
  • 网络emotional education;emotion education
  1. 关于情绪教育,已有的研究多为一些简单的理论介绍,缺乏纳入课堂教育的实践。

    The past researchs about emotional education lack practice in class .

  2. 小学生情绪教育活动课程的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Activity Curricula of Emotional Education for Primary School Students

  3. 加强情绪教育预防大学生激情犯罪

    Education to Prevent from the University Student 's Intense Emotional Crime

  4. 开展情绪教育不仅是必要的,也是可行的。

    It 's necessary and feasible to carry out the emotion education .

  5. 对实验班实施情绪教育,对照班不予辅导。

    Our implement emotive education to experiment class , refuse to coach contrast class .

  6. 本文主要探讨的是中学物理教学中情绪教育的意义及实施策略。

    This article explores significance and method about emotion education in the middle school physics teaching .

  7. 情商与情绪教育简析

    On EQ and Emotion Education

  8. 其策略有开展心理健康教育,包括进行情绪教育和开展心理咨询活动。

    One of the strategies is to start mental health education , including emotional education and psychological counseling values .

  9. 探讨情绪教育对大学生情绪稳定、增进适应能力和心理健康水平的效果;

    To probe into the effect the emotive education to stabilize emotive , promote adaptive capacity and the competence of psychological health for university students ;

  10. 本文进行了多角度理性分析,构建了小学生情绪教育活动课程,并进行实验研究。

    This paper makes a rational analysis from multi-angles and establishes and makes experimental research on activity curricula of emotional education for primary school students .

  11. 实验组参加为时十周,每周两节课的情绪教育辅导课,该课程由作者本人上。

    This study is designed as front-back test , the study class received emotive education training class taught by the author for10 weeks , 2 periods a week .

  12. 自然,当我们长大以后,我们也会比那些从小就重视情绪教育和情感培养的孩子们更难懂得和学会“同理心”。

    It 's no surprise , then , that as adults , we have a harder time with empathy than people who grew up in cultures emphasizing lifelong emotional development .

  13. 旨在设计一套适用于我校实际需要的情绪教育课程,通过心理辅导课的形式帮助学生学会调节自我情绪和应付压力,减少不必要的压力源。

    The research is aimed at designing one suitable for our school educational course of emotive education , helping students to learn to regulate self-mood and deal with the pressure through the form of the psychological consultation course , reducing the unnecessary pressuring source .

  14. 加强情绪教育,提高大学生的情绪智力(情绪主导能力、情绪均衡能力、情绪控制能力、情绪疏泄能力),培养大学生的健康情绪,调控大学生的不良情绪,是预防大学生激情犯罪的有效途径。

    Education can teach students to control their emotion , increase their emotional intelligence emotion orientation , emotion equilibrium , emotion control , emotion catharsis , train the healthy emotion , adjust the emotion , which is vital to prevent university students from the intense emotion crime .

  15. 辅导干预后用同样量表进行测试和评定,之后用SPSS10.0对前后测数据进行处理分析。结果显示:(1)情绪教育对大学生的情绪稳定性、适应能力和心理健康水平有一定的促进作用。

    Use same quantity form to carry on test and assess after guiding an intervention , then analysis the data in front and back by SPSS 10.0.The result : ( 1 ) Emotive education can promote mood stability , adaptive capacity and psychological health level of university students .

  16. 文学作品欣赏与情绪智能教育

    Appreciation of Literary Works and Education of EQ

  17. 而控制组接受正常的教育,没有接受情绪辅导教育。

    The control class received normal education .

  18. 传统教育观念的反思及国外情绪智力教育借鉴

    Speculation on the Concept of Traditional Education and the Borrowing of Emotional Intelligence Education of Foreign Countries

  19. 迄今为止,几乎未见研究家庭情绪智力教育以及生活适应关系的文献。

    So far , it is almost no studies on the relationship of family emotional intelligence education and life adaptation among junior school students .

  20. 体育教育与情绪智能教育的根本结合点就是通过体育活动它所具有的社会环境和特有的功能对人进行教育,从而培养人的情绪智能。

    The basic joint of physical training and education of morale-intelligence lies in educating people in the social surroundings of activities and functions in physical training .

  21. 倡导以加大情绪健康教育、培养高适应、高心理素质的基础教育质量。

    Only through the associate efforts of parents and teachers , adolescences are to conform better to outside surroundings that they grow up in both mental and physical health .

  22. 阐释情绪智能教育的内容、意义,从文学的社会功能出发,分析文学欣赏中实施情绪智能教育的优势、方法。

    This article discusses the content , significance of EQ education , and from the social function of literature , analyses the benefits and methods of EQ in literary appreciation .

  23. 目的:从积极心理学的视角出发,面向大多数学生进行情绪健康教育,以培养其积极情绪,提高心理健康水平。

    AIM : To give emotional health education to the majority of students from the aspect of the positive psychology , so as to cultivate their positive emotion and improve their mental health .

  24. 大学思想政治教育工作的宗旨是培养大学生成为社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人,大学生的情绪智力教育是十分重要和必要的。

    The purpose of ideological and political education in college is to train the students to be qualified socialistic constructor and successor , Education about college students ' emotional intelligence is quite significant and necessary .

  25. 论大学生良好情绪培养与教育

    On the fostering and education of sound mood of the college students

  26. 论情绪情感在教育中的作用

    Role of Temper & Emotion in Education

  27. 情绪情感的教育是一种深入心灵的教育,是培养人身心健康的重要渠道,也是现代教育的终极目标。

    Education of temper emotion is a kind of soul education . It is important way to train mind body healthy personnel . It is also ultimate goal of modern education .

  28. 素质教育重视对学生素质和能力的全方位培养,必然把心理情绪的健康教育纳入课堂教学。

    Since education puts an emphasis on the overall cultivation of the quality and ability of students , the education on the health of psychological disposition will be a major part of class teaching .

  29. 这样的教育没让学生明理,没让学生形成良好的自觉性,没让学生养成良好的情绪,是教育的负效应。

    This kind of education did not allow students to sensible , did not allow students to form a good consciousness , did not allow students to develop good mood , the negative effect of education .

  30. 结论:脂肪肝患者常合并抑郁情绪,健康教育与心理社会干预不仅有助于脂肪肝患者抑郁情绪改善,而且有益于患者的躯体症状及肝功能的恢复和B超声像图的改善。

    Conclusion : Depression is common in patients with fatty liver . Health education and psychological intervention are not only helpful for the patients ' improvement of the depressive mood , but also beneficial to the recovery of body symptom and liver function and improvement of the ultrasonic features .