
ɡǎn tàn jù
  • exclamatory sentence
感叹句 [gǎn tàn jù]
  • [exclamatory sentence] 带有浓厚感情色彩的句子。如:哎哟!好哇!哟!你也来了!在书面上,感叹句末用感叹号

  1. 感叹句的结尾应该使用叹号。

    An exclamatory sentence should be followed by an exclamation mark .

  2. 感叹句是汉语句类中的重要类别之一。

    Exclamatory sentence is of one important class of sentence in Chinese statement categories .

  3. 这篇文章一连用了二十多个感叹句。

    This article has over twenty exclamatory sentences in a row .

  4. 本论文重点探讨了现代蒙古语感叹句。

    This article inspected the modem Mongolian sigh sentence with emphasis .

  5. 探讨感叹句的一般性质特征。

    Secondly it inquires into the features of exclamatory sentences .

  6. 感叹句在文学作品以及人们的日常谈话中有着极其广泛的使用。

    Exclamations are widely used in literatures and everyday conversations .

  7. 区分陈述句,感叹句和疑问句的不同。

    Distinguishing the difference between a statement , exclamation , and question .

  8. 按使用目的可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。

    A declarative sentence makes an assertion or a statement .

  9. 掌握它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点。

    Mix master it , that is mastered exclamatory point .

  10. 感叹句的研究目前还比较薄弱。

    The study of exclamatory sentences is still underdeveloped .

  11. 感叹句的两大类型是什么?

    What are the two major types of exclamations ?

  12. 现代汉语中的独词感叹句考察

    Exclamatory Sentences Formed by Single Words in Contemporary Chinese

  13. 用於感叹句中,当言及所达到的状况或程度时

    Used in exclamations to comment on extent or degree

  14. 汉语感叹句形式特点浅析

    The Analysis of Grammatical Forms of Chinese Exclamatory Sentences

  15. 感叹句后面的标点(!)。滞后经济指标综合指数

    A punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation . composite index of lagging indicators

  16. 与前三者不同的是,感叹句的研究到目前为止还比较少见。

    The study on exclamatory sentences is less than that of the other three types .

  17. 感叹句后面的标点(!)。用美丽的词句掩饰缺点

    A punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation . plaster over shortcomings with beautiful words

  18. 运用句子类型的知识区别陈述句,感叹句和疑问句。

    Using knowledge of types of sentences to discriminate between statements , exclamations , and questions .

  19. 现代汉语感叹句研究

    On Exclamatory Sentences in Modern Chinese

  20. 并对感叹句和问句进行研究,取得了一定的成果。

    This text carries on research to the exclamatory sentences and question sentences which makes certain achievement .

  21. 用於感叹句,表示惊异

    Used in exclamations expressing surprise

  22. 基于礼貌原则的英汉感叹句跨文化语用对比分析

    A Contrastive Pragmatic Analysis of Exclamatory Sentences in English and Chinese from the Perspective of the Maxims of Politeness

  23. 在句式结构上,感叹句和修辞手段的使用是两个较为明显的特征。

    Using of exclamatory sentences and figures of speech are two main features of Chinese flatteries at the level of syntactic .

  24. 中古汉语感叹句基本上奠定了近现代汉语感叹句的形式标记、语义模式、语用框架基础。

    The Exclamatory Sentence in Middle Ancient Chinese has basically establish the syntactic , semantic and pragmatics frames for modern exclamatory sentence .

  25. 青年恭维老年时很少使用感叹句,而恭维青年时使用感叹句的频率较高。

    The exclamatory sentences are barely used when Dongxiang young women compliment the old but the frequency is higher when they compliment the young .

  26. 第四章从语音形式、表达手段、语义类型三个方面对感叹句进行了分类。

    Chapter 4 classifies the exclamatory sentences from three angles : the forms of voice , the ways of expression and the types of meaning .

  27. 本研究思路也可以推广到英汉语言中的祈使句、感叹句、双重否定句等其他强调句式的相关研究中去。

    The research approach applied in this study can be extended to investigations on imperatives , exclamations and negation in both English and Chinese language .

  28. 判断一个句子是否是感叹句应该以它的主要表达功能为依据,而表达功能则是由句子的功能语气来表达的。

    Expressional functions of sentences are determined by functional mood and the exclamatory sentences are those that their main expressional function is to express exclamation mood .

  29. 对于感叹句的研究,现代汉语领域已取得了丰硕的成果,但是有关近代汉语的断代研究还显得不足。

    The study of the exclamatory sentence has made great achievements in the field of modern Chinese , but the dynasty studies of exclamatory sentence in ancient books are inadequate .

  30. 本文第一大部分分别论述陈述句、祈使句、疑问句和感叹句在英语广告中的具体应用与特有功能;

    The first part of this paper discusses the practical uses and unique functions of the four sentence types in English advertising , i.e. statements , commands , questions , and exclamations ;