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  1. 前期法家的代表人物有李悝、商鞅和申不害,后期法家的代表人物是韩非。

    In the early period its leaders were Li Kui , Shang Yang , Shen Buhai and finally Fei .

  2. 韩非是法家思想的集大成者,他继承和发扬前期法家的历史进化思想,而且又有创新。

    Han Fei is the master of legalist school , his inheritance and carry forward the historical evolution of the prophase legalists thought , and innovation .

  3. 因此,在一定程度上,他的思想不仅受到管仲、商鞅、申不害等前期法家人物的影响,而且与儒、道、墨等诸子百家有着千丝万缕的联系。

    Therefore , to some extent , his thought not only by Guan Zhong , Shang Yang , Shen Buhai ' preparatory legist effects , but with Confucianism , Tao , ink and so on all classes of authors have all kinds of connections with contact with .