
ɡǎn ɡuānɡ sè sù
  • photopigment
  1. 但是多数灵长类包括人类有着三种感光色素,通过在X染色体中的第二种基因编码。

    But many primates , including humans , hae a third photopigment , encoded by a second gene on the X chromosome .

  2. 但是是否另一种感光色素必须完全进化成三色视觉?或者要看到世界所有颜色需要特别的脑部功能?

    But was an extra photopigment all that was needed to evolve trichromatic vision ? Or does seeing the world in all its colourful splendour require extra brain power too ?

  3. 光敏感性癫痫在男性较少见是否由于X染色头感光色素基因变异?

    Is Photosensitive Epilepsy Less Common in Males Due to Variation in X Chromosome Photopigment Genes ?

  4. 大部分哺乳动物的视网膜中只有两种感光色素:一种编码在X染色体中另一种寸在于正染色体中。

    Most mammals hae just two kinds of photopigment in their retinas : one is encoded in the X chromosome and the other in an autosomal ( non-sex ) chromosome .

  5. 视觉的产生是感光色素&视紫红质发生光化学反应的结果。

    Vision is resulted in the reaction of visual purple that is a pigment of sensitization .

  6. 这个结果也暗示人类有可能接受类似的感光色素而具有猫头鹰的夜视功能或看到紫外线。

    The result also hints that perhaps the right kind of photopigment is all that 's needed for humans to get owl-like night vision , or to see ultraviolet colours .

  7. 其余2/5基因突变的老鼠做的没有这么好,研究推测可能由于在它们眼中的不同的感光色素没有很好的混合。

    As for the two transgenic mice who didn 't do so well , the researchers speculate that they didn 't have a good mix of the different photopigments in their eyes .

  8. 鼠类研究的主要作者JeremyNathans说,可能在亿万年前一种特别的突变造成感光素基因中两种不同的感光色素基因编码定位于同一个X染色体上。

    It 's plausible that millions of years ago a single mutation resulted in two different versions of the photopigment gene becoming located on the same X chromosome .