
  • 网络Sensorimotor;sensory-motor;sensory motor
  1. 单侧帕金森病大鼠模型多巴胺系统损害和感觉运动功能改变

    Dopamine System Injury and Sensorimotor Function Change in Unilaterally Parkinson Rat Mode

  2. 术后10周,感觉运动区皮质注射10%BDA示踪剂。

    10 % BDA tracer was injected into the sensorimotor cortex 10 weeks after surgery .

  3. 健侧C7神经移位术后早期观察健手感觉运动的动态变化及其临床意义

    The regular pattern of early sensory and motor changes of the healthy hand after C_7 transfer and its clinical significance

  4. 钢质平衡木直径对SAM小鼠感觉运动能力检测的影响

    Effects of Beam Diameter on the Performance of Sensorimotor in SAM Mice

  5. 而MRI上出现杏仁核与周围梨状皮层、内嗅皮层的TZWI高信号,感觉运动皮层亦可见高信号,但此高信号在24小时后消失。

    And hyper signals can also be found in the sensor-motor cortex area , but it disappeared 24 hours after SE .

  6. ALS患者能利用感觉运动节律控制人脑-电脑接口

    Patients with ALS can use sensorimotor rhythms to operate a brain-computer interface

  7. 中年C57BL/6和ICR小鼠感觉运动能力的改变

    Changes of sensorimotor abilities in middle-aged C57BL / 6 and ICR mice

  8. 以300μg/kg环丙沙星注入大鼠右侧脑室后,于皮层感觉运动区记录皮层脑电图。

    Electrocorticogram ( ECOG ) were recorded in sensorimotor area of rat cortex after 300 μ g / kg ciprofloxacin ( CPLX ) injected into right ventricle of brain .

  9. 脊髓完全性损伤病例(A级)的ASIA分级无改善,感觉运动评分未达到显著性差异,但分别平均提高19.3分和15.9分。

    For the cases among complete spinal cord injury , the ASIA grade could not be improved , but the sensory and motor scores were improved with the average of19.3 and15.9 respectively .

  10. 方法:大鼠右侧脑室注射诺氟沙星150和300μg·kg~(-1)后,于皮层感觉运动区记录EEG并观察脑组织超微结构的变化。

    METHODS : EEG was recorded in the sensorimotor area of rat cortex after Nor 150 and 300 μ g · kg-1 were injected into the right ventricle of the brain .

  11. 与此相应的是无论在海马CA3区还是皮层感觉运动区,突触穿孔出现频率在各组间虽无显著性差异(P>0.05),但都有增龄性下降的趋势。

    There were a trend of reduction in frequency of perforated synapses among the groups , though there were not a statistical difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  12. 【结果】非干预组感觉运动功能、情感行为能力和学习记忆能力较正常对照组有不同程度减退(P0.05)。

    The sensorimotor movement abilities , emotional behavior abilities , learning and memory function of non intervention group were much lower than those of normal control group and intervention group ( P 0.05 ) .

  13. 观察其大脑皮质感觉运动区及海马CA3区神经元的突触变化。

    The Synaptic changes of neuron were observed in sensorimotor area of cortex and hippocampal CA3 area .

  14. 感觉运动皮层的锥体束通路对NRM电针镇痛效应的影响

    The influence of pyramidal tract pathway of sensorimotor cortex on the effects of acupuncture analgesia on NRM neurons

  15. 功能评定采用Lindmark感觉运动功能评定表和BarthelADL指数。

    The Lindmark ′ s Sensation and Movement Functional Scale and Barthel ADL Index were used for functional assessment .

  16. 临床分型以感觉运动型最多(占57%),MRI检查共发现168个病灶,基底节区最多(占56%),最小病灶为2×2mm。

    Sensorimotor type are the most ( 57 % ), MRI find 168 signs , the most of basal nucleus ganglion ( 56 % ), the least size are 2 × 2mm .

  17. DMV和孤束核、最后区一起构成了迷走感觉运动中枢。

    The DMV together with the solitary tract nucleus and the area postrema form the so-called vagal sensory and motor center .

  18. DK只投向感觉运动皮质的前肢区,而不投向后肢区和面区。

    However , DK projects fibres only to the forelimb area of the sensory and motor areas , and not to the hindlimb and facial areas .

  19. 综合考察,10mm直径的平衡杆最能有效地检测出小鼠年龄相关性感觉运动能力下降。

    Our results suggested that the rod of 10 mm diameter was optimal to measure the age-related changes in sensorimotor ability in the SAM mice .

  20. 这些结果提示中缝-小脑5-HT能纤维传入系统可能通过对DCN细胞电活动的调制作用参予小脑的感觉运动整合过程。

    These results suggest that raphe-cerebellum serotonergic afferent fibers may be involved in the cerebellar sensorimotor integration process by exerting some modulatory effects on the DCN cell 's activities .

  21. 与Dresler博士不同,Gallant博士团队和他并不关注控制运动的感觉运动皮层,而是关注视觉皮层。

    Unlike Dr Dresler , who focused on the sensorimotor cortex , which controls movement , Dr Gallant and his team looked at the visual cortex .

  22. 结论胚胎期母体暴露FEN可加速中年CD-1小鼠焦虑行为、自发探索能力、感觉运动平衡能力损害以及年龄相关性空间学习记忆能力的提前减退。

    Conclusion Embryo exposure to FEN can accelerate anxiety behavior and spontaneous ability to explore , sensorimotor ability damage and age-related spatial learning and memory decline in the middle-aged CD-1 mice .

  23. 术后第15d,所有动物通过立体定向开颅,将10%BDA溶液注入右侧的感觉运动区皮质内。

    15 days after surgery , animals in both groups were placed in the stereotaxic frame . The craniotomy was performed on the right side of the skull . 10 % BDA was injected into the right sensorimotor cortex .

  24. 手术前后比较,术后手术侧感觉运动区皮质的18F-FDG分布减低(P<0.01),而基底节无明显变化(P>0.05)。

    There was a significant decrease of radioactive distribution in the sensorimotor area in TS after pallidotomy in contrast to preoperation ( P < 0.01 ), but there was no significant change between postoperation and preoperation in the basal ganglion ( P > 0.05 ) .

  25. 神经发育早期暴露PBDEs可损害感觉运动、学习与记忆、自主行为发育等。细胞凋亡是一种由基因调控的细胞自主性死亡过程,有助于选择性消除体内生理性和病理性异常细胞。

    Exposure to PBDEs in early neural developmental stage may affect sensorimotor activity , learning and memory , and development of independent behavior . Apoptosis , a programmed cell death model under genetic control , contributes to selective elimination of cells in physiological and pathological situations .

  26. 惊跳反射弱刺激抑制评价感觉运动门控

    Assessment for Sensory Gating Using by Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex

  27. 培养大脑皮层感觉运动神经元活动依赖突触可塑性机制的研究

    Mechanisms of Activity-dependent Synaptic Modification in Cultured Cortical Sensorimotor Neurons

  28. 其余5例患者术后双下肢感觉运动较术前无改变。

    The other five patients ' lower limb movement did not change .

  29. 观察四组感觉运动神经阻滞情况,血液动力学变化麻醉效果以及不良反应。

    The sensorimotor nerve block , hemodynamics change and adverse reaction were observed .

  30. 体格检查提示为严重的感觉运动神经病、体位性低血压和消瘦。

    Physical examination showed the patients had polyneuropathy , positive hypotension and emaciation .