
yuán chū zhuànɡ tài
  • original position
  1. 论罗尔斯正义理论中的原初状态理念

    On the Idea of the Original Position in Rawls ' Theory of Justice

  2. 原初状态是罗尔斯正义原则的主要论证要素。

    Rawls considers original position to be a main factor of overall argument for justice principle .

  3. 《周易》&中国诗歌原初状态的萌芽

    Zhou Yi ── the Rudiment of the Primitive State of Chinese Peom

  4. 陶瓷承载了人们对文明原初状态的记忆。

    The porcelain loaded people to the memory of the original and early appearance in civilization .

  5. 原初状态的由来及其内在困境&浅论《正义论》的逻辑基点

    The Origin of Original Position and its Inherent Problems & On the Logic of A Theory of Justice

  6. 选择材料及其形式的原初状态或分解性元素来代替审美语汇上的舒适性和欺骗性。

    Choose materials and their forms for their matter-of-factness or disassembled elements rather than immerse themselves comfortably and deceptively in aesthetic idiom .

  7. 原初状态和无知之幕成为论述程序正义乃至整个社会正义理论的前提。

    So the original position and the veil of ignorance became the premise of his procedural justice , even the whole social justice theory .

  8. 从原初状态到正义原则&评析罗尔斯的契约论证明本征正交分解用于屋盖风振分析的模态截断准则

    From Original Position to Justice Principles & on Rawls proof of contractual idea ; A mode truncation criteria in POD technique and its application for analysis of wind-induced response of roofs

  9. 差别原则作为罗尔斯正义两原则中的重要组成部分同其他原则一样是基于原初状态的选择。

    The difference principle , as the important part of the two principle of justice , is based on the choice of the original position , just like the other principles .

  10. 原初状态作为关键的政治哲学概念,因其经常被作为论述的起点,或理论之基石,一直是个被重点关照的话题。

    As a key concept of political philosophy and a focus on care topics , Original state has often be discussed as a starting point , or the cornerstone of the theory .

  11. 原初状态:从道德建构主义到政治建构主义的转向从逻辑角度解读道家思想&兼析道家政治建构不被采纳之原因

    The Original Position : Diversion from Moral Constructivism to Political Constructivism The Interpretation of Taoism from the Angle of Logic & Analyzing the Cause of Taoism being Rejected by the Rulers Incidentally

  12. 带着这样的疑问,本文力图从戏剧的起源入手,从戏剧产生的原初状态中探究戏剧究竟是什么和如何存在的问题。

    In order to find the anser , this text tries hard to proceed with the origin of the drama to study what the drama was and how to exist on earth originally .

  13. 在公平的原初状态中,人们将一致选择平等自由原则、机会公平平等原则和差别原则,差别原则即正义的分配原则。

    In the original state of fairness , people will unanimously choose the principle of equal liberty , the principle of fair equality of opportunity , and the difference principle which is the principle of just distribution .

  14. 他通过设定原初状态,在此基础上借助正义的两个原则来解除无知之幕,使得最少受惠者得到补偿,从而实现平等;

    Through the hypothesis of " original position " and with the aid of the two principles of justice , he relieved the " ignorance veil " so that the least beneficiary could be compensated and equality obtained .

  15. 罗尔斯从原初状态的假设出发,从契约论的角度论证了代际正义的可能性,通过在代际之间设置公平的储存率,使各代能够承担实现和维持社会正义所需负担的公平的份额。

    Rawls demonstrates the possibility of intergenerational distribution from the contract theory , and sets a equitable deposited ratio in the generation , then each of generations could charge with the fair quotient of the just society endowed .

  16. 原初状态理念是罗尔斯正义理论最有特色和最基本的方面,它不仅在罗尔斯的正义理论中占据至关重要的地位,还在政治哲学界引起了强烈反响,大大地推动了西方政治哲学的发展。

    The idea of the original position not only has played the most important role in Rawls ' theoretic system of justice , but also has aroused strong response and greatly pushed forward the development of western political philosophy .

  17. 本文对罗尔斯的契约论证明,尤其是对其理论核心的“原初状态”以及从原初状态推导出两个正义原则的过程进行了介绍和分析。

    This article makes some introductions and analyses on Rawls ' contractual idea , especially on Primary state , the core of his theory and on the process through which he deduced the two Justice Principles from Primary state .

  18. 罗尔斯平等思想的理论假设是原初状态,原初状态是一种平等的状态,人们在就关于正义的原则达成协议的时候,他们必须处于平等的地位,拥有同等的权利。

    The theoretical prerequisite of John Rawls ' Equality thought is Original Status which is an equal state . People must be in a certain condition of equal status and have same rights when their come to an agreement about equality .

  19. 柏格森哲学的逻辑起点在于对什么是真实的时间的思考,指出他全面质疑的是人类理性对时间的宰制,把时间还原到它的原初状态,重新发现了时间的生命本质;

    This article asserts that Bergson took the idea-time is authentic-as the starting point of his philosophical thinking , he challenged the traditional ideas of time on the basis of man 's rationality , and reconfirmed the life 's essence of time .

  20. 第二部分,本文从罗尔斯的整个正义理论的角度分析了罗尔斯提出原初状态理念的缘由以及这一理念在整个正义理论中的地位。

    From the angel of Rawls ' whole theory of justice , the second part of this dissertation analyses the reasons that Rawls raised the idea of the original position and the role of the idea in the whole theoretic of justice .

  21. 德里达的解构思路最大的特点是追索思考对象在语言中的原初状态,找出其异质与悖论因素,让其自身的悖论运动在自我建构中自我解构,以求在动态中了解事物。

    The most outstanding feature of Derrida 's Deconstruction was to pursue the primitive state of the thinking object in language and find out its heterogeneous and paradoxical factors , so its paradoxical movement would explain itself in its self construction and things would be understood in the dynamic state .

  22. 我想从原初的状态创造出一个环境。

    I want to create the environment from scratch .

  23. 西部地区生态环境现状调查我想从原初的状态创造出一个环境。

    Investigation on the State of Eco-Environment in the West I want to create the environment from scratch .

  24. 通过援引人类学资料,他勾勒出原初的自然状态以及生活其中的自然人。

    He sketched the primary natural state and natural men living in the state by quoting the anthropological materials .