
  • 网络east china sea basin
  1. 东海盆地X凹陷烃源岩生烃特征

    Hydrocarbon generating Characteristics of Source Rocks in a Seg of East China Sea Basin

  2. 东海盆地的变质岩明亮孙岩

    Metamorphic Rocks in the East China Sea Basin Bright Sun Yan

  3. 东海盆地丽水凹陷天然气成因类型

    Classification of gas genesis in Lishui sag of East Sea Basin

  4. 东海盆地台北坳陷有机包裹体化学成分及成因

    Origin and composition of organic inclusions in Taibei depression , Donghai Basin

  5. 东海盆地新生代沉积环境中国东部中、新生代沉积盆地的湖泊沉积体系

    Lacustrine depositional system of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary basin in eastern China

  6. 东海盆地构造区划及其特征

    Tectonic districts and its characteristics in East China Sea Basin

  7. 东海盆地主要地质特点及找气方向

    Main geological characteristics and gas exploration directions in East China Sea Basin

  8. 东海盆地丽水凹陷古新统沉积岩的稀土元素地球化学特征

    The REE geochemical characteristics of Paleocene-Eocene in the Lishui sag of the Donghai Basin

  9. 东海盆地地质构造特征

    Structural geologic characteristics of East China Sea Basin

  10. 东海盆地丽水凹陷异常压力系统特征

    Characteristics of the abnormal pressure system in the Lishui sag of the Donghai Basin

  11. 论东海盆地及毗邻陆区的若干基础地质规律

    Some basic geological regularities of East China Sea Basin and its adjacent continental area

  12. 东海盆地海相始新世地层的存在及其意义

    The existence of marine Eocene strata from the East China Sea Basin and its significance

  13. 东海盆地丽水凹陷油气源对比与成藏史

    Petroleum reservoir filling history and oil-source correlation in the Lishui Sag , East China Sea Basin

  14. 东海盆地前第三系与古潜山油气藏

    A discussion on the pre-Tertiary system and ancient buried hill oil pool in East China Sea Basin

  15. 西湖凹陷位于东海盆地东部,凹陷内正反转构造发育。

    Xihu sag is located in the eastern East China Sea basin , where normal inversion structures have developed .

  16. 利用流体包裹体计算地层剥蚀厚度&以东海盆地3个凹陷为例

    Calculation of denuded strata thickness by fluid inclusion Data-A Case Study of three depressions in the East China Sea Basin

  17. 古长江碎屑物进入东海盆地时间探讨

    An approach to the initial time of the clastic material of the ancient Yangtze River entering the East China Sea Basin

  18. 东海盆地西湖凹陷下第三系烃源岩显微组分组成和成烃组分剖析

    The study on maceral composition and hydrocarbon-generating macerals of Lower Tertiary source rocks in Xihu sag , East China Sea Basin

  19. 东海盆地西湖凹陷中央背斜带油气运移期次及成藏

    Oil and gas migration periods and accumulation process in central anticlinal zone in the Xihu sag , the East China Sea Basin

  20. 东海盆地可划分成6个坳陷3个隆起;进而可分为16个次一级构造单元。

    There are six depressions and three uplifts in 16 East China Sea Basin , and these tectonic units can be subdivided into 16 ones .

  21. 东海盆地周边地质表明存在有中生代、古生代地层,并有过海相沉积环境。

    The geology of the surrounding areas of east China sea basin indicates that marine environment : existed during middle-late Mesozoic era and late Palaecz-oic era .

  22. 东海盆地台北坳陷处在多期次张性应力场环境中,使在其西部附近产生张性正断层系;

    Because Taipei sag of East China Sea basin stands in the many stage tensile stress field , tensile normal fault system are generated near the west of Taipei sag ;

  23. 碳酸盐胶结物是东海盆地丽水凹陷古近系储层砂岩中最为重要的自生矿物,主要类型为铁白云石和方解石。

    Carbonates are the most abundant cements in the Palaeogene sandstones of Lishui Sag , East China Sea basin , which mainly consist of ankerite and calcite and have distinctive stratigraphic distribution and geometry .

  24. 南黄海盆地、东海盆地和南海海域诸盆地找到的原油多数为成熟&高成熟原油,少数为低成热原油,未成熟原油尚来找到。

    Oils found in Sound Yellow Sea , East Sea Basin and Basins in South China Sea are mostly of mature to high mature ones , few low mature one and no immature one .

  25. 利用包裹体测温和成岩矿物伊利石测年数据资料,对东海盆地西湖凹陷中央背斜带油气运移及成藏的基本模式进行了研究。

    By means of inclusion thermometry and authigenic illite dating data , the oil and gas migration and accumulation model in the central anticlinal zone in the Xihu Sag of the East China Sea Basin has been studied .

  26. 基于近年的大量勘探成果,系统研究东海盆地西湖凹陷的天然气地质条件、地球化学特征、富集高产因素、气藏分布特征和聚集区带。

    The geological conditions , geochemical characteristics , enrichment factors , distributing and accumulative belt of the natural gases in Xihu Sag , East China Sea Basin , are systematically studied based on plenty of exploration achievements in recent years .

  27. 采用有机岩石学分析方法,结合有机地球化学资料对东海盆地西湖凹陷下第三系烃源岩(煤和泥岩)进行剖析研究。

    Combined with organic geochemical data , this paper deals with the detailed study on hydrocarbon source rocks ( coal and mudstone ) samples from Xihu sag , East China Sea Basin , mainly through the analytical method of organic petrology .

  28. 大体以台湾海峡为界,东海盆地是一个由转换或被动边缘演化而来的聚敛边缘,而南海属于由活动或聚敛边缘转化而来的被动边缘。

    Generally bounding the Taiwan Straits , the East China Sea Basin belongs to the convergent margin evolved from a transform or passive margin and the South China Sea Basin belongs to the passive margin evolved from active or convergent margin .

  29. 运用DAVIDA.White,1988介绍的方法,编制东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷和瓯江凹陷油气成藏组合图。

    Plays of Xihu Sag and Oujiang Sag in East China Sea Basin have been compiled according to David A. White 's method .

  30. 关于东海新生代盆地油气勘探的若干见解

    Some opinions on petroleum exploration in Cenozoic East China Sea Basin