
  • 网络infectious skin diseases
  1. 金黄色葡萄球菌感染性皮肤病的外用抗生素选择

    Topical antibiotic therapeutic choice in Staphylococcal aureus skin infection

  2. 感染性皮肤病构成比仍为55.18%。

    The contract dermatoses were still 55.18 % .

  3. 莫匹罗星软膏与红霉素软膏治疗感染性皮肤病

    Comparison of Mupirocin Oint and Erythromycin Oint in Treatment of Infectious Disease of the Skin

  4. 结论头孢羟氨苄是一种治疗细菌感染性皮肤病安全有效的药物。

    Conclusion Cefadroxil is a safe and effective agent in the treatment of bacterial dermatoses .

  5. 应用氦-氖激光治疗感染性皮肤病120例取得满意疗效。

    120 patients with infective dermatopathy were treated by He-Ne laser and satisfactory results were obtained .

  6. 目的观察头孢羟氨苄治疗细菌感染性皮肤病的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of cefadroxil in the treatment of bacteria dermatoses .

  7. 复方左氧氟沙星喷雾剂治疗细菌与病毒感染性皮肤病108例

    Curative Effect of Compound Levofloxacin Spray in the Treatment of Infective Skin Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses

  8. 某些感染性皮肤病,如脂膜炎,主要累及这一层,形成皮下结节。

    Certain inflammatory dermatoses , known as the panniculitides , principally affect this level of the skin , producing subcutaneous nodules .

  9. 观察组单用硫钾皂外洗,对照组不用任何药膏,采用问卷调查方式分别对二组人员集训前后感染性皮肤病发病情况进行统计学分析。

    An investigation with questionaire was conducted to analyse statistically the occurrence of infectious dermatoses in two groups before and after training respectively .

  10. 结论感染性皮肤病仍是目前农村防治工作重点,部分变态反应性皮肤病不断上升,也应引起重视;

    Conclusion The contract dermatoses are the importance work at the countryside , some allergy dermatoses are also paying attention to for its going up .

  11. 目的:研究硫钾皂对热带地区驻军官兵集训期间感染性皮肤病的防治效果,探讨防治皮肤病的经济有效的措施。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of sulfur soap on the prevention and treatment of infectious dermatoses among officers and soldiers in hot environment during an assembly for trainning .

  12. 脓病:细菌感染性炎症性皮肤病,是儿童最常见的皮肤

    " Impetigo Bacterial inflammatory skin disease , the most common skin infection in children . "