
yì shí zhànɡ ài
  • disturbance of consciousness;consciousness disorder
  1. 意识障碍患者的临床和电生理评价及预后研究

    The Clinical 、 Electrophysiological Evaluation and Prognosis Study of Consciousness Disorder Patients

  2. 氯氮平、氯丙嗪致意识障碍的对照分析

    Controlled Analysis of Consciousness Disorder Induced by Clozapine and Chlorpromazine

  3. 主要的临床症状为反复发作性剧烈头痛,或伴有其他植物神经症状和意识障碍,大部分头颅CT检查未见异常。

    Clinical symptoms were usually attack of severe headache repeatedly accompanied with symptoms of other autonomic nerve and the disorder of consciousness .

  4. ARDS患者意识障碍时消化道出血及肝功能变化

    Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage and the Change of Liver Function in the ARDS Patients with Unconsciousness

  5. 对意识障碍病人行GCS评分。

    Glasgow outcome scale was measured for patients with disorders of consciousness .

  6. 结论:eeg监测对判断意识障碍病人预后具有重要的临床价值。

    Conclusions : eeg monitoring might be of important clinical value for judging the prognosis of patients with disturbance of conciousness .

  7. 有意识障碍者血清EDLS明显高于无意识障碍者(P<0.05)。

    Serum EDLS was higher in patients with coma than in patients without coma ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 有些患者无任何临床表现,直到行颅脑CT或者MRI之后才发现;而有些则出现意识障碍、昏迷甚至死亡。

    Some patients display without any manifestations , and can not be diagnosed until CT or MRI . While others appeared disturbance of consciousness , coma and even death .

  9. 肾移植病人术后24h意识障碍原因分析及护理

    Causative analysis and nursing care of postoperative patients developed conscious disturbance within 24 hours after underwent renal transplantation

  10. 观察治疗前后2组神经功能缺损积分、意识障碍改变、血压变化、CT及临床疗效。

    Before and after therapy the changes in scores of neural functional defect , state of consciousness , blood pressure , and CT and the curative effects were observed for both groups .

  11. 目的为了解护士对意识障碍病人格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GlasgowComaScale,GCS)[1]掌握的情况。

    Objective To understand the situation of Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS ) for patients with disturbance of consciousness assessed by nurse .

  12. 上述两组又按病人是否有意识障碍分为A、B两个亚组,A组为意识障碍无法进食者,B组为意识清但有吞咽功能障碍者。

    These two groups were further divided into two subgroups based on exist of unconsciousness . Subgroup A refers the unconsciousness patients unable to have dinner , while in subgroup B patients with swallow dysfunction were consciousness .

  13. 与对照组比较,实验组入院后14d神经功能缺损评分明显降低(P0.05),而意识障碍评分则明显增高(P0.05)。

    Compared with control group , neurologic impairment score in experiment group obviously lowered ( P0.05 ) and conscious disturbance score obviously heightened ( P0.05 ) .

  14. BiPAP通气治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重伴意识障碍的疗效观察

    Efficacy of BiPAP ventilation in patients with hypercapnic encephalopathy due to acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  15. 危重病患者RM的发病机制可能与严重感染、脱水、意识障碍、呼吸衰竭、CO2潴留等多种机制有关。

    The possible mechanism inducing RM is possible associated with serious infection , dehydration , disturbance of consciousness , respiratory failure , carbon dioxide retention and so on .

  16. 目的:分析影响蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)患者意识障碍的相关因素,为临床抢救提供依据。

    Objective : To analyse the effects of related factors on subarachnoid hemorrhage ( SAH ) and provide the basis for clinical treatment .

  17. 在AVM术后1周和手术半年后随访情况应用Glasgow预后量表(GOS)对患者进行神经功能评价。对意识障碍病人行GCS评分。

    The neurological function was e-valuated by the Glasgow Outcome Scale ( GOS ) . Glasgow outcome scale was measured for patients with disorders of consciousness .

  18. 例1分娩后出现意识障碍、呕吐、惊厥,8d后死亡。

    Case 1 exhibited progressive lethargy , vomiting and seizures after her second delivery , and died at the 8th day .

