
  • 网络east bay;Tung Wan;eastbay
  1. 在业余时间,她还在东湾大学进修,并获得中文教师证书。

    She also keeps studying in university in East bay , and obtained certificate of Chinese teacher .

  2. 另一个比我高一届的学长曾经和我一起在大学站待过,现在在东湾工作。

    I had another friend one year senior to my in my college and also had been with me in College Station working in the East Bay area .

  3. 从观音湾到小长城比较容易,它一直向东湾的南面延伸。

    It 's easily reached from Kwun Yam Wan , to the south of the main beach at Tung Wan .

  4. 这座桥连接旧金山和奥克兰东湾休息,作出有关耶巴布埃纳岛,在海湾中坐在停留。

    The bridge connects San Francisco to Oakland and the rest of the East Bay , making a stopover on Yerba Buena Island , which sits in the middle of the bay .

  5. 科尔说,他觉得这是在甲骨文的最后一年,球员们的努力程度辜负了东湾球迷们的热情,但更重要的是,他的球员们应该知道他们对自己的期望值得更高。

    Kerr noted that he felt like the group owed East Bay fans a better effort in Oracle 's final year , but more importantly , his players knew they expected better of themselves .

  6. 他是旧金山加州州立大学东湾分校的人类学教授,自称是反对伊拉克战争、曾在瓜地马拉做过研究、而且从来没拿过枪的反战份子。

    An anthropology professor from the East Bay campus of California State University near San francisco , he 's a self-described peacenik who opposed the war in iraq , did his academic research in Guatemala and never carries a gun .

  7. 乐清位于浙江省东南部沿海,东临乐清湾,南临瓯江。

    Yueqing in Zhejiang Province , south-east coast of the east Yueqing Bay , south Oujiang .

  8. 赤道太平洋潜流变化特征及其与异常海温东传福清湾北部及其以东近岸海域沉积环境和沉积特征

    Variable properties of the equatorial undercurrent in the Pacific and its anomalous warm water eastward propagation Depositional environment and sedimentary characteristics in northern Fuqing Bay and its eastward coastal area

  9. 东海岛是广州湾的屏蔽。

    Donghai island provides a protective screen for Guangzhou bay .

  10. i.taylorae(Petuch)4个地理亚种,不连续地分布于美国的东海岸和墨西哥湾沿岸,贝壳外表通常都有灰色、棕色、黄色、橙色、紫色、白色等不同的颜色。

    Various shell colors including gray , brown , yellow , orange , purple , and white are found at four subspecies .

  11. 双方都拒绝透露售价。这项业务的核心资产,是位于美国东海岸和墨西哥湾的5个集装箱港口。

    Both sides officially refused to reveal the sale price for the assets , the core of which is five container ports on the US east and gulf coasts .

  12. 赵东油田位于渤海湾极浅海区域,平均海图水深2.4米,最大潮高4.4米,生产平台距岸13公里。

    Zhao Dong oilfield is located at shallow water area of BoHai Bay where the main sealevel is 2.4 meter based on chart data and maximum tide level is 4.4 meter . The platform is to be located about 13 kilometers offshore .

  13. 尽显海湾的独霸尊贵。在太阳石顶峰鸟瞰,东可饱览亚龙湾、海棠湾的风光,西可以一览三亚的城市全貌。

    You can stand at the peak of the Sunny Stone for a bird 's eye view of the sea and see the beautiful scenes of Yalong Bay and Haitang Bay on the east and the urban panorama of Sanya City on the west .