
  • 网络infective fever;noninfective fever;infection fever
  1. 降钙素原对细菌感染性发热快速辅助诊断的价值

    Value of Procalcitonin ( PCT ) in the Auxiliary Diagnosis of Bacteria Infective Fever

  2. 布洛芬和对乙酰氨基酚在小儿呼吸系统感染性发热中的疗效分析

    Effective analysis of brufen and paracetamol in the treatment of systema respiratorium infective fever in children

  3. 结论血清PCT水平测定可作为细菌感染性发热的较敏感的快速辅助诊断方法。

    [ Conclusion ] Serum PCT concentration determination can be used as a rapid auxiliary diagnostic method for bacteria infective fever .

  4. 目的探讨细菌感染性发热患者红细胞天然免疫黏附功能(EIIAF)的变化。

    Objective To explore the variations of erythrocyte innate immune adherence function ( EIIAF ) in becteria-infected fever patients .

  5. 结果细菌感染性发热病人PCT水平升高,并随感染程度的加重PCT升高更加明显(P<0.01),各研究组与对照组相比,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    [ Results ] The serum concentration of PCT increased among the bacteria infective fever patients , and increased more significantly with the deterioration of infection ( P < 0.01 ); the difference was significant compared with the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 方法采用红细胞天然免疫黏附S180腹水癌细胞的方法,对70例细菌感染性发热患者及76例健康人分别进行EIIAF测定。

    Methods It employs the method of S180 ascites cancer cell adhered to erythrocytes to assess the innate immune adherence function of erythrocytes in 70 cases of becteria-infected fever patients and 76 cases of healthy people .

  7. 小儿急性感染性发热起始时间与病原的关系

    The Relationship between BTF of Acute Children Infection and Pathogenic Microorganism

  8. 病毒感染性发热要透

    Fever due to Virus Infection Should Be Treated by Thrusting Therapy

  9. 血府逐瘀汤治疗髋关节置换术后非感染性发热

    Persica and Achyranthes Combination Treat Non-infective Fever after Hip Joint Subsitution

  10. 感染性发热时三维脑组织热臃塞问题的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Three Dimensional Cerebral Thermal Congestion During Infectious Fever

  11. 心理学在治疗儿童反复非感染性发热中的作用

    The role of psychological therapy in children repeated non-infectious fever diease

  12. 萘普生对肿瘤性和感染性发热的解热作用

    Antipyretic action of the naproxen on infectious and tumorous fever

  13. 方法对发热门诊收治的感染性发热患者的临床资料进行回顾总结。

    Methods To review and summarize the clinic material of infection fever cases .

  14. 中医药治疗感染性发热病84例

    84 Cases of Infection Fever with Tradition Chinese Medicine

  15. 382例感染性发热患者特征分析

    An Investigation on 382 Infection Fever Cases

  16. 当出现感染性发热时抗菌素应用至感染控制。

    Once infectious fever occured , antibiotic therapy should last till infection was well controlled .

  17. 细菌感染性发热患者红细胞天然免疫黏附功能测定的临床意义

    The Clinical Meaning of Assessing the Erythrocyte Innate Immune Adherence Function in Becteria-infected Fever Patients

  18. 在诊治肺癌的过程中应重视癌性发热及感染性发热的预防。

    It is suggested that attention be given to the prevention of cancerous and infectious fever .

  19. 扶正、祛邪两法治疗恶性肿瘤患者肺念珠菌感染性发热的疗效观察

    Strengthening Body Resistance versus Eliminating Pathogen for Fever Caused by Pulmonary Candidiasis in Patients with Malignant Tumor : Observation of Clinical Efficacy

  20. 共发热88例次,其中感染性发热55例次,癌性发热26例次,其它原因发热7例次。

    The fever was in 88 case-times , including 55 of infectious fever , 26 of cancerous fever and 7 of other causes .

  21. 结论:1.痰、瘀、虚为肿瘤伴呼吸道感染性发热的主要病因病机,痰证、血瘀证及虚证可能为肿瘤伴呼吸道感染性发热的中医特异证候;

    Phlegm , stagnant blood and deficiency are the key etiological and pathogenic factors of the cancer patients with feverishness of respiratory tract infectivity .

  22. 本课题以上呼吸道病毒感染性发热风热证为研究重点,确立疏邪解表、透热外达为基本治法。

    A method on Upper Respiratory Tract Virosis Infection disease and fever of Wind-Hot is dispelling wind relieving the exterior and eliminating pathogens from exterior .

  23. 温老总结功能性发热的特点与感染性发热相鉴别,为后人辨证发热提供了可借鉴的思路。

    Comparison of the characteristics of functional fever summarized by Professor Wen with those of infective fever provided a reference idea for posterity differentiating fever syndrome .

  24. 以感染性发热多见(占69.81%),其中败血症占57.65%,其病原以葡萄球菌及四联球菌多见。

    The temperature type is commonly irregular , Infectious fever are common ( 69.81 % ), in which septicaemia is57.65 % , the pathogens are mostly staphylococcus and tetraeoceus .

  25. 目的:了解布洛芬混悬液(美林)治疗儿童感染性发热的有效性和安全性,为临床选择口服退热药提供参考。

    Objective : To observe the validity and security of ibuprofen suspension in treating enfant fever heat of infection , thence provide reference to help choose oral febrifuge in clinic .

  26. 主要不良反应为注射部位局部疼痛20.4%,非感染性发热40.7%,流感样症状9.3%,未见严重不良事件。

    Main side effects were injection site pain ( 20.4 % ) and fever ( 40.7 % ), and influenza-like symptoms ( 9.3 % ) . Serious adverse events were not found in the course of treatment .

  27. 结果4881例发热病人中以感染性发热为主占97.97%,最常见的感染依次为上呼吸道感染(占63.55%)、急性气管&支气管炎(占15.80%)、肺炎(占8.77%);

    Results The infection was the major cause of the fever in 4881 patients , which accounted for 97.97 % . The most common infection was upper respiratory tract infection ( 63.55 % ), acute tracheobronchitis ( 15.80 % ) and pneumonia ( 8.77 % ) .

  28. 诊断方法学分析,常规检查及诊断性治疗是确诊发热待查的主要方法。结论:感染性疾病仍是发热待查的主要原因,结核病发病率有增高趋势。

    Conclusion : Infection was still the main cause of FUO , and the incidence of tuberculosis was the highest among the various infectious diseases as the cause of FUO .

  29. 结论脑热清口服液对术后发热有显著的退热作用,对感染和非感染性发热均有效,退热作用与脑瘤性质无关。

    Conclusion NOS possesses a marked antipyretic effect on postoperative fever , being effective for both infective and noninfective fever , and its antipyretic effect is not related with the properties of the cerebral tumors .

  30. 脑热清对颅内感染和非感染性发热均有较好的退热作用,其对两者的退热度数、治愈率、治愈加显效率和总有效率均无显著性差异;

    NOS manifested a very good antipyretic effect on both intracranial infective fever and noninfective fever , without obvious difference between the treatments of the two types of fever concerning the degrees of temperature lowered , cure rate , cure plus effectual rate and the total effective rate ;