  19. 有意识障碍的脑梗死患者的血浆炎性血清标志物hsCRP、MMP9I、L-6水平均明显高于无意识障碍者。

    The levels of the plasma hsCRP 、 MMP9 and IL-6 of patients with mental disorder were significantly higher than those patients without mental disorder .

  20. 恶化、死亡的24例SAH以<45岁、出血后14d内多见,多以后枕部疼痛、意识障碍为首发症状,后颅窝出血为常见出血部位。

    Occiput pain and conscious disturbance was mainly the first symptoms of aggravation and death of SAH which happened in 14 days after hemorrhage and under 45 year ages .

  21. 结果高龄、意识障碍、哥拉斯格匹斯堡昏迷评分(GCSP)降低、咳嗽反射减弱、吞咽困难、鼻胃管饲、下呼吸道感染和发热等是ALI的重要危险因素;

    Results It was found that advanced age , unconsciousness , Glasgow Pittsburgh coma score ( GCS P ) reduction , cough and swallowing reflex reduction , lower respiratory tract infection and fever were risk factors of acute lung injury .

  22. 结果确切的头颈部外伤史,伤后抽搐、无严重意识障碍,1-6d后出现偏瘫、失语等临床表现,头颅CT、MRI检查可提高小儿外伤性脑梗塞早期诊断的准确性。

    Results the specific head-neck trauma history , spasm after injury , no serious disturbance of consciousness , some clinical manifestations such as hemiplegia and aphasia 1-6 d later , the examinations of CT and MRI can increase the accuracy of early diagnosis of pediatric traumatic cerebral infarction .

  23. 结果:同向偏视组与无同向偏视组相比,入院时发生意识障碍者多,神经功能缺损严重,CT显示病灶范围大,预后差,差异均有显著性(P<0.01);

    Results : Conjugate eye deviation group had more patients with disorder of consciousness , with severer the nerve function deficit , with more extensive region of focus showed by CT and with worse prognosis than non-conjugate eye deviation group . There was significantly different ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 无大面积局灶性损害的外伤性弥漫脑损伤患者局部脑代谢和意识障碍的关系:一项FDG-PET研究合并统计参数图分析

    Relationship between regional cerebral metabolism and consciousness disturbance in traumatic diffuse brain injury without large focal lesions : An FDG-PET study with statistical parametric mapping analysis

  25. 方法回顾性分析16例骨折后并发的以意识障碍、偏瘫及皮肤出血点为主要症状的脑型脂肪栓塞综合征(FES)。

    Methods We reviewed sixteen cases of brain-type fat embolism syndrome complicated mainly with consciousness barrier , hemiplegia and small bleeding spots in skin after fracture and analyzed the diagnosis experience and therapy impression .

  26. 3发病时NIHSS评分过高(25分)或发病早期出现意识障碍均提示预后不良,而头晕症状与预后无相关性。

    The higher NIHSS score ( 25 ) or early onset of consciousness are indications poor prognosis , and dizziness symptoms and prognosis have non-related to each other .

  27. YM-14673对猫中脑损伤意识障碍的实验性治疗

    Therapeutic effects of YM 14673 on the conscious status caused by midbrain damage

  28. 12例患者除ARF表现外可有高热、意识障碍、抽搐、肌痛及肢体肿胀、棕色尿、低钙高磷及高钾血症;

    In all the 12 cases , besides manifestations of ARF , high temperature , disturbance of conciousness , convulsion , muscle pain and swelling of extremitates , black urine , hypocalcemia , hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia could be seen .

  29. 脑出血和重度颅脑外伤患者是主要易感者;急诊入院、意识障碍、侵入性操作、使用糖皮质激素及H2受体阻断剂和不合理使用抗生素是引起神经外科医院感染的危险因素。

    Emergency hospitalization , unconsciousness , invasive manipulation , use of glucocorticoid or H 2 receptor inhibitors , and inappropriate use of antibiotics are risk factors for hospital infection in the neurosurgical settings , which should arouse special attention in nursing care .

  30. 目的:研究电刺小脑顶核(FNS)改善脑损害引起的不同程度意识障碍的临床疗效,结合文献探讨其可能机制。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical effect of fastigial nucleus electrical stimulation ( FNS ) treating the disorders of consciousness by brain damage , and explore the possible mechanism .