
  • 网络Feeling the World;sensible world;Sinnenswelt;Sinnenwelt;structure of feeling;Perceived world
  1. 感觉世界·物理世界·实在世界&M.普朗克三重世界学说探析

    Sensible World , Physical World and Real World & Investigation on Planck ′ s Triple World Theory

  2. 虚拟现实(virtualReality,简称VR)又称灵境技术,即用计算机来生成一个逼真的三维感觉世界,给观众以如同真实世界的体验。

    Virtual reality ( VR ), the spirit boundary technology , its purpose is to use the computer to get a lifelike three-dimension feeling world , give audience the true world experience .

  3. 在人的感觉世界中,空间是真实存在的。

    In the world of sense , the space is real .

  4. 来改变你感觉世界的方法。

    To change the way you experience the world .

  5. 生活中的幻想让我发愁,感觉世界有意和我作对。

    Disillusioned by life with good reason to frown .

  6. 你肯定感觉世界一片黑暗。

    The world must seem very dark to you .

  7. 它不仅仅在感官知觉之外,而是在感觉世界之上。

    It is not just beyond sense perception but above the world of the senses .

  8. 她感觉世界上实在是有太多的事可做,有太多需要去看去了解——选择是不计其数的。

    She felt like there was so much more in the world to see and do - so many options .

  9. 本文从两个层面论述莫言小说的这一特征。第一个层面是对生命感觉世界的综合论述,即从生理与心理、生命感觉和艺术感觉的共通性展开论述。

    This paper discusses this character from tow levels : One is the comprehensive narration of that life feels the world .

  10. 莫言在他的小说中构造了独特的主观感觉世界、天马行空般的叙述、陌生化的处理,塑造出神秘的对象世界,带有明显的先锋色彩。

    Mo is renowned for his unique perceptions of reality , imaginative descriptions , de-familiarization processing , mysticism and a pioneering style .

  11. 莫言在他的小说中构造了独特的主观感觉世界、天马行空般的叙述、陌生化的处理,塑造出神秘的对象世界,带有明显的“先锋”色彩。

    Mo is renowned for his unique perceptions of reality , imaginative descriptions , de-familiarization processing , mysticism and a pioneering style 。

  12. 我感觉世界并没有准备好接受基督能量,我感觉它的本质并没有为人所知。

    I felt that the world was not ready for the Christed energy . I felt that its essence was not recognised .

  13. “每个人都本能地感觉世界上所有美好的感情合起来也不如一个单一的可爱的行动有份量”(詹姆斯·拉塞尔·洛威尔)。

    Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action . ( James Russell Lowell ) .

  14. 计算机科学已经步入了音乐殿堂这一典型的感觉世界,音乐课堂教学与以计算机为媒介的网络教学逐步融合迅速发展。

    Computer science has entered into the music halls that the typical sense of the world , classroom music teaching is integrating with web-based course and developing rapidly .

  15. 被父母无视的小孩长大后通常会感觉世界冰冷和失望,同时从其他人中寻找认可。

    Children who are routinely ignored by their parents often grow up to see the world as a cold place and desperately seek acceptance from others as adults .

  16. 面对这一系列的烦心事,我感觉世界一片黑暗,前途一片迷茫,精神频临崩溃的边缘。

    I was overwhelmed by these troublesome incidents , preoccupied by the thought that my future was gloomy and my world was too shabby . I was on the verge of mental collapse .

  17. 我挂上电话,感觉世界末日到了一般。我失去了我的朋友,那比起知道我还得回去洗碗要糟糕得多。

    I hung up the phone feeling like my world had ended . I had lost my friend , and that was far worse than knowing I would have to return to dishwashing .

  18. 抵达之时,我感觉世界停顿下来,就像我九岁的时候,对时间的无情感到恐慌而老是希望时间停下来一般。

    When I get there , I can feel the world halt , the way I always wanted it to halt when I was nine years old and pan-icking about the relentlessness of time .

  19. 看一大群人的作品,感觉世界被做成了提纲放在眼前:关于“三线”的浪漫和伤城的回想;

    Appreciating the works of a great number of artists , I felt that the world was placed before my eyes as outlines : works about the romance of " The Third Front " and the recollection of the sad city ;

  20. 让mba学员感觉如同世界末日来临的面试情景,是在鸡尾酒会和宴会上与那些大权在握的高管们会面。

    It is the job interview scenario that worries MBA students the world over : a meeting with high-powered executives over cocktails and dinner .

  21. 感觉全世界只有我活着。

    It was as if I was the only one alive .

  22. 我感觉全世界的重担都压在我的肩上。

    I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder .

  23. 你得感觉到世界因你而变。

    You need to feel like you 're making a difference .

  24. 航海的感觉是世界上最自然、最自由自在的。

    Sailing is the most free , natural feeling in the world .

  25. 我经常感觉好象世界在跟我过不去。

    I often feel like the world is against me .

  26. 我感觉这个世界在针对我

    I felt like the world was rubbing my nose in something .

  27. 可感觉的世界;可感觉的气味。

    The sensible universe ; a sensible odor .

  28. 我感觉整个世界都在变,或者是我们在变。

    As we left chuquicamata we feel the world changing , or was it us ?

  29. 我感觉这个世界已有太多的悲伤、痛苦和绝望。

    I feel the world already has enough stories of sadness , pain and hopelessness .

  30. 每当我回想起当初的时光,我都会感觉这个世界是如此甜蜜!

    When I recall had time , I would feel this world is so sweet !