
  • 网络oil gathering and transportation
  1. 原油集输太阳能加热节能技术的应用

    Application of Energy-saving Technique of Solar Heating in Crude Oil Gathering and Transportation

  2. 基于PLC和组态软件的海洋中心平台注水及原油集输监控系统

    Supervisory System of Water Injection and Oil Convergence and Transportation on Sea Central Platform Based on PLC and Configuration Software

  3. 采用DELPHI结合MATLAB技术设计了一套原油集输管道泄漏监测及定位系统,检测结果表明,基于小波分析的输油管道泄漏检测技术可以准确地进行泄漏判断,比较准确的找到泄漏点。

    A real-time supervising and localization system for crude oil concentrated transport pipeline are designed with DELPHI and MATLAB technology . The result proves that the method on oil pipeline leakage detection based on wavelet analysis can be used in reality and accurately can locate the leak point .

  4. 原油集输系统的结垢及处理

    Scale Formation And Its Treatment on Oil Gathering And Transferring Systems

  5. 原油集输网络系统优化软件的开发

    Development of the Optimization Software of Crude Gathering and Transportation System

  6. 原油集输工艺流程的(火用)分析评价

    Exergy analysis of technological processes for oil gathering and transmission

  7. 原油集输系统除砂工艺

    Sand Removal Process of Crude Oil Gather and Transfer System

  8. 原油集输越站流程的应用及改进

    Application and Improvement ofCross Over Station Process Flow of Oil Gathering and Transferring

  9. 输油泵机组是原油集输系统的关键设备。

    Oil pump unit are the key instrument of crude oil transportation system .

  10. 原油集输自动加药数据监控系统

    Auto-adding Medicine Data Monitor System of Crude Oil Gathering

  11. 原油集输系统是油田节能降耗的重点。

    Oil storage & transportation system is the focal point of oilfield energy-saving and consumption-reducing .

  12. 原油集输集中监测系统在孤三联合站的现场应用

    The field application of the crude gathering central monitoring system in Gusan joint movement station

  13. 大庆油田原油集输处理技术进展及攻关方向

    The Progress and Tackling Direction of the Crude Oil Gathering and Treatment Technology of Daqing Oilfield

  14. 原油集输太阳能加热计算机控制节能系统的设计

    Design of Computer Control Energy Saving System for Solar Heating Crude Oil in Oil Gathering and Transporting

  15. 《原油集输系统程序包》中的技术经济数据的处理特点

    The Processing Features of Technical Economic Data in Software Package of the Crude-Oil Collecting and Transit Systems

  16. 原油集输计量系统的监控网络与管理网络实时数据交换实现

    The Implementation of Real Time Data Exchange between Control Network and Management Network in Crude Oil Transfer System

  17. 玉门青西油田原油集输系统管网结垢严重。

    Severe scaling problems were encountered in oil-gathering system ( OGS ) of Qingxi oil field in Yumen .

  18. 原油集输系统工艺复杂,压力容器集中,生产连续性强。

    The system of gathering and transportation crude oil has properties of complex process , concentrated pressure vessel and continuity of production .

  19. CL92可用于油井的清蜡、防蜡及原油集输管线的清防蜡。

    CL 92 can be used for wax precipitate removal and waxing inhibition downhole in production wells and in oil gathering pipelines .

  20. 油泥砂是在油田生产活动中产生的,它主要来源于油田开采、原油集输及处理的各个环节。

    Oil sand is generated from oil production activities and mainly from the processes of oil exploitation 、 oil collection and transportation .

  21. 原油集输脱水过程中,温度影响破乳剂效率和脱水质量。

    The efficiency of demulsifying agent and the quality of dehydration have been influenced by temperature during crude oil gathering and transporting process .

  22. 软件基本实现了原油集输、注水、注汽以及机械采油等系统及其主要设备的能量分析。

    The software has realized the energy analysis of crude oil gathering system , water-injection system , steam-injection system , artificial lift system and main equipments .

  23. 实验考察了可能进入原油集输系统的多种化学剂、工作液对原油破乳脱水的影响。

    The effects on crude oil demulsification / dehydration of oilfield chemical agents and working fluids invaded or introduced into crude oil gathering systems are investigated experimentally .

  24. 该系统包括原油集输系统等7个专业子系统,具有信息查询、辅助规划等4项功能。

    The systerm includes seven subsystems such as collecting and conveying petroleum system , and has four functions , for example , information issuance , aided planning .

  25. 对塔河油田的原油集输与处理系统、原油外输系统、天然气系统及配套工程的建设现状进行了论述。通过对生产实践的总结,分析了目前油田地面系统存在的问题。

    The current situation and problems of oil gathering and treatment system , crude oil transportation system , natural gas system and related systems in Tahe Oilfield were analyzed .

  26. 同时,也为制定原油集输系统各生产单元的单项能耗标准提供一个较准确的参照。

    At the same time , but also for the development of crude oil gathering and transferring system each unit individual energy consumption standards to provide a more accurate reference .

  27. 该防蜡器亦可用于地面流程,作为原油集输管线的防蜡、降凝有效措施。

    The paraffin control unit also can be used for surface process , so as to be effective measures on paraffin control and pour point depression for crude oil gathering pipeline .

  28. 随着油田进入特高含水期,原油集输热力系统自耗天然气导致开采成本呈上升趋势。

    Since the field is now in its extra-high water cut period , the consumption of natural gas for the collection and transportation of oil causes the recovery costs to rise continuously .

  29. 大庆外围低渗透油田的原油集输系统大多采用环状掺水集油工艺,计量间的每个集油环管辖3~5口油井。

    Oil gathering and transferring systems of the eighth factory of Daqing oilfield mostly use circular water-mixed oil gathering technology . Each oil catch ring of metering plant controls 3 ~ 5 wells .

  30. 原油集输网络系统优化的任务就是在给定油井位置,油产量的情况下,优选各种站的位置、个数、管辖范围和规模,以解决站的平面布局问题。

    The optimization of the system is to decide the optimal number , location , jurisdiction and scale of the stations , given the location of the wells and the oil production of every well .