
  • 网络total productivity
  1. 小型、微型及超微型浮游植物的生产率平均分别为004126及015mg/(dm3·d),占相应粒级浮游植物总生产率的3%,87%及10%。

    The phytoplankton production rates of micro - , nano - and pico-phytoplankton are 0.04, 1.26 and 0.15 mg / ( dm 3 · d ), which are 3 % , 87 % and 10 % of the sum of each sized phytoplankton .

  2. 分析了中国1952~1997年间农业总要素生产率(TFP)变化的阶段特征,并对引起这种阶段性变化的制度原因进行探讨。

    The stage characteristics of agricultural total factor productivity ( TFP ) in China from 1952 to 1997 and their institutional reasons are analysed in this article .

  3. 延边工业总要素生产率增长分析

    Analysis on the Productivity Growth of the Total Industrial Factors in Yanbian

  4. 本文根据新疆森工统计资料,首次采用增长速度方程、综合要素生产率指数、总因子生产率指数三种模型测算了新疆森工技术进步贡献份额(1981年到1986年)。

    This paper uses three models to estimate the contribution share of Xinjiang forest industrial technological progress .

  5. 三个放牧处理的多年生黑麦草与白三叶叶组织总净生产率之间无显著差异。

    There was no significant difference between the net rate of total leaf ( lamina ) tissue production for perennial ryegrass and white clover in the three grazing treatments .

  6. 在当时特定的历史条件下,农村合作社在推广的初期得到了迅速发展,极大的解放了农村生产力,农业的总要素生产率不断攀升。

    At the time of specific historical conditions , the rural cooperatives in the early stages of the promotion have developed rapidly , great liberating the productive forces , and the total rural agricultural productivity is rising .

  7. 2000年绍兴市建筑业总产值和人均生产率等方面均位列全国地市级第一,成为建筑大市。

    In 2000 , Shaoxing city ranked first all of country at municipal levels in term of total construction industrial output value , per-capita labor productivity and so on , it became " prosperous city at construction industry " .