通向天堂的阶梯》(StairwaytoHeaven)当中前奏的乐段并不是抄袭而来,令乐队在危及数百万美元利益的版权诉讼案中获胜。

    Led Zeppelin did not steal the opening riff of its rock anthem " Stairway to Heaven , " a federal jury ruled here , giving the band a victory in a copyright case in which millions of dollars were at stake .

  24. 上月,国有采矿企业中国铝业(chinalco)购入力拓9%的股份,令市场感到意外,很多人认为此举将是该公司全面收购力拓的前奏。

    Last month , state-owned mining company Chinalco surprised the market by buying a 9 per cent stake in Rio , a move which many saw as a prelude to a full bid for the company .

  25. 起鸣声的前奏合22个脉冲(P1-22),调幅特性逐渐衰变,SP1的载波振荡失去对称性,并与基波叠加,SP2,3近似为正弦波。

    The prelude of the prologue contains 22 pulses ( P1-22 ) whose amplitude modulation properties gradually decay . The carrier wave oscillation gradually loses its positive negative symmetry and superimposes with the basic waves of the SP1 . The SP2,3 are essentially sinusoidal .

  26. “Prelude”前奏曲,这一古老的体裁经过历史的发展及衍变,在浪漫主义时期终于真正脱离引子功能的附属地位,成为了完全独立的音乐作品&浪漫主义时期的钢琴特性小品。

    Prelude , one of the ancient genres , which has passed through the development and evolution of history , finally separated itself from " introduction " as subordination during the Romantic Period ; and became a completely independent musical genre , the Character piece of the Romantic music .

  27. 我意识到这是引向一场争论的前奏。

    I sensed that this was the overture to an argument .

  28. 你现在可以弹了,先来段前奏。

    Now you can play , let 's try this prelude .

  29. 管弦乐队在芭蕾舞开始之前演奏了一段很短的前奏曲。

    The orchestra played a short prelude before the ballet began .

  30. 动听的歌曲要有前奏,动人的戏剧要有序幕。

    Beautiful songs should have the prelude , so do dramas .