
  • 网络Devilman;Demonik;Devil Man;AKKUMAN
  1. 将恶魔从人的肉体和精神中赶走。

    Take demon away from people 's mind or body .

  2. 我最喜欢的剧本让你去领导一群恶魔野蛮人。

    My favorite scenario lets you lead the boogeymen of the series , the barbarians .

  3. 这仅是个世俗的假名,那个叫别人为恶魔的人自己从未亲眼见过恶魔。

    This is just convention ; the one who calls somebody else a demon has never seen a demon oneself .

  4. 阿诸那说:伟大的武士啊,感觉的主人啊,斩除克赛恶魔的人啊,我想明白,放下利益行为和放弃利益行为有什么实质性的区别。

    Arjuna said : O mighty armed one , O master of the senses , O slayers of the Kesi demon , I wish to understand the factual distinction of renunciation and the renouncing of the fruit of action .

  5. 最新颜色辨识应用程序KukuKube正在席卷网络,它像恶魔般使人上瘾,并且难度惊人。

    The latest app that 's sweeping the web is the fiendishly addictive , and surprisingly difficult , Kuku Kube .

  6. 正是这个实在的恶魔,让人恐惧过去、恐惧现在、恐惧将来;

    It is this personal devil which makes men fear the past , the present and the future ;

  7. 奥巴马总统号召有宗教信仰的人抵制那些以宗教的名义为恶魔辩护的人,并同时提醒人们:有些人以基督耶稣的名义干恐怖的事。

    President Obama called on people of faith to reject those who use religion to justify evil – and in doing so – reminded people about the terrible things done in the name of Jesus Christ .

  8. n.恶魔;穷凶极恶的人土著们认为探险家被恶魔附身。

    fiend The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend .

  9. 恶魔般的公证人用他的毒药毒死我?

    That this devilish notary is killing me with his poison ?

  10. 我们都知道蛇不是恶魔,但是很多人却十分害怕。

    We all know snakes aren 't evil , but a lot of people find them incredibly creepy .

  11. 他是一个超自然的除魔保护的恶魔,吸血鬼和其他恶魔的人。

    He 's a supernatural slayer protecting people from demons , vampires and other evil monsters .

  12. 然后,为了容纳恶魔的灵魂,即将成为恶魔猎人的人必须用一把灼热的魔法之刃烧毁自己的眼睛。

    Then , the soon-to-be must burn his eyes out with a heated magic blade , so as to contain the spirit of the demon inside of him .