
  • 网络Grace Vineyard;Garden of Harmony;Yiyuan Garden
  1. 它由怡园酒庄(GraceVineyard)酿造,怡园酒庄总部设在山西省,是目前为止中国最成功的红葡萄酒生产商,它的背后是一家澳大利亚红酒商和一位香港富翁。

    It is made at Grace Vineyard , by far the most successful producer of Chinese red wine to date , based in Shanxi province , with an Australian winemaker and a Hong Kong fortune behind it .

  2. 怡园2001年梅鹿辄(Merlot),售价28美元:有种诱人的但即刻就消失的香味。酒太陈旧,暴露在空气中就变酸了。

    Grace 2001 Merlot , $ 28 : An enticing smell that within a minute disappeared ; the wine was too old and turning to vinegar when exposed to air .

  3. 创造为市民交往的城市空间&新乡市怡园规划设计

    Creating Urban Space for Civilian Communication & Yiyuan Planning , Xinxiang

  4. 请问你们是如何平衡怡园的产量了质量呢?

    If so , how does Grace balance quantity and quality ?

  5. 怡园2008赤霞珠,售价10美元:口味单薄且没有葡萄品种的特性。

    Grace 2008 Cabernet , $ 10 : Thin , with no varietal character .

  6. 而其中的领军者正是由香港投资,经营着几个葡萄园的山西怡园。

    Among the leaders are Hong Kong-based Grace vineyards , who run a handful of vineyards in China .

  7. 我选的酒包括3款怡园酒庄的葡萄酒,还有7款来自三个最大的葡萄酒商张裕、王朝和长城。

    I included three Grace wines . The other seven were from the three largest Chinese wine producers , Changyu , Dynasty and Great Wall .

  8. 记者:我能理解市场对于怡园产品的强劲需求,所以当怡园外购葡萄的时候我并不感到惊奇。

    BB : I understand demand for Grace wines is growing faster than what the vineyard can produce , so grapes are being brought in from outside .

  9. 我选择了一杯中国产的葡萄酒&主席珍藏,一款波尔多式的混合葡萄酒,由山西省的怡园酒庄出产。

    While we reviewed the menu , I had a glass of my favorite Western style Chinese wine , Chairman 's Reserve , a Bordeaux style blend made by Grace Vineyards in Shanxi Provence